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synced 2025-03-09 03:03:18 +00:00
582 lines
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582 lines
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import _ from 'lodash'
import chokidar from 'chokidar'
import fs, { remove, readFile, writeFile, mkdirp, utimes, existsSync } from 'fs-extra'
import hash from 'hash-sum'
import pify from 'pify'
import webpack from 'webpack'
import serialize from 'serialize-javascript'
import { join, resolve, basename, dirname } from 'path'
import Tapable from 'tappable'
import MFS from 'memory-fs'
import webpackDevMiddleware from 'webpack-dev-middleware'
import webpackHotMiddleware from 'webpack-hot-middleware'
import { r, wp, wChunk, createRoutes, sequence, relativeTo, isPureObject } from 'utils'
import Debug from 'debug'
import Glob from 'glob'
import clientWebpackConfig from './webpack/client.config.js'
import serverWebpackConfig from './webpack/server.config.js'
import dllWebpackConfig from './webpack/dll.config.js'
import vueLoaderConfig from './webpack/vue-loader.config'
import styleLoader from './webpack/style-loader'
const debug = Debug('nuxt:build')
debug.color = 2 // Force green color
const glob = pify(Glob)
export default class Builder extends Tapable {
constructor (nuxt) {
this.nuxt = nuxt
this.isStatic = false // Flag to know if the build is for a generated app
this.options = nuxt.options
// Fields that set on build
this.compiler = null
this.webpackDevMiddleware = null
this.webpackHotMiddleware = null
// Mute stats on dev
this.webpackStats = this.options.dev ? false : {
chunks: false,
children: false,
modules: false,
colors: true,
excludeAssets: [
// Helper to resolve build paths
this.relativeToBuild = (...args) => relativeTo(this.options.buildDir, ...args)
// Bind styleLoader and vueLoader
this.styleLoader = styleLoader.bind(this)
this.vueLoader = vueLoaderConfig.bind(this)
this._buildStatus = STATUS.INITIAL
get plugins () {
return this.options.plugins.map((p, i) => {
if (typeof p === 'string') p = { src: p }
p.src = this.nuxt.resolvePath(p.src)
return { src: p.src, ssr: (p.ssr !== false), name: `plugin${i}` }
vendor () {
return [
this.options.store && 'vuex'
].concat(this.options.build.vendor).filter(v => v)
vendorEntries () {
// Used for dll
const vendor = this.vendor()
const vendorEntries = {}
vendor.forEach(v => {
try {
vendorEntries[v] = [ v ]
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
return vendorEntries
forGenerate () {
this.isStatic = true
async build () {
// Avoid calling build() method multiple times when dev:true
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (this._buildStatus === STATUS.BUILD_DONE && this.options.dev) {
return this
// If building
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (this._buildStatus === STATUS.BUILDING) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
this._buildStatus = STATUS.BUILDING
// Wait for nuxt ready
await this.nuxt.ready()
// Wait for build plugins
await this.nuxt.applyPluginsAsync('build', this)
// Babel options
this.babelOptions = _.defaults(this.options.build.babel, {
babelrc: false,
cacheDirectory: !!this.options.dev
if (!this.babelOptions.babelrc && !this.babelOptions.presets) {
this.babelOptions.presets = [
// Map postcss plugins into instances on object mode once
if (isPureObject(this.options.build.postcss)) {
if (isPureObject(this.options.build.postcss.plugins)) {
this.options.build.postcss.plugins = Object.keys(this.options.build.postcss.plugins)
.map(p => {
const plugin = require(p)
const opts = this.options.build.postcss.plugins[p]
if (opts === false) return // Disabled
const instance = plugin(opts)
return instance
}).filter(e => e)
// Check if pages dir exists and warn if not
this._nuxtPages = typeof this.options.build.createRoutes !== 'function'
if (this._nuxtPages) {
if (!fs.existsSync(join(this.options.srcDir, 'pages'))) {
let dir = this.options.srcDir
if (fs.existsSync(join(this.options.srcDir, '..', 'pages'))) {
throw new Error(`No \`pages\` directory found in ${dir}. Did you mean to run \`nuxt\` in the parent (\`../\`) directory?`)
} else {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find a \`pages\` directory in ${dir}. Please create one under the project root`)
debug(`App root: ${this.options.srcDir}`)
debug(`Generating ${this.options.buildDir} files...`)
// Create .nuxt/, .nuxt/components and .nuxt/dist folders
await remove(r(this.options.buildDir))
await mkdirp(r(this.options.buildDir, 'components'))
if (!this.options.dev) {
await mkdirp(r(this.options.buildDir, 'dist'))
// Generate routes and interpret the template files
await this.generateRoutesAndFiles()
// Start webpack build
await this.webpackBuild()
await this.applyPluginsAsync('built', this)
// Flag to set that building is done
this._buildStatus = STATUS.BUILD_DONE
return this
async generateRoutesAndFiles () {
debug('Generating files...')
