import test from 'ava' import { resolve } from 'path' import { Nuxt, Builder } from '../index.js' test('Nuxt.js Class', t => { Nuxt, 'function') }) test.serial('Nuxt.js Instance', async t => { const nuxt = new Nuxt({ rootDir: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'empty') }) nuxt, 'object'), true) nuxt._ready.then, 'function') await nuxt.ready(), true) }) test.serial('Fail to build when no pages/ directory but is in the parent', t => { const nuxt = new Nuxt({ dev: false, rootDir: resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'empty', 'pages') }) return new Builder(nuxt).build().catch(err => { let s = String(err) t.true(s.includes('No `pages` directory found')) t.true(s.includes('Did you mean to run `nuxt` in the parent (`../`) directory?')) }) }) test.serial('Fail to build when no pages/ directory', t => { const nuxt = new Nuxt({ dev: false, rootDir: resolve(__dirname) }) return new Builder(nuxt).build().catch(err => { let s = String(err) t.true(s.includes('Couldn\'t find a `pages` directory')) t.true(s.includes('Please create one under the project root')) }) })