Pooya Parsa 9c1e0d1743 feat: migrate nuxt into monorepo (#4051)
Co-authored-by: Clark Du <>
Co-authored-by: Pooya Parsa <>
2018-10-18 00:58:25 +03:30

110 lines
4.7 KiB

import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import { interopDefault } from './utils';
<% function recursiveRoutes(routes, tab, components) {
let res = ''
routes.forEach((route, i) => {
route._name = '_' + hash(route.component)
components.push({ _name: route._name, component: route.component, name:, chunkName: route.chunkName })
// @see:
res += tab + '{\n'
res += tab + '\tpath: ' + JSON.stringify(route.path)
res += (route.component) ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'component: ' + (splitChunks.pages ? route._name : `() => ${route._name}.default || ${route._name}`) : ''
res += (route.redirect) ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'redirect: ' + JSON.stringify(route.redirect) : ''
res += (route.meta) ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'meta: ' + JSON.stringify(route.meta) : ''
res += (typeof route.props !== 'undefined') ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'props: ' + (typeof route.props === 'function' ? serialize(route.props) : JSON.stringify(route.props)) : ''
res += (typeof route.caseSensitive !== 'undefined') ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'caseSensitive: ' + JSON.stringify(route.caseSensitive) : ''
res += (route.alias) ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'alias: ' + JSON.stringify(route.alias) : ''
res += (route.pathToRegexpOptions) ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'pathToRegexpOptions: ' + JSON.stringify(route.pathToRegexpOptions) : ''
res += ( ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'name: ' + JSON.stringify( : ''
res += (route.beforeEnter) ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'beforeEnter: ' + serialize(route.beforeEnter) : ''
res += (route.children) ? ',\n\t' + tab + 'children: [\n' + recursiveRoutes(routes[i].children, tab + '\t\t', components) + '\n\t' + tab + ']' : ''
res += '\n' + tab + '}' + (i + 1 === routes.length ? '' : ',\n')
return res
const _components = []
const _routes = recursiveRoutes(router.routes, '\t\t', _components)
%> <%= uniqBy(_components, '_name').map((route) => {
if (!route.component) return ''
const path = relativeToBuild(route.component)
const chunkName = wChunk(route.chunkName)
const name = route._name
if (splitChunks.pages) {
return `const ${name} = () => interopDefault(import('${path}' /* webpackChunkName: "${chunkName}" */))`
} else {
return `import ${name} from '${path}'`
<% if (router.scrollBehavior) { %>
const scrollBehavior = <%= serialize(router.scrollBehavior).replace(/scrollBehavior\s*\(/, 'function(').replace('function function', 'function') %>
<% } else { %>
if (process.client) {
window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'
const scrollBehavior = function (to, from, savedPosition) {
// if the returned position is falsy or an empty object,
// will retain current scroll position.
let position = false
// if no children detected
if (to.matched.length < 2) {
// scroll to the top of the page
position = { x: 0, y: 0 }
} else if (to.matched.some((r) => r.components.default.options.scrollToTop)) {
// if one of the children has scrollToTop option set to true
position = { x: 0, y: 0 }
// savedPosition is only available for popstate navigations (back button)
if (savedPosition) {
position = savedPosition
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// wait for the out transition to complete (if necessary)
window.<%= globals.nuxt %>.$once('triggerScroll', () => {
// coords will be used if no selector is provided,
// or if the selector didn't match any element.
if (to.hash) {
let hash = to.hash
// CSS.escape() is not supported with IE and Edge.
if (typeof window.CSS !== 'undefined' && typeof window.CSS.escape !== 'undefined') {
hash = '#' + window.CSS.escape(hash.substr(1))
try {
if (document.querySelector(hash)) {
// scroll to anchor by returning the selector
position = { selector: hash }
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Failed to save scroll position. Please add CSS.escape() polyfill (')
<% } %>
export function createRouter () {
return new Router({
mode: '<%= router.mode %>',
base: '<%= router.base %>',
linkActiveClass: '<%= router.linkActiveClass %>',
linkExactActiveClass: '<%= router.linkExactActiveClass %>',
routes: [
<%= _routes %>
<% if (router.parseQuery) { %>parseQuery: <%= serialize(router.parseQuery).replace('parseQuery(', 'function(') %>,<% } %>
<% if (router.stringifyQuery) { %>stringifyQuery: <%= serialize(router.stringifyQuery).replace('stringifyQuery(', 'function(') %>,<% } %>
fallback: <%= router.fallback %>