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import 'es6-promise/auto'
import Vue from 'vue'
import Meta from 'vue-meta'
import { createRouter } from './router.js'
import NoSSR from './components/no-ssr.js'
import NuxtChild from './components/nuxt-child.js'
import NuxtLink from './components/nuxt-link.js'
import NuxtError from '<%= components.ErrorPage ? components.ErrorPage : "./components/nuxt-error.vue" %>'
import Nuxt from './components/nuxt.vue'
import App from '<%= appPath %>'
import { getContext, getLocation } from './utils'
<% if (store) { %>import { createStore } from './store.js'<% } %>
<% plugins.forEach(plugin => { %>import <%= plugin.name %> from '<%= plugin.name %>'
<% }) %>
// Component: <no-ssr>
Vue.component(NoSSR.name, NoSSR)
// Component: <nuxt-child>
Vue.component(NuxtChild.name, NuxtChild)
// Component: <nuxt-link>
Vue.component(NuxtLink.name, NuxtLink)
// Component: <nuxt>`
Vue.component(Nuxt.name, Nuxt)
// vue-meta configuration
Vue.use(Meta, {
keyName: 'head', // the component option name that vue-meta looks for meta info on.
attribute: 'data-n-head', // the attribute name vue-meta adds to the tags it observes
ssrAttribute: 'data-n-head-ssr', // the attribute name that lets vue-meta know that meta info has already been server-rendered
tagIDKeyName: 'hid' // the property name that vue-meta uses to determine whether to overwrite or append a tag
const defaultTransition = <%=
.replace('beforeEnter(', 'function(').replace('enter(', 'function(').replace('afterEnter(', 'function(')
.replace('enterCancelled(', 'function(').replace('beforeLeave(', 'function(').replace('leave(', 'function(')
.replace('afterLeave(', 'function(').replace('leaveCancelled(', 'function(')
async function createApp (ssrContext) {
const router = createRouter()
<% if (store) { %>const store = createStore()<% } %>
// Create Root instance
// here we inject the router and store to all child components,
// making them available everywhere as `this.$router` and `this.$store`.
const app = {
<% if (store) { %> store,<% } %>
_nuxt: {
transitions: [ defaultTransition ],
setTransitions (transitions) {
if (!Array.isArray(transitions)) {
transitions = [ transitions ]
transitions = transitions.map((transition) => {
if (!transition) {
transition = defaultTransition
} else if (typeof transition === 'string') {
transition = Object.assign({}, defaultTransition, { name: transition })
} else {
transition = Object.assign({}, defaultTransition, transition)
return transition
this.$options._nuxt.transitions = transitions
return transitions
err: null,
dateErr: null,
error (err) {
err = err || null
if (typeof err === 'string') {
err = { statusCode: 500, message: err }
const _nuxt = this._nuxt || this.$options._nuxt
_nuxt.dateErr = Date.now()
_nuxt.err = err
return err
const next = ssrContext ? ssrContext.next : location => app.router.push(location)
let route
if (ssrContext) {
route = router.resolve(ssrContext.url).route
} else {
const path = getLocation(router.options.base)
route = router.resolve(path).route
const ctx = getContext({
isServer: !!ssrContext,
isClient: !ssrContext,
error: app._nuxt.error.bind(app),
<% if (store) { %>store,<% } %>
req: ssrContext ? ssrContext.req : undefined,
res: ssrContext ? ssrContext.res : undefined,
beforeRenderFns: ssrContext ? ssrContext.beforeRenderFns : undefined
}, app)
const inject = function (key, value) {
if (!key) throw new Error('inject(key, value) has no key provided')
if (!value) throw new Error('inject(key, value) has no value provided')
key = '$' + key
// Add into app
app[key] = value
// Add into vm
Vue.use(() => {
const installKey = '__nuxt_' + key + '_installed__'
if (Vue[installKey]) return
Vue[installKey] = true
if (!Vue.prototype.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, key, {
get () {
return this.$root.$options[key]
<% if (store) { %>
// Add into store
store[key] = app[key]
<% } %>
<% plugins.filter(p => p.ssr).forEach(plugin => { %>
if (typeof <%= plugin.name %> === 'function') await <%= plugin.name %>(ctx, inject)<% }) %>
<% if (plugins.filter(p => !p.ssr).length) { %>
if (process.browser) { <% plugins.filter(p => !p.ssr).forEach(plugin => { %>
if (typeof <%= plugin.name %> === 'function') await <%= plugin.name %>(ctx, inject)<% }) %>
}<% } %>
<% if (store) { %>
if (process.browser) {
// Replace store state before calling plugins
if (window.__NUXT__ && window.__NUXT__.state) {
<% } %>
if (process.server && ssrContext && ssrContext.url) {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
router.push(ssrContext.url, resolve, reject)
return {
<% if(store) { %> store <% } %>
export { createApp, NuxtError }