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import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'
import type { Plugin } from 'vite'
import type { Component } from '@nuxt/schema'
import type { UnpluginOptions } from 'unplugin'
import { islandsTransform } from '../src/components/islandsTransform'
import { normalizeLineEndings } from './utils'
const getComponents = () => [{
filePath: '/root/hello.server.vue',
mode: 'server',
pascalName: 'HelloWorld',
island: true,
kebabName: 'hello-world',
chunkName: 'components/hello-world',
export: 'default',
shortPath: '',
prefetch: false,
preload: false
}] as Component[]
const pluginWebpack = islandsTransform.raw({
selectiveClient: true
}, { framework: 'webpack', webpack: { compiler: {} as any } })
const viteTransform = async (source: string, id: string, isDev = false, selectiveClient = false) => {
const vitePlugin = islandsTransform.raw({
rootDir: '/root',
}, { framework: 'vite' }) as Plugin
const result = await (vitePlugin.transform! as Function)(source, id)
return typeof result === 'string' ? result : result?.code
const webpackTransform = async (source: string, id: string) => {
const result = await ((pluginWebpack as UnpluginOptions).transform! as Function)(source, id)
return typeof result === 'string' ? result : result?.code
describe('islandTransform - server and island components', () => {
describe('slots', () => {
it('expect slot transform to match inline snapshot', async () => {
const result = await viteTransform(`<template>
<slot />
<slot name="named" :some-data="someData" />
<script setup lang="ts">
const someData = 'some data'
, 'hello.server.vue')
<NuxtTeleportSsrSlot name="default" :props="undefined"><slot /></NuxtTeleportSsrSlot>
<NuxtTeleportSsrSlot name="named" :props="[{ [\`some-data\`]: someData }]"><slot name="named" :some-data="someData" /></NuxtTeleportSsrSlot>
<NuxtTeleportSsrSlot name="other" :props="[{ [\`some-data\`]: someData }]"><slot
<script setup lang="ts">
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'
const someData = 'some data'
it('expect slot fallback transform to match inline snapshot', async () => {
const result = await viteTransform(`<template>
<slot :some-data="someData">
<script setup lang="ts">
const someData = 'some data'
, 'hello.server.vue')
<NuxtTeleportSsrSlot name="default" :props="[{ [\`some-data\`]: someData }]"><slot :some-data="someData"/><template #fallback>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'
const someData = 'some data'
it('expect slot transform with fallback and no name to match inline snapshot #23209', async () => {
const result = await viteTransform(`<template>
<template #header>
<h3>Partial Hydration Example - Server - {{ count }}</h3>
<template #default>
<p>message: {{ message }}</p>
<p>Below is the slot I want to be hydrated on the client</p>
This is the default content of the slot, I should not see this after
the client loading has completed.
<p>Above is the slot I want to be hydrated on the client</p>
<script setup lang="ts">
export interface Props {
count?: number;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), { count: 0 });
const message = "Hello World";
, 'hello.server.vue')
<template #header>
<h3>Partial Hydration Example - Server - {{ count }}</h3>
<template #default>
<p>message: {{ message }}</p>
<p>Below is the slot I want to be hydrated on the client</p>
<NuxtTeleportSsrSlot name="default" :props="undefined"><slot/><template #fallback>
This is the default content of the slot, I should not see this after
the client loading has completed.
