import { resolve } from 'path'
import { loadFixture, getPort, Nuxt, Builder } from '../utils'

describe('nuxt', () => {
  test('Nuxt.js Class', () => {
    expect(typeof Nuxt).toBe('function')

  test('Nuxt.js Instance', async () => {
    const config = loadFixture('empty')
    const nuxt = new Nuxt(config)

    expect(typeof nuxt).toBe('object')
    expect(typeof nuxt._ready.then).toBe('function')

    await nuxt.ready()


  test('Fail to build when no pages/ directory but is in the parent', () => {
    const nuxt = new Nuxt({
      dev: false,
      rootDir: resolve(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'empty', 'pages')

    return new Builder(nuxt).build().catch((err) => {
      const s = String(err)
      expect(s.includes('No `pages` directory found')).toBe(true)
      expect(s.includes('Did you mean to run `nuxt` in the parent (`../`) directory?')).toBe(true)

  test('Build with default page when no pages/ directory', async () => {
    const nuxt = new Nuxt()
    new Builder(nuxt).build()
    const port = await getPort()
    await nuxt.listen(port, 'localhost')

    const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/')
    expect(html.includes('Universal Vue.js Applications')).toBe(true)

    await nuxt.close()

  test('Fail to build when specified plugin isn\'t found', () => {
    const nuxt = new Nuxt({
      dev: false,
      rootDir: resolve(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'missing-plugin')

    return new Builder(nuxt).build().catch((err) => {
      const s = String(err)
      expect(s.includes('Plugin not found')).toBe(true)