import execa from 'execa' import run from '../../src/run' import getCommand from '../../src/commands' import NuxtCommand from '../../src/command' jest.mock('execa') jest.mock('../../src/commands') jest.mock('../../src/command') describe('run', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks() getCommand.mockImplementation(cmd => cmd === 'dev' ? ({ name: 'dev', run: jest.fn() }) : undefined) }) afterAll(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() }) test('nuxt aliases to nuxt dev', async () => { await run([]) expect(getCommand).toHaveBeenCalledWith('dev') expect(, []) }) test('nuxt --foo aliases to nuxt dev --foo', async () => { await run(['--foo']) expect(getCommand).toHaveBeenCalledWith('dev') expect(, ['--foo']) }) test('nuxt <dir> aliases to nuxt dev <dir>', async () => { await run([__dirname]) expect(getCommand).toHaveBeenCalledWith('dev') expect(, [__dirname]) }) test('external commands', async () => { await run(['custom', 'command', '--args']) expect(execa).toHaveBeenCalledWith('nuxt-custom', ['command', '--args'], { stdout: process.stdout, stderr: process.stderr, stdin: process.stdin }) }) test('throws error if external command not found', async () => { execa.mockImplementationOnce(() => { const e = new Error() e.code = 'ENOENT' throw e }) await expect(run(['custom', 'command', '--args'])) .rejects.toBe('Command not found: nuxt-custom') }) test('throws error if external command failed', async () => { execa.mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw new Error('boo') }) await expect(run(['custom', 'command', '--args'])) .rejects.toBe('Failed to run command `nuxt-custom`:\nError: boo') }) })