<p>Above is the slot I want to be hydrated on the client</p>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'
export interface Props {
count?: number;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), { count: 0 });
const message = "Hello World";
it('expect v-if/v-else/v-else-if to be set in teleport component wrapper', async () => {
const result = await viteTransform(`<script setup lang="ts">
const foo = true;
<slot v-if="foo" />
<slot v-else-if="test" />
<slot v-else />
`, 'WithVif.vue', false, true)
"<script setup lang="ts">
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'
const foo = true;
<NuxtTeleportSsrSlot v-if="foo" name="default" :props="undefined"><slot /></NuxtTeleportSsrSlot>
<NuxtTeleportSsrSlot v-else-if="test" name="default" :props="undefined"><slot /></NuxtTeleportSsrSlot>
<NuxtTeleportSsrSlot v-else name="default" :props="undefined"><slot /></NuxtTeleportSsrSlot>
describe('nuxt-client', () => {
describe('vite', () => {
it('test transform with vite in dev', async () => {
const result = await viteTransform(`<template>
<!-- should not be wrapped by NuxtTeleportIslandComponent -->
<HelloWorld />
<!-- should be wrapped by NuxtTeleportIslandComponent with a rootDir attr -->
<HelloWorld nuxt-client />
<script setup lang="ts">
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
`, 'hello.server.vue', true, true)
<!-- should not be wrapped by NuxtTeleportIslandComponent -->
<HelloWorld />
<!-- should be wrapped by NuxtTeleportIslandComponent with a rootDir attr -->
<NuxtTeleportIslandComponent to="HelloWorld-ZsRS8qEyqK" root-dir="/root" :nuxt-client="true"><HelloWorld /></NuxtTeleportIslandComponent>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
// root-dir prop should never be used in production
it('test transform with vite in prod', async () => {
const result = await viteTransform(`<template>
<HelloWorld />
<HelloWorld nuxt-client />
<script setup lang="ts">
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
`, 'hello.server.vue', false, true)
<HelloWorld />
<NuxtTeleportIslandComponent to="HelloWorld-CyH3UXLuYA" :nuxt-client="true"><HelloWorld /></NuxtTeleportIslandComponent>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
// root-dir prop should never be used in production
it('test dynamic nuxt-client', async () => {
const result = await viteTransform(`<template>
<HelloWorld />
<HelloWorld :nuxt-client="nuxtClient" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
const nuxtClient = false
`, 'hello.server.vue', false, true)
<HelloWorld />
<NuxtTeleportIslandComponent to="HelloWorld-eo0XycWCUV" :nuxt-client="nuxtClient"><HelloWorld /></NuxtTeleportIslandComponent>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
const nuxtClient = false
it('should not transform if disabled', async () => {
const result = await viteTransform(`<template>
<HelloWorld />
<HelloWorld :nuxt-client="nuxtClient" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
const nuxtClient = false
`, 'hello.server.vue', false, false)
<HelloWorld />
<HelloWorld :nuxt-client="nuxtClient" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
const nuxtClient = false
it('should add import if there is no scripts in the SFC', async () => {
const result = await viteTransform(`<template>
<HelloWorld />
<HelloWorld nuxt-client />
`, 'hello.server.vue', false, true)
"<script setup>
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'</script><template>
<HelloWorld />
<NuxtTeleportIslandComponent to="HelloWorld-CyH3UXLuYA" :nuxt-client="true"><HelloWorld /></NuxtTeleportIslandComponent>
expect(result).toContain('import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from \'#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component\'')
describe('webpack', () => {
it('test transform with webpack', async () => {
const spyOnWarn = vi.spyOn(console, 'warn')
const result = await webpackTransform(`<template>
<!-- should not be wrapped by NuxtTeleportIslandComponent -->
<HelloWorld />
<!-- should be not wrapped by NuxtTeleportIslandComponent for now -->
<HelloWorld nuxt-client />
<script setup lang="ts">
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
const someData = 'some data'
`, 'hello.server.vue')
<!-- should not be wrapped by NuxtTeleportIslandComponent -->
<HelloWorld />
<!-- should be not wrapped by NuxtTeleportIslandComponent for now -->
<HelloWorld nuxt-client />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { vforToArray as __vforToArray } from '#app/components/utils'
import NuxtTeleportIslandComponent from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-component'
import NuxtTeleportSsrSlot from '#app/components/nuxt-teleport-island-slot'
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld.vue'
const someData = 'some data'
expect(spyOnWarn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('nuxt-client attribute and client components within islands is only supported with Vite. file: hello.server.vue')