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synced 2025-03-09 03:03:18 +00:00
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97 lines
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import { promisify } from 'util'
import test from 'ava'
import { resolve } from 'path'
import rp from 'request-promise-native'
import { exec, spawn } from 'child_process'
import { Utils } from '..'
const execify = promisify(exec)
const rootDir = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/basic')
const port = 4011
const url = route => 'http://localhost:' + port + route
const nuxtBin = resolve(__dirname, '..', 'bin', 'nuxt')
test.serial('nuxt build', async t => {
const { stdout } = await execify(`node ${nuxtBin} build ${rootDir}`)
t.true(stdout.includes('Compiled successfully'))
test.serial('nuxt build -> error config', async t => {
const { stderr } = await t.throws(execify(`node ${nuxtBin} build ${rootDir} -c config.js`))
t.true(stderr.includes('Could not load config file'))
test.serial('nuxt start', async t => {
let stdout = ''
// let stderr = ''
let error
let exitCode
const env = process.env
env.PORT = port
const nuxtStart = spawn('node', [nuxtBin, 'start', rootDir], { env: env })
nuxtStart.stdout.on('data', data => {
stdout += data
nuxtStart.stderr.on('data', data => {
// stderr += data
nuxtStart.on('error', err => {
error = err
nuxtStart.on('close', code => {
exitCode = code
// Give the process max 20s to start
let iterator = 0
while (!stdout.includes('OPEN') && iterator < 80) {
await Utils.waitFor(250)
if (iterator === 80) {
t.log('WARN: server failed to start successfully in 20 seconds')
t.is(error, undefined)
const html = await rp(url('/users/1'))
t.true(html.includes('<h1>User: 1</h1>'))
// Wait max 10s for the process to be killed
iterator = 0
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unmodified-loop-condition
while (exitCode === undefined && iterator < 40) {
await Utils.waitFor(250)
if (iterator >= 40) {
`WARN: we were unable to automatically kill the child process with pid: ${
t.is(exitCode, null)
test.serial('nuxt generate', async t => {
const { stdout } = await execify(`node ${nuxtBin} generate ${rootDir}`)