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import { ref, onMounted, defineComponent, createElementBlock, h, createElementVNode } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'ClientOnly',
inheritAttrs: false,
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-prop-types
props: ['fallback', 'placeholder', 'placeholderTag', 'fallbackTag'],
setup (_, { slots, attrs }) {
const mounted = ref(false)
onMounted(() => { mounted.value = true })
return (props) => {
if (mounted.value) { return slots.default?.() }
const slot = slots.fallback || slots.placeholder
if (slot) { return slot() }
const fallbackStr = props.fallback || props.placeholder || ''
const fallbackTag = props.fallbackTag || props.placeholderTag || 'span'
return createElementBlock(fallbackTag, attrs, fallbackStr)
const cache = new WeakMap()
export function createClientOnly (component) {
if (cache.has(component)) {
return cache.get(component)
const clone = { ...component }
if (clone.render) {
// override the component render (non script setup component)
clone.render = (ctx, ...args) => {
if (ctx.mounted$) {
const res = component.render(ctx, ...args)
return (res.children === null || typeof res.children === 'string')
? createElementVNode(res.type, res.props, res.children, res.patchFlag, res.dynamicProps, res.shapeFlag)
: h(res)
} else {
return h('div', ctx.$attrs ?? ctx._.attrs)
} else if (clone.template) {
// handle runtime-compiler template
clone.template = `
<template v-if="mounted$">${component.template}</template>
<template v-else><div></div></template>
clone.setup = (props, ctx) => {
const mounted$ = ref(false)
onMounted(() => { mounted$.value = true })
return Promise.resolve(component.setup?.(props, ctx) || {})
.then((setupState) => {
return typeof setupState !== 'function'
? { ...setupState, mounted$ }
: (...args) => {
if (mounted$.value) {
const res = setupState(...args)
return (res.children === null || typeof res.children === 'string')
? createElementVNode(res.type, res.props, res.children, res.patchFlag, res.dynamicProps, res.shapeFlag)
: h(res)
} else {
return h('div', ctx.attrs)
cache.set(component, clone)
return clone