--- navigation: false layout: page title: The Hybrid Vue Framework description: 'Build your next application with Vue 3 and experience hybrid rendering, with an improved directory structure and new features Nuxt 3 is an open source framework making web development simple and powerful.' --- ::BlockHero --- cta: - Get started - /getting-started/installation secondary: - Star on GitHub → - https://github.com/nuxt/framework --- #title The Hybrid [Vue]{.text-primary} Framework #description Build your next application with Vue 3 and experience hybrid rendering, powerful data fetching and new features. Nuxt 3 is an open source framework making web development simple and powerful. #right ::div{.flex .items-top .justify-center} ::gem :: :: :: ::card-grid #title With new features #description Nuxt 3 has been re-architected with a smaller core and optimized for faster performance and better developer experience. #default ::card{icon=IconFeather} #title Lighter #description Up to 75x smaller server deployments and smaller client bundle targeting modern browsers. :: ::card{icon=IconRabbit} #title Faster #description Optimized cold start with dynamic server code-splitting, powered by nitro. :: ::card{icon=IconHybrid} #title Hybrid #description Incremental Static Generation and other advanced modes are now possible. :: ::card{icon=IconSuspense} #title Suspense #description Fetch data in any component, before or after navigation. :: ::card{icon=IconCAPI} #title Composition API #description Use the Composition API and Nuxt 3's composables for true code re-usability. :: ::card{icon=IconCLI} #title Nuxt CLI #description A new zero-dependency experience for easy scaffolding and module integration. :: ::card{icon=IconDevtools} #title Nuxt DevTools #description Work faster with info and quick fixes right in the browser. :: ::card{icon=IconKit} #title Nuxt Kit #description Brand new module development with TypeScript and cross-version compatibility. :: ::card{icon=IconWebpack} #title webpack 5 #description Faster build time and smaller bundle size, with no configuration required. :: ::card{icon=IconVite} #title Vite #description Experience lightning fast HMR by using Vite as your bundler. :: ::card{icon=IconVue} #title Vue 3 #description Vue 3 is a solid foundation for your next web app. :: ::card{icon=IconTypeScript} #title TypeScript #description Built with native TypeScript and ESM - no extra steps required. :: ::