import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url' import { createUnplugin } from 'unplugin' import { isAbsolute, relative } from 'pathe' import type { Node } from 'estree-walker' import { walk } from 'estree-walker' import MagicString from 'magic-string' import { hash } from 'ohash' import type { CallExpression, Pattern } from 'estree' import { parseQuery, parseURL } from 'ufo' import escapeRE from 'escape-string-regexp' import { findStaticImports, parseStaticImport } from 'mlly' import { matchWithStringOrRegex } from '../utils' interface ComposableKeysOptions { sourcemap: boolean rootDir: string composables: Array<{ name: string, source?: string | RegExp, argumentLength: number }> } const stringTypes: Array = ['Literal', 'TemplateLiteral'] const NUXT_LIB_RE = /node_modules\/(?:nuxt|nuxt3|nuxt-nightly)\// const SUPPORTED_EXT_RE = /\.(?:m?[jt]sx?|vue)/ export const composableKeysPlugin = createUnplugin((options: ComposableKeysOptions) => { const composableMeta: Record = {} const composableLengths = new Set() const keyedFunctions = new Set() for (const { name, ...meta } of options.composables) { composableMeta[name] = meta keyedFunctions.add(name) composableLengths.add(meta.argumentLength) } const maxLength = Math.max(...composableLengths) const KEYED_FUNCTIONS_RE = new RegExp(`\\b(${[...keyedFunctions].map(f => escapeRE(f)).join('|')})\\b`) return { name: 'nuxt:composable-keys', enforce: 'post', transformInclude (id) { const { pathname, search } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(pathToFileURL(id).href)) return !NUXT_LIB_RE.test(pathname) && SUPPORTED_EXT_RE.test(pathname) && parseQuery(search).type !== 'style' && !parseQuery(search).macro }, transform (code, id) { if (!KEYED_FUNCTIONS_RE.test(code)) { return } const { 0: script = code, index: codeIndex = 0 } = code.match(/(?<=]*>)[\s\S]*?(?=<\/script>)/) || { index: 0, 0: code } const s = new MagicString(code) // let imports: Set | undefined let count = 0 const relativeID = isAbsolute(id) ? relative(options.rootDir, id) : id const { pathname: relativePathname } = parseURL(relativeID) const ast = this.parse(script, { sourceType: 'module', ecmaVersion: 'latest', }) as Node // To handle variables hoisting we need a pre-pass to collect variable and function declarations with scope info. let scopeTracker = new ScopeTracker() const varCollector = new ScopedVarsCollector() walk(ast, { enter (_node) { if (_node.type === 'BlockStatement') { scopeTracker.enterScope() varCollector.refresh(scopeTracker.curScopeKey) } else if (_node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' && { varCollector.addVar( } else if (_node.type === 'VariableDeclarator') { varCollector.collect( } }, leave (_node) { if (_node.type === 'BlockStatement') { scopeTracker.leaveScope() varCollector.refresh(scopeTracker.curScopeKey) } }, }) scopeTracker = new ScopeTracker() walk(ast, { enter (_node) { if (_node.type === 'BlockStatement') { scopeTracker.enterScope() } if (_node.type !== 'CallExpression' || (_node as CallExpression).callee.type !== 'Identifier') { return } const node: CallExpression = _node as CallExpression const name = 'name' in node.callee && if (!name || !keyedFunctions.has(name) || node.arguments.length >= maxLength) { return } imports = imports || detectImportNames(script, composableMeta) if (imports.has(name)) { return } const meta = composableMeta[name] if (varCollector.hasVar(scopeTracker.curScopeKey, name)) { let skip = true if (meta.source) { skip = !matchWithStringOrRegex(relativePathname, meta.source) } if (skip) { return } } if (node.arguments.length >= meta.argumentLength) { return } switch (name) { case 'useState': if (stringTypes.includes(node.arguments[0]?.type)) { return } break case 'useFetch': case 'useLazyFetch': if (stringTypes.includes(node.arguments[1]?.type)) { return } break case 'useAsyncData': case 'useLazyAsyncData': if (stringTypes.includes(node.arguments[0]?.type) || stringTypes.includes(node.arguments[node.arguments.length - 1]?.type)) { return } break } // TODO: Optimize me ( const newCode = code.slice(codeIndex + (node as any).start, codeIndex + (node as any).end - 1).trim() const endsWithComma = newCode[newCode.length - 1] === ',' s.appendLeft( codeIndex + (node as any).end - 1, (node.arguments.length && !endsWithComma ? ', ' : '') + '\'$' + hash(`${relativeID}-${++count}`) + '\'', ) }, leave (_node) { if (_node.type === 'BlockStatement') { scopeTracker.leaveScope() } }, }) if (s.hasChanged()) { return { code: s.toString(), map: options.sourcemap ? s.generateMap({ hires: true }) : undefined, } } }, } }) /* * track scopes with unique keys. for example * ```js * // root scope, marked as '' * function a () { // '0' * function b () {} // '0-0' * function c () {} // '0-1' * } * function d () {} // '1' * // '' * ``` * */ class ScopeTracker { // the top of the stack is not a part of current key, it is used for next level scopeIndexStack: number[] curScopeKey: string constructor () { this.scopeIndexStack = [0] this.curScopeKey = '' } getKey () { return this.scopeIndexStack.slice(0, -1).join('-') } enterScope () { this.scopeIndexStack.push(0) this.curScopeKey = this.getKey() } leaveScope () { this.scopeIndexStack.pop() this.curScopeKey = this.getKey() this.scopeIndexStack[this.scopeIndexStack.length - 1]!++ } } class ScopedVarsCollector { curScopeKey: string all: Map> constructor () { this.all = new Map() this.curScopeKey = '' } refresh (scopeKey: string) { this.curScopeKey = scopeKey } addVar (name: string) { let vars = this.all.get(this.curScopeKey) if (!vars) { vars = new Set() this.all.set(this.curScopeKey, vars) } vars.add(name) } hasVar (scopeKey: string, name: string) { const indices = scopeKey.split('-').map(Number) for (let i = indices.length; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.all.get(indices.slice(0, i).join('-'))?.has(name)) { return true } } return false } collect (n: Pattern) { const t = n.type if (t === 'Identifier') { this.addVar( } else if (t === 'RestElement') { this.collect(n.argument) } else if (t === 'AssignmentPattern') { this.collect(n.left) } else if (t === 'ArrayPattern') { n.elements.forEach(e => e && this.collect(e)) } else if (t === 'ObjectPattern') { => { if (p.type === 'RestElement') { this.collect(p) } else { this.collect(p.value) } }) } } } const NUXT_IMPORT_RE = /nuxt|#app|#imports/ export function detectImportNames (code: string, composableMeta: Record) { const names = new Set() function addName (name: string, specifier: string) { const source = composableMeta[name]?.source if (source && matchWithStringOrRegex(specifier, source)) { return } names.add(name) } for (const i of findStaticImports(code)) { if (NUXT_IMPORT_RE.test(i.specifier)) { continue } const { namedImports = {}, defaultImport, namespacedImport } = parseStaticImport(i) for (const name in namedImports) { addName(namedImports[name]!, i.specifier) } if (defaultImport) { addName(defaultImport, i.specifier) } if (namespacedImport) { addName(namespacedImport, i.specifier) } } return names }