--- title: "useState" description: The useState composable creates a reactive and SSR-friendly shared state. --- # `useState` ```ts useState(init?: () => T | Ref): Ref useState(key: string, init?: () => T | Ref): Ref ``` * **key**: A unique key ensuring that data fetching is properly de-duplicated across requests. If you do not provide a key, then a key that is unique to the file and line number of the instance of `useState` will be generated for you. * **init**: A function that provides initial value for the state when not initiated. This function can also return a `Ref`. * **T**: (typescript only) Specify the type of state ::alert{type=warning} Because the data inside `useState` will be serialized to JSON, it is important that it does not contain anything that cannot be serialized, such as classes, functions or symbols. :: ::ReadMore{link="/getting-started/state-management"} ::