title: "Auto-imports"
description: Nuxt Kit provides a set of utilities to help you work with auto-imports. These functions allow you to register your own utils, composables and Vue APIs.
  - label: Source
    icon: i-simple-icons-github
    to: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/imports.ts
    size: xs

# Auto-imports

Nuxt auto-imports helper functions, composables and Vue APIs to use across your application without explicitly importing them. Based on the directory structure, every Nuxt application can also use auto-imports for its own composables and plugins. With Nuxt Kit you can also add your own auto-imports. `addImports` and `addImportsDir` allow you to add imports to the Nuxt application. `addImportsSources` allows you to add listed imports from 3rd party packages to the Nuxt application.

These functions are designed for registering your own utils, composables and Vue APIs. For pages, components and plugins, please refer to the specific sections: [Pages](/docs/api/kit/pages), [Components](/docs/api/kit/components), [Plugins](/docs/api/kit/plugins).

Nuxt auto-imports helper functions, composables and Vue APIs to use across your application without explicitly importing them. Based on the directory structure, every Nuxt application can also use auto-imports for its own composables and plugins. Composables or plugins can use these functions.

::tip{icon="i-ph-video-duotone" to="https://vueschool.io/lessons/expanding-nuxt-s-auto-imports?friend=nuxt" target="_blank"}
Watch Vue School video about Auto-imports Nuxt Kit utilities.

## `addImports`

Add imports to the Nuxt application. It makes your imports available in the Nuxt application without the need to import them manually.

### Type

function addImports (imports: Import | Import[]): void

interface Import {
  from: string
  priority?: number
  disabled?: boolean
  meta?: {
    description?: string
    docsUrl?: string
    [key: string]: any
  type?: boolean
  typeFrom?: string
  name: string
  as?: string

### Parameters

#### `imports`

**Type**: `Import | Import[]`

**Required**: `true`

An object or an array of objects with the following properties:

- `from` (required)

  **Type**: `string`

  Module specifier to import from.

- `priority` (optional)

  **Type**: `number`

  **Default**: `1`

  Priority of the import, if multiple imports have the same name, the one with the highest priority will be used.

- `disabled` (optional)

  **Type**: `boolean`

  If this import is disabled.

- `meta` (optional)

  **Type**: `object`

  Metadata of the import.

- `meta.description` (optional)

  **Type**: `string`

  Short description of the import.

- `meta.docsUrl` (optional)

  **Type**: `string`

  URL to the documentation.

- `meta[key]` (optional)

  **Type**: `any`

  Additional metadata.

- `type` (optional)

  **Type**: `boolean`

  If this import is a pure type import.

- `typeFrom` (optional)

  **Type**: `string`

  Using this as the from when generating type declarations.

- `name` (required)

  **Type**: `string`

  Import name to be detected.

- `as` (optional)

  **Type**: `string`

  Import as this name.

### Examples

// https://github.com/pi0/storyblok-nuxt
import { defineNuxtModule, addImports, createResolver } from '@nuxt/kit'

export default defineNuxtModule({
  setup(options, nuxt) {
    const names = [

    names.forEach((name) =>
      addImports({ name, as: name, from: "@storyblok/vue" })

## `addImportsDir`

Add imports from a directory to the Nuxt application. It will automatically import all files from the directory and make them available in the Nuxt application without the need to import them manually.

### Type

function addImportsDir (dirs: string | string[], options?: { prepend?: boolean }): void

### Parameters

#### `dirs`

**Type**: `string | string[]`

**Required**: `true`

A string or an array of strings with the path to the directory to import from.

#### `options`

**Type**: `{ prepend?: boolean }`

**Default**: `{}`

Options to pass to the import. If `prepend` is set to `true`, the imports will be prepended to the list of imports.

### Examples

// https://github.com/vueuse/motion/tree/main/src/nuxt
import { defineNuxtModule, addImportsDir, createResolver } from '@nuxt/kit'

export default defineNuxtModule({
  meta: {
    name: '@vueuse/motion',
    configKey: 'motion',
  setup(options, nuxt) {
    const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url)

## `addImportsSources`

Add listed imports to the Nuxt application.

### Type

function addImportsSources (importSources: ImportSource | ImportSource[]): void

interface Import {
  from: string
  priority?: number
  disabled?: boolean
  meta?: {
    description?: string
    docsUrl?: string
    [key: string]: any
  type?: boolean
  typeFrom?: string
  name: string
  as?: string

interface ImportSource extends Import {
  imports: (PresetImport | ImportSource)[]

type PresetImport = Omit<Import, 'from'> | string | [name: string, as?: string, from?: string]

### Parameters

#### `importSources`

**Type**: `ImportSource | ImportSource[]`

**Required**: `true`

An object or an array of objects with the following properties:

- `imports` (required)

  **Type**: `PresetImport | ImportSource[]`

  **Required**: `true`

  An object or an array of objects, which can be import names, import objects or import sources.

- `from` (required)

  **Type**: `string`

  Module specifier to import from.

- `priority` (optional)

  **Type**: `number`

  **Default**: `1`

  Priority of the import, if multiple imports have the same name, the one with the highest priority will be used.

- `disabled` (optional)

  **Type**: `boolean`

  If this import is disabled.

- `meta` (optional)

  **Type**: `object`

  Metadata of the import.

- `meta.description` (optional)

  **Type**: `string`

  Short description of the import.

- `meta.docsUrl` (optional)

  **Type**: `string`

  URL to the documentation.

- `meta[key]` (optional)

  **Type**: `any`

  Additional metadata.

- `type` (optional)

  **Type**: `boolean`

  If this import is a pure type import.

- `typeFrom` (optional)

  **Type**: `string`

  Using this as the from when generating type declarations.

- `name` (required)

  **Type**: `string`

  Import name to be detected.

- `as` (optional)

  **Type**: `string`

  Import as this name.

### Examples

// https://github.com/elk-zone/elk
import { defineNuxtModule, addImportsSources } from '@nuxt/kit'

export default defineNuxtModule({
  setup() {
    // add imports from h3 to make them autoimported
      from: 'h3',
      imports: ['defineEventHandler', 'getQuery', 'getRouterParams', 'readBody', 'sendRedirect'] as Array<keyof typeof import('h3')>,