const _ = require('lodash') const Debug = require('debug') const { join, resolve } = require('path') const { existsSync } = require('fs') const { isUrl, isPureObject } = require('../common/utils') const debug = Debug('nuxt:build') debug.color = 2 // Force green color const Options = {} module.exports = Options Options.from = function (_options) { // Clone options to prevent unwanted side-effects const options = Object.assign({}, _options) // Normalize options if (options.loading === true) { delete options.loading } if ( options.router && options.router.middleware && !Array.isArray(options.router.middleware) ) { options.router.middleware = [options.router.middleware] } if (options.router && typeof options.router.base === 'string') { options._routerBaseSpecified = true } if (typeof options.transition === 'string') { options.transition = { name: options.transition } } if (typeof options.layoutTransition === 'string') { options.layoutTransition = { name: options.layoutTransition } } if (typeof options.extensions === 'string') { options.extensions = [options.extensions] } const hasValue = v => typeof v === 'string' && v options.rootDir = hasValue(options.rootDir) ? options.rootDir : process.cwd() // Apply defaults by ${buildDir}/dist/build.config.js // TODO: Unsafe operation. // const buildDir = options.buildDir || Options.defaults.buildDir // const buildConfig = resolve(options.rootDir, buildDir, 'build.config.js') // if (existsSync(buildConfig)) { // _.defaultsDeep(options, require(buildConfig)) // } // Apply defaults _.defaultsDeep(options, Options.defaults) // Resolve dirs options.srcDir = hasValue(options.srcDir) ? resolve(options.rootDir, options.srcDir) : options.rootDir options.buildDir = resolve(options.rootDir, options.buildDir) options.cacheDir = resolve(options.rootDir, options.cacheDir) // Populate modulesDir options.modulesDir = [] .concat(options.modulesDir) .concat(join(options.nuxtDir, 'node_modules')) .filter(dir => hasValue(dir)) .map(dir => resolve(options.rootDir, dir)) // Sanitize extensions if (options.extensions.indexOf('js') === -1) { options.extensions.unshift('js') } // If app.html is defined, set the template path to the user template options.appTemplatePath = resolve(options.buildDir, 'views/app.template.html') if (existsSync(join(options.srcDir, 'app.html'))) { options.appTemplatePath = join(options.srcDir, 'app.html') } // Ignore publicPath on dev /* istanbul ignore if */ if ( && isUrl( { = } // If store defined, update store options to true unless explicitly disabled if ( !== false && existsSync(join(options.srcDir, 'store'))) { = true } // Normalize loadingIndicator if (!isPureObject(options.loadingIndicator)) { options.loadingIndicator = { name: options.loadingIndicator } } // Apply default hash to CSP option if (options.render.csp === true) { options.render.csp = { hashAlgorithm: 'sha256' } } // Apply defaults to loadingIndicator options.loadingIndicator = Object.assign( { name: 'pulse', color: '#dbe1ec', background: 'white' }, options.loadingIndicator ) // cssSourceMap if ( === undefined) { = } // Debug errors if (options.debug === undefined) { options.debug = } // Normalize ignore options.ignore = options.ignore ? [].concat(options.ignore) : [] // Append ignorePrefix glob to ignore if (typeof options.ignorePrefix === 'string') { options.ignore.push(`**/${options.ignorePrefix}*.*`) } // Apply mode preset let modePreset = Options.modes[options.mode || 'universal'] || Options.modes['universal'] _.defaultsDeep(options, modePreset) // If no server-side rendering, add appear true transition /* istanbul ignore if */ if (options.render.ssr === false && options.transition) { options.transition.appear = true } // We assume the SPA fallback path is 404.html (for GitHub Pages, Surge, etc.) if (options.generate.fallback === true) { options.generate.fallback = '404.html' } return options } Options.modes = { universal: { build: { ssr: true }, render: { ssr: true } }, spa: { build: { ssr: false }, render: { ssr: false } } } // Options.unsafeKeys = [ // 'rootDir', 'srcDir', 'buildDir', 'modulesDir', 'cacheDir', 'nuxtDir', // 'nuxtAppDir', 'build', 'generate', 'router.routes', 'appTemplatePath' // ] Options.defaults = { mode: 'universal', dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production', debug: undefined, // Will be equal to dev if not provided buildDir: '.nuxt', cacheDir: '.cache', nuxtDir: resolve(__dirname, '../..'), nuxtAppDir: resolve(__dirname, '../app'), modulesDir: ['node_modules'], // ~> relative to options.rootDir ignorePrefix: '-', ignore: [ '**/*.test.*' ], extensions: [], build: { analyze: false, profile: process.argv.includes('--profile'), dll: false, scopeHoisting: false, maxChunkSize: false, extractCSS: false, cssSourceMap: undefined, ssr: undefined, uglify: {}, publicPath: '/_nuxt/', filenames: { css: '[name].[contenthash].css', manifest: 'manifest.[hash].js', vendor: 'vendor.[chunkhash].js', app: '[name].[chunkhash].js', chunk: '[name].[chunkhash].js' }, styleResources: {}, vendor: [], plugins: [], babel: {}, postcss: {}, templates: [], watch: [], devMiddleware: {}, hotMiddleware: {}, stats: { chunks: false, children: false, modules: false, colors: true, excludeAssets: [ /.map$/, /index\..+\.html$/, /vue-ssr-client-manifest.json/ ] } }, generate: { dir: 'dist', routes: [], concurrency: 500, interval: 0, subFolders: true, fallback: '200.html', minify: { collapseBooleanAttributes: true, collapseWhitespace: false, decodeEntities: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true, processConditionalComments: true, removeAttributeQuotes: false, removeComments: false, removeEmptyAttributes: true, removeOptionalTags: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, removeScriptTypeAttributes: false, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: false, removeTagWhitespace: false, sortAttributes: true, sortClassName: false, trimCustomFragments: true, useShortDoctype: true } }, env: {}, head: { meta: [], link: [], style: [], script: [] }, plugins: [], css: [], modules: [], layouts: {}, serverMiddleware: [], ErrorPage: null, loading: { color: 'black', failedColor: 'red', height: '2px', duration: 5000, rtl: false }, loadingIndicator: {}, transition: { name: 'page', mode: 'out-in', appear: false, appearClass: 'appear', appearActiveClass: 'appear-active', appearToClass: 'appear-to' }, layoutTransition: { name: 'layout', mode: 'out-in' }, router: { mode: 'history', base: '/', routes: [], middleware: [], linkActiveClass: 'nuxt-link-active', linkExactActiveClass: 'nuxt-link-exact-active', extendRoutes: null, scrollBehavior: null, parseQuery: false, stringifyQuery: false, fallback: false }, render: { bundleRenderer: {}, resourceHints: true, ssr: undefined, http2: { push: false, shouldPush: null }, static: { prefix: true }, gzip: { threshold: 0 }, etag: { weak: false }, csp: { enabled: false, hashAlgorithm: 'sha256', allowedSources: [] } }, watchers: { webpack: { ignored: /-dll/ }, chokidar: {} }, editor: undefined, hooks: null, messages: { error_404: 'This page could not be found', server_error: 'Server error', nuxtjs: 'Nuxt.js', back_to_home: 'Back to the home page', server_error_details: 'An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. If you are the application owner, check your logs for details.', client_error: 'Error', client_error_details: 'An error occurred while rendering the page. Check developer tools console for details.' } }