# NuxtApp In Nuxt 3, you can access runtime app context within composables, components and plugins. In Nuxt 2, this was referred to as [Nuxt context](https://nuxtjs.org/docs/internals-glossary/context#the-context). ## Accessing NuxtApp Within composables, plugins and components you can access `nuxtApp` with `useNuxtApp`: ```js import { useNuxtApp } from '#app' function useMyComposable () { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() // access runtime nuxt app instance } ``` Plugins also receive `nuxtApp` as the first argument for convenience. [Read more about plugins.](/docs/directory-structure/plugins) ::alert{icon=👉} **`useNuxtApp` (on server side) only works during `setup`, inside Nuxt plugins or `Lifecycle Hooks`**. :: ## Providing helpers You can provide helpers to be usable across all composables and application. This usually happens within a Nuxt plugin. ```js const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() nuxtApp.provide('hello', (name) => `Hello ${name}!`) console.log(nuxtApp.$hello('name')) // Prints "Hello name!" ``` In Nuxt 2 plugins, this was referred to as [inject function](https://nuxtjs.org/docs/directory-structure/plugins#inject-in-root--context). ::alert{icon=👉} It is possible to inject helpers by returning an object with a `provide` key. See the [plugins documentation](/docs/directory-structure/plugins) for more information. ::