import { rm, writeFile } from 'fs/promises' import mkdirp from 'mkdirp' import type { Schema } from 'untyped' import { join, resolve } from 'upath' import { kebabCase, upperFirst } from 'scule' export async function main () { const rootDir = resolve(__dirname, '..') const configDir = resolve(rootDir, 'content/5.config') await generateDocs({ outDir: configDir }) } function generateMarkdown (schema: Schema, title: string, level: string, parentVersions: string[] = []) { const lines: string[] = [] // Skip private if (schema.tags?.includes('@private')) { return [] } // Versions const versions = (schema.tags || []).map(t => t.match(/@version (\d+)/)?.[1]).filter(Boolean) if (!versions.length) { // Inherit from parent if not specified versions.push(...parentVersions) } if (!versions.includes('3')) { return [] } // Render heading lines.push(`${level} ${title}`, '') // Render meta info if (schema.type !== 'object' || ! { // Type and default lines.push(`- **Type**: \`${schema.type}\``) lines.push(`- **Version**: ${versions.join(', ')}`) if ('default' in schema) { lines.push('- **Default**', ...formatValue(schema.default)) } lines.push('') } // Render title if (schema.title) { lines.push('> ' + schema.title, '') } // Render description if (schema.description) { lines.push(schema.description, '') } // Render @ tags if (schema.tags) { lines.push( } // Render properties if (schema.type === 'object') { const keys = Object.keys( || {}).sort() for (const key of keys) { const val =[key] as Schema const propLines = generateMarkdown(val, `\`${key}\``, level + '#', versions) if (propLines.length) { lines.push('', ...propLines) } } } return lines } const TAG_REGEX = /^@([\d\w]+)[\s\n]/i const TagAlertType = { note: 'note', warning: 'warning', deprecated: 'deprecated' } const InternalTypes = new Set([ 'version', 'deprecated' ]) function formatValue (val) { return ['```json', JSON.stringify(val, null, 2), '```'] } function renderTag (tag: string) { const type = tag.match(TAG_REGEX)?.[1] if (!type) { return [``] } if (InternalTypes.has(type)) { return [] } tag = tag.replace(`@${type}`, `**${upperFirst(type)}**:`) if (TagAlertType[type]) { return [`::alert{type="${TagAlertType[type]}"}`, tag, '::', ''] } return tag } async function generateDocs ({ outDir }) { // Prepare content directory const start = console.log('Generating docs to ' + outDir) await rm(outDir, { recursive: true }).catch(() => {}) await mkdirp(outDir) const rootSchema = require('../schema/config.schema.json') as Schema const keys = Object.keys( let ctor = 1 // Generate a separate file for each section for (const key of keys) { const schema =[key] const lines = generateMarkdown(schema, key, '#') // Skip empty sections if (lines.length < 3) { continue } // Add frontmatter meta const attributes = Object.entries({ title: key, description: schema.title }).map(([key, val]) => `${key}: "${val}"`) lines.unshift('---', ...attributes, '---') await writeFile(join(outDir, `${ctor++}.${kebabCase(key)}.md`), lines.join('\n')) } const frontmatter = ['---', 'navigation:', ' collapse: true', '---'] await writeFile(join(outDir, ''), frontmatter.join('\n')) console.log(`Generate done in ${( - start) / 1000} seconds!`) } main().catch((err) => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })