import { existsSync, readdirSync } from 'node:fs' import { mkdir, readFile } from 'node:fs/promises' import { addComponent, addPlugin, addTemplate, addVitePlugin, addWebpackPlugin, defineNuxtModule, findPath, updateTemplates } from '@nuxt/kit' import { dirname, join, relative, resolve } from 'pathe' import { genImport, genObjectFromRawEntries, genString } from 'knitwork' import escapeRE from 'escape-string-regexp' import { joinURL } from 'ufo' import type { NuxtApp, NuxtPage } from 'nuxt/schema' import { createRoutesContext } from 'unplugin-vue-router' import { resolveOptions } from 'unplugin-vue-router/options' import type { EditableTreeNode, Options as TypedRouterOptions } from 'unplugin-vue-router' import { distDir } from '../dirs' import { normalizeRoutes, resolvePagesRoutes } from './utils' import type { PageMetaPluginOptions } from './page-meta' import { PageMetaPlugin } from './page-meta' export default defineNuxtModule({ meta: { name: 'pages' }, async setup (_options, nuxt) { const useExperimentalTypedPages = nuxt.options.experimental.typedPages const pagesDirs = layer => resolve(layer.config.srcDir, layer.config.dir?.pages || 'pages') ) // Disable module (and use universal router) if pages dir do not exists or user has disabled it const isNonEmptyDir = (dir: string) => existsSync(dir) && readdirSync(dir).length const userPreference = nuxt.options.pages const isPagesEnabled = async () => { if (typeof userPreference === 'boolean') { return userPreference } if (nuxt.options._layers.some(layer => existsSync(resolve(layer.config.srcDir, 'app/router.options.ts')))) { return true } if (pagesDirs.some(dir => isNonEmptyDir(dir))) { return true } const pages = await resolvePagesRoutes() await nuxt.callHook('pages:extend', pages) if (pages.length) { return true } return false } nuxt.options.pages = await isPagesEnabled() // Restart Nuxt when pages dir is added or removed const restartPaths = nuxt.options._layers.flatMap(layer => [ join(layer.config.srcDir, 'app/router.options.ts'), join(layer.config.srcDir, layer.config.dir?.pages || 'pages') ]) nuxt.hooks.hook('builder:watch', async (event, path) => { const fullPath = join(nuxt.options.srcDir, path) if (restartPaths.some(path => path === fullPath || fullPath.startsWith(path + '/'))) { const newSetting = await isPagesEnabled() if (nuxt.options.pages !== newSetting) {'Pages', newSetting ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') return nuxt.callHook('restart') } } }) // adds support for #vue-router alias (used for types) with and without pages integration addTemplate({ filename: 'vue-router.d.ts', getContents: () => `export * from '${useExperimentalTypedPages ? 'vue-router/auto' : 'vue-router'}'` }) nuxt.options.alias['#vue-router'] = join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'vue-router') if (!nuxt.options.pages) { addPlugin(resolve(distDir, 'app/plugins/router')) addTemplate({ filename: 'pages.mjs', getContents: () => 'export { useRoute } from \'#app\'' }) addComponent({ name: 'NuxtPage', priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override filePath: resolve(distDir, 'pages/runtime/page-placeholder') }) return } addTemplate({ filename: 'vue-router.mjs', // TODO: use `vue-router/auto` when we have support for page metadata getContents: () => 'export * from \'vue-router\';' }) if (useExperimentalTypedPages) { const declarationFile = './types/typed-router.d.ts' const options: TypedRouterOptions = { routesFolder: [], dts: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, declarationFile), logs: nuxt.options.debug, async beforeWriteFiles (rootPage) { rootPage.children.forEach(child => child.delete()) const pages = await resolvePagesRoutes() await nuxt.callHook('pages:extend', pages) function addPage (parent: EditableTreeNode, page: NuxtPage) { // @ts-expect-error TODO: either fix types upstream or figure out another // way to add a route without a file, which must be possible const route = parent.insert(page.path, page.file) if (page.meta) { route.addToMeta(page.meta) } if (page.alias) { route.addAlias(page.alias) } if ( { = } // TODO: implement redirect support // if (page.redirect) {} if (page.children) { page.children.forEach(child => addPage(route, child)) } } for (const page of pages) { addPage(rootPage, page) } } } nuxt.hook('prepare:types', ({ references }) => { // This file will be generated by unplugin-vue-router references.push({ path: declarationFile }) }) const context = createRoutesContext(resolveOptions(options)) const dtsFile = resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, declarationFile) await mkdir(dirname(dtsFile), { recursive: true }) await context.scanPages(false) if (nuxt.options._prepare) { // TODO: could we generate this from context instead? const dts = await readFile(dtsFile, 'utf-8') addTemplate({ filename: 'types/typed-router.d.ts', getContents: () => dts }) } // Regenerate types/typed-router.d.ts when adding or removing pages nuxt.hook('builder:generateApp', async (options) => { if (!options?.filter || options.filter({ filename: 'routes.mjs' } as any)) { await context.scanPages() } }) } const runtimeDir = resolve(distDir, 'pages/runtime') // Add $router types nuxt.hook('prepare:types', ({ references }) => { references.push({ types: useExperimentalTypedPages ? 'vue-router/auto' : 'vue-router' }) }) // Add vue-router route guard imports nuxt.hook('imports:sources', (sources) => { const routerImports = sources.find(s => s.from === '#app' && s.imports.includes('onBeforeRouteLeave')) if (routerImports) { routerImports.from = '#vue-router' } }) // Regenerate templates when adding or removing pages nuxt.hook('builder:watch', async (event, path) => { const dirs = [ nuxt.options.dir.pages, nuxt.options.dir.layouts, nuxt.options.dir.middleware ].filter(Boolean) const pathPattern = new RegExp(`(^|\\/)(${'|')})/`) if (event !== 'change' && path.match(pathPattern)) { await updateTemplates({ filter: template => template.filename === 'routes.mjs' }) } }) nuxt.hook('app:resolve', (app) => { // Add default layout for pages if (app.mainComponent!.includes('@nuxt/ui-templates')) { app.mainComponent = resolve(runtimeDir, 'app.vue') } app.middleware.unshift({ name: 'validate', path: resolve(runtimeDir, 'validate'), global: true }) }) // Prerender all non-dynamic page routes when generating app if (! && nuxt.options._generate) { const prerenderRoutes = new Set() nuxt.hook('modules:done', () => { nuxt.hook('pages:extend', (pages) => { prerenderRoutes.clear() const processPages = (pages: NuxtPage[], currentPath = '/') => { for (const page of pages) { // Add root of optional dynamic paths and catchalls if (page.path.match(/^\/?:.*(\?|\(\.\*\)\*)$/) && !page.children?.length) { prerenderRoutes.add(currentPath) } // Skip dynamic paths if (page.path.includes(':')) { continue } const route = joinURL(currentPath, page.path) prerenderRoutes.add(route) if (page.children) { processPages(page.children, route) } } } processPages(pages) }) }) nuxt.hook('nitro:build:before', (nitro) => { for (const route of nitro.options.prerender.routes || []) { // Skip default route value as we only generate it if it is already // in the detected routes from `~/pages`. if (route === '/') { continue } prerenderRoutes.add(route) } nitro.options.prerender.routes = Array.from(prerenderRoutes) }) } nuxt.hook('imports:extend', (imports) => { imports.push( { name: 'definePageMeta', as: 'definePageMeta', from: resolve(runtimeDir, 'composables') }, { name: 'useLink', as: 'useLink', from: '#vue-router' } ) }) // Extract macros from pages const pageMetaOptions: PageMetaPluginOptions = { dev:, sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap.server || nuxt.options.sourcemap.client } nuxt.hook('modules:done', () => { addVitePlugin(() => PageMetaPlugin.vite(pageMetaOptions)) addWebpackPlugin(() => PageMetaPlugin.webpack(pageMetaOptions)) }) // Add prefetching support for middleware & layouts addPlugin(resolve(runtimeDir, 'plugins/prefetch.client')) // Add router plugin addPlugin(resolve(runtimeDir, 'plugins/router')) const getSources = (pages: NuxtPage[]): string[] => pages .filter(p => Boolean(p.file)) .flatMap(p => [relative(nuxt.options.srcDir, p.file as string), ...getSources(p.children || [])] ) // Do not prefetch page chunks nuxt.hook('build:manifest', async (manifest) => { if ( { return } const pages = await resolvePagesRoutes() await nuxt.callHook('pages:extend', pages) const sourceFiles = getSources(pages) for (const key in manifest) { if (manifest[key].isEntry) { manifest[key].dynamicImports = manifest[key].dynamicImports?.filter(i => !sourceFiles.includes(i)) } } }) // Add routes template addTemplate({ filename: 'routes.mjs', async getContents () { const pages = await resolvePagesRoutes() await nuxt.callHook('pages:extend', pages) const { routes, imports } = normalizeRoutes(pages) return [...imports, `export default ${routes}`].join('\n') } }) // Add vue-router import for `` integration addTemplate({ filename: 'pages.mjs', getContents: () => 'export { useRoute } from \'vue-router\'' }) // Optimize vue-router to ensure we share the same injection symbol nuxt.options.vite.optimizeDeps = nuxt.options.vite.optimizeDeps || {} nuxt.options.vite.optimizeDeps.include = nuxt.options.vite.optimizeDeps.include || [] nuxt.options.vite.optimizeDeps.include.push('vue-router') nuxt.options.vite.resolve = nuxt.options.vite.resolve || {} nuxt.options.vite.resolve.dedupe = nuxt.options.vite.resolve.dedupe || [] nuxt.options.vite.resolve.dedupe.push('vue-router') // Add router options template addTemplate({ filename: 'router.options.mjs', getContents: async () => { // Scan and register app/router.options files const routerOptionsFiles = (await Promise.all( async layer => await findPath(resolve(layer.config.srcDir, 'app/router.options')) ))).filter(Boolean) as string[] // Add default options routerOptionsFiles.push(resolve(runtimeDir, 'router.options')) const configRouterOptions = genObjectFromRawEntries(Object.entries(nuxt.options.router.options) .map(([key, value]) => [key, genString(value as string)])) return [, index) => genImport(file, `routerOptions${index}`)), `const configRouterOptions = ${configRouterOptions}`, 'export default {', '...configRouterOptions,', // We need to reverse spreading order to respect layers priority, index) => `...routerOptions${index},`).reverse(), '}' ].join('\n') } }) addTemplate({ filename: 'types/middleware.d.ts', getContents: ({ app }: { app: NuxtApp }) => { const composablesFile = resolve(runtimeDir, 'composables') const namedMiddleware = app.middleware.filter(mw => ! return [ 'import type { NavigationGuard } from \'vue-router\'', `export type MiddlewareKey = ${ => genString(' | ') || 'string'}`, `declare module ${genString(composablesFile)} {`, ' interface PageMeta {', ' middleware?: MiddlewareKey | NavigationGuard | Array', ' }', '}' ].join('\n') } }) addTemplate({ filename: 'types/layouts.d.ts', getContents: ({ app }: { app: NuxtApp }) => { const composablesFile = resolve(runtimeDir, 'composables') return [ 'import { ComputedRef, Ref } from \'vue\'', `export type LayoutKey = ${Object.keys(app.layouts).map(name => genString(name)).join(' | ') || 'string'}`, `declare module ${genString(composablesFile)} {`, ' interface PageMeta {', ' layout?: false | LayoutKey | Ref | ComputedRef', ' }', '}' ].join('\n') } }) // Add addComponent({ name: 'NuxtPage', priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override filePath: resolve(distDir, 'pages/runtime/page') }) // Add declarations for middleware keys nuxt.hook('prepare:types', ({ references }) => { references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types/middleware.d.ts') }) references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types/layouts.d.ts') }) references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'vue-router.d.ts') }) }) } })