import path from 'path' import { readJSONSync } from 'fs-extra' import jsonPlugin from 'rollup-plugin-json' import commonjsPlugin from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs' import licensePlugin from 'rollup-plugin-license' import replacePlugin from 'rollup-plugin-replace' import aliasPlugin from 'rollup-plugin-alias' import defaultsDeep from 'lodash/defaultsDeep' import { builtins } from './builtins' export default function rollupConfig({ rootDir = process.cwd(), plugins = [], input = 'src/index.js', replace = {}, alias = {}, ...options }, pkg) { if (!pkg) { pkg = readJSONSync(path.resolve(rootDir, 'package.json')) } return defaultsDeep({}, options, { input: path.resolve(rootDir, input), output: { format: 'cjs', sourcemap: false, file: `${'-edge', '')}.js`, dir: path.resolve(rootDir, 'dist') }, external: [ // Dependencies that will be installed alongise with the nuxt package ...Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}), // Builtin node modules ...builtins ], plugins: [ aliasPlugin(alias), replacePlugin({ exclude: 'node_modules/**', delimiters: ['', ''], values: { __NODE_ENV__: process.env.NODE_ENV, ...replace } }), commonjsPlugin(), jsonPlugin(), licensePlugin({ banner: [ `/*!`, ` * ${} v${pkg.version} (c) 2016-${new Date().getFullYear()}`, `${(pkg.contributors || []).map(c => ` * - ${}`).join('\n')}`, ` * - All the amazing contributors`, ` * Released under the MIT License.`, ` * Website:`, `*/` ].join('\n') }) ].concat(plugins) }) }