
647 lines
19 KiB

import defu from 'defu'
import { join } from 'pathe'
import { isCI, isTest } from 'std-env'
import { normalizeURL, withTrailingSlash } from 'ufo'
import { defineUntypedSchema } from 'untyped'
export default defineUntypedSchema({
* The builder to use for bundling the Vue part of your application.
* @type {'vite' | 'webpack' | { bundle: (nuxt: typeof import('../src/types/nuxt').Nuxt) => Promise<void> }}
* @version 3
builder: {
$resolve: (val, get) => {
if (typeof val === 'object') {
return val
const map: Record<string, string> = {
vite: '@nuxt/vite-builder',
webpack: '@nuxt/webpack-builder',
return map[val] || (get('vite') === false ? map.webpack : map.vite)
* Whether to generate sourcemaps.
* @version 3
sourcemap: true,
* Shared build configuration.
* @version 2
* @version 3
build: {
* Suppresses most of the build output log.
* It is enabled by default when a CI or test environment is detected.
* @see [std-env](
* @version 2
* @version 3
quiet: Boolean(isCI || isTest),
* Nuxt uses `webpack-bundle-analyzer` to visualize your bundles and how to optimize them.
* Set to `true` to enable bundle analysis, or pass an object with options: [for webpack]( or [for vite](
* @example
* ```js
* analyze: {
* analyzerMode: 'static'
* }
* ```
* @type {boolean | typeof import('webpack-bundle-analyzer').BundleAnalