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import { Script, createContext } from 'node:vm'
import { expect } from 'vitest'
import type { Page } from 'playwright-core'
import { parse } from 'devalue'
import { reactive, ref, shallowReactive, shallowRef } from 'vue'
import { createError } from 'h3'
import { createPage, getBrowser, url, useTestContext } from '@nuxt/test-utils'
export const isRenderingJson = true
export async function renderPage (path = '/') {
const ctx = useTestContext()
if (!ctx.options.browser) {
throw new Error('`renderPage` require `options.browser` to be set')
const browser = await getBrowser()
const page = await browser.newPage({})
const pageErrors: Error[] = []
const consoleLogs: { type: string, text: string }[] = []
page.on('console', (message) => {
type: message.type(),
text: message.text()
page.on('pageerror', (err) => {
if (path) {
await page.goto(url(path), { waitUntil: 'networkidle' })
return {
export async function expectNoClientErrors (path: string) {
const ctx = useTestContext()
if (!ctx.options.browser) {
const { page, pageErrors, consoleLogs } = (await renderPage(path))!
const consoleLogErrors = consoleLogs.filter(i => i.type === 'error')
const consoleLogWarnings = consoleLogs.filter(i => i.type === 'warning')
await page.close()
type EqualityVal = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | RegExp
export async function expectWithPolling (
get: () => Promise<EqualityVal> | EqualityVal,
expected: EqualityVal,
retries = process.env.CI ? 100 : 30,
delay = process.env.CI ? 500 : 100
) {
let result: EqualityVal
for (let i = retries; i >= 0; i--) {
result = await get()
if (result?.toString() === expected?.toString()) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay))
expect(result?.toString(), `"${result?.toString()}" did not equal "${expected?.toString()}" in ${retries * delay}ms`).toEqual(expected?.toString())
export async function withLogs (callback: (page: Page, logs: string[]) => Promise<void>) {
let done = false
const page = await createPage()
const logs: string[] = []
page.on('console', (msg) => {
const text = msg.text()
if (done && !text.includes('[vite] server connection lost')) {
throw new Error(`Test finished prematurely before log: [${msg.type()}] ${text}`)
try {
await callback(page, logs)
} finally {
done = true
await page.close()
const revivers = {
NuxtError: (data: any) => createError(data),
EmptyShallowRef: (data: any) => shallowRef(JSON.parse(data)),
EmptyRef: (data: any) => ref(JSON.parse(data)),
ShallowRef: (data: any) => shallowRef(data),
ShallowReactive: (data: any) => shallowReactive(data),
Island: (key: any) => key,
Ref: (data: any) => ref(data),
Reactive: (data: any) => reactive(data),
// test fixture reviver only
BlinkingText: () => '<revivified-blink>'
export function parsePayload (payload: string) {
return parse(payload || '', revivers)
export function parseData (html: string) {
if (!isRenderingJson) {
const { script } = html.match(/<script>(?<script>window.__NUXT__.*?)<\/script>/)?.groups || {}
const _script = new Script(script)
return {
script: _script.runInContext(createContext({ window: {} })),
attrs: {}
const { script, attrs } = html.match(/<script type="application\/json" id="__NUXT_DATA__"(?<attrs>[^>]+)>(?<script>.*?)<\/script>/)?.groups || {}
const _attrs: Record<string, string> = {}
for (const attr of attrs.matchAll(/( |^)(?<key>[\w-]+)+="(?<value>[^"]+)"/g)) {
_attrs[attr!.groups!.key] = attr!.groups!.value
return {
script: parsePayload(script || ''),
attrs: _attrs