// -- Templates --
let templatesFiles = [
const templateVars = {
options: this.options,
messages: this.options.messages,
uniqBy: _.uniqBy,
isDev: this.options.dev,
debug: this.options.debug,
mode: this.options.mode,
router: this.options.router,
env: this.options.env,
head: this.options.head,
middleware: fs.existsSync(join(this.options.srcDir, 'middleware')),
store: this.options.store,
css: this.options.css,
plugins: this.plugins,
appPath: './App.vue',
layouts: Object.assign({}, this.options.layouts),
loading: typeof this.options.loading === 'string' ? this.relativeToBuild(this.options.srcDir, this.options.loading) : this.options.loading,
transition: this.options.transition,
layoutTransition: this.options.layoutTransition,
components: {
ErrorPage: this.options.ErrorPage ? this.relativeToBuild(this.options.ErrorPage) : null
// -- Layouts --
if (fs.existsSync(resolve(this.options.srcDir, 'layouts'))) {
const layoutsFiles = await glob('layouts/**/*.vue', { cwd: this.options.srcDir })
let hasErrorLayout = false
layoutsFiles.forEach((file) => {
let name = file.split('/').slice(1).join('/').replace(/\.vue$/, '')
if (name === 'error') {
hasErrorLayout = true
templateVars.layouts[name] = this.relativeToBuild(this.options.srcDir, file)
if (!templateVars.components.ErrorPage && hasErrorLayout) {
templateVars.components.ErrorPage = this.relativeToBuild(this.options.srcDir, 'layouts/error.vue')
// If no default layout, create its folder and add the default folder
if (!templateVars.layouts.default) {
await mkdirp(r(this.options.buildDir, 'layouts'))
templateVars.layouts.default = './layouts/default.vue'
// -- Routes --
debug('Generating routes...')
// If user defined a custom method to create routes
if (this._nuxtPages) {
// Use nuxt.js createRoutes bases on pages/
const files = await glob('pages/**/*.vue', { cwd: this.options.srcDir })
templateVars.router.routes = createRoutes(files, this.options.srcDir)
} else {
templateVars.router.routes = this.options.build.createRoutes(this.options.srcDir)
await this.applyPluginsAsync('extendRoutes', { routes: templateVars.router.routes, templateVars, r })
// router.extendRoutes method
if (typeof this.options.router.extendRoutes === 'function') {
// let the user extend the routes
const extendedRoutes = this.options.router.extendRoutes(templateVars.router.routes, r)
// Only overwrite routes when something is returned for backwards compatibility
if (extendedRoutes !== undefined) {
templateVars.router.routes = extendedRoutes
// Make routes accessible for other modules and webpack configs
this.routes = templateVars.router.routes
// -- Store --
// Add store if needed
if (this.options.store) {
// Resolve template files
const customTemplateFiles = this.options.build.templates.map(t => t.dst || basename(t.src || t))
templatesFiles = templatesFiles.map(file => {
// Skip if custom file was already provided in build.templates[]
if (customTemplateFiles.indexOf(file) !== -1) {
// Allow override templates using a file with same name in ${srcDir}/app
const customPath = r(this.options.srcDir, 'app', file)
const customFileExists = fs.existsSync(customPath)
return {
src: customFileExists
? customPath
: r(this.options.nuxtAppDir, file),
dst: file,
custom: customFileExists
}).filter(i => !!i)
// -- Custom templates --
// Add custom template files
templatesFiles = templatesFiles.concat(this.options.build.templates.map(t => {
return Object.assign({
src: r(this.options.srcDir, t.src || t),
dst: t.dst || basename(t.src || t),
custom: true
}, t)
// -- Loading indicator --
if (this.options.loadingIndicator.name) {
const indicatorPath1 = resolve(this.options.nuxtAppDir, 'views/loading', this.options.loadingIndicator.name + '.html')
const indicatorPath2 = this.nuxt.resolvePath(this.options.loadingIndicator.name)
const indicatorPath = existsSync(indicatorPath1) ? indicatorPath1 : (existsSync(indicatorPath2) ? indicatorPath2 : null)
if (indicatorPath) {
src: indicatorPath,
dst: 'loading.html',
options: this.options.loadingIndicator
} else {
console.error(`Could not fetch loading indicator: ${this.options.loadingIndicator.name}`) // eslint-disable-line no-console
await this.applyPluginsAsync('generate', { builder: this, templatesFiles, templateVars })
// Interpret and move template files to .nuxt/
await Promise.all(templatesFiles.map(async ({ src, dst, options, custom }) => {
// Add template to watchers
// Render template to dst
const fileContent = await readFile(src, 'utf8')
const template = _.template(fileContent, {
imports: {
resolvePath: this.nuxt.resolvePath.bind(this.nuxt),
relativeToBuild: this.relativeToBuild
const content = template(Object.assign({}, templateVars, {
options: options || {},
const path = r(this.options.buildDir, dst)
// Ensure parent dir exits
await mkdirp(dirname(path))
// Write file
await writeFile(path, content, 'utf8')
// Fix webpack loop (https://github.com/webpack/watchpack/issues/25#issuecomment-287789288)
const dateFS = Date.now() / 1000 - 1000
return utimes(path, dateFS, dateFS)
await this.applyPluginsAsync('generated', this)
async webpackBuild () {
debug('Building files...')
const compilersOptions = []
// Client
const clientConfig = clientWebpackConfig.call(this)
// Server
let serverConfig = null
if (this.options.build.ssr) {
serverConfig = serverWebpackConfig.call(this)
// Alias plugins to their real path
this.plugins.forEach(p => {
const src = this.relativeToBuild(p.src)
// Client config
if (!clientConfig.resolve.alias[p.name]) {
clientConfig.resolve.alias[p.name] = src
// Server config
if (serverConfig && !serverConfig.resolve.alias[p.name]) {
// Alias to noop for ssr:false plugins
serverConfig.resolve.alias[p.name] = p.ssr ? src : './empty.js'
// Make a dll plugin after compile to make next dev builds faster
if (this.options.build.dll && this.options.dev) {
compilersOptions.push(dllWebpackConfig.call(this, clientConfig))
// Simulate webpack multi compiler interface
// Separate compilers are simpler, safer and faster
this.compiler = { compilers: [] }
this.compiler.plugin = (...args) => {
this.compiler.compilers.forEach(compiler => {
// Initialize shared FS and Cache
const sharedFS = this.options.dev && new MFS()
const sharedCache = {}
// Initialize compilers
compilersOptions.forEach(compilersOption => {
const compiler = webpack(compilersOption)
if (sharedFS && !compiler.name.includes('-dll')) {
compiler.outputFileSystem = sharedFS
compiler.cache = sharedCache
// Access to compilers with name
this.compiler.compilers.forEach(compiler => {
if (compiler.name) {
this.compiler[compiler.name] = compiler
// Run after each compile
this.compiler.plugin('done', async stats => {
// Don't reload failed builds
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (stats.hasErrors()) {
// console.log(stats.toString({ chunks: true }))
// Reload renderer if available
if (this.nuxt.renderer) {
this.nuxt.renderer.loadResources(sharedFS || fs)
await this.applyPluginsAsync('done', { builder: this, stats })
// Add dev Stuff
if (this.options.dev) {
await this.applyPluginsAsync('compile', { builder: this, compiler: this.compiler })
// Start Builds
await sequence(this.compiler.compilers, compiler => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (this.options.dev) {
// --- Dev Build ---
if (compiler.options.name === 'client') {
// Client watch is started by dev-middleware
} else if (compiler.options.name.includes('-dll')) {
// DLL builds should run once
compiler.run((err, stats) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err)
debug('[DLL] updated')
} else {
// Build and watch for changes
compiler.watch(this.options.watchers.webpack, (err) => {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (err) {
return reject(err)
} else {
// --- Production Build ---
compiler.run((err, stats) => {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (err) {
console.error(err) // eslint-disable-line no-console
return reject(err)
// Show build stats for production
console.log(stats.toString(this.webpackStats)) // eslint-disable-line no-console
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (stats.hasErrors()) {
return reject(new Error('Webpack build exited with errors'))
await this.applyPluginsAsync('compiled', this)
webpackDev () {
debug('Adding webpack middleware...')
// Create webpack dev middleware
this.webpackDevMiddleware = pify(webpackDevMiddleware(this.compiler.client, Object.assign({
publicPath: this.options.build.publicPath,
stats: this.webpackStats,
noInfo: true,
quiet: true,
watchOptions: this.options.watchers.webpack
}, this.options.build.devMiddleware)))
this.webpackHotMiddleware = pify(webpackHotMiddleware(this.compiler.client, Object.assign({
log: false,
heartbeat: 10000
}, this.options.build.hotMiddleware)))
// Inject to renderer instance
if (this.nuxt.renderer) {
this.nuxt.renderer.webpackDevMiddleware = this.webpackDevMiddleware
this.nuxt.renderer.webpackHotMiddleware = this.webpackHotMiddleware
// Stop webpack middleware on nuxt.close()
this.nuxt.plugin('close', () => new Promise(resolve => {
this.webpackDevMiddleware.close(() => resolve())
// Start watching files
watchFiles () {
const patterns = [
r(this.options.srcDir, 'layouts'),
r(this.options.srcDir, 'store'),
r(this.options.srcDir, 'middleware'),
r(this.options.srcDir, 'layouts/*.vue'),
r(this.options.srcDir, 'layouts/**/*.vue')
if (this._nuxtPages) {
patterns.push(r(this.options.srcDir, 'pages'))
patterns.push(r(this.options.srcDir, 'pages/*.vue'))
patterns.push(r(this.options.srcDir, 'pages/**/*.vue'))
const options = Object.assign({}, this.options.watchers.chokidar, {
ignoreInitial: true
/* istanbul ignore next */
const refreshFiles = _.debounce(() => this.generateRoutesAndFiles(), 200)
// Watch for src Files
let filesWatcher = chokidar.watch(patterns, options)
.on('add', refreshFiles)
.on('unlink', refreshFiles)
// Watch for custom provided files
let customFilesWatcher = chokidar.watch(_.uniq(this.options.build.watch), options)
.on('change', refreshFiles)
// Stop watching on nuxt.close()
this.nuxt.plugin('close', () => {
const STATUS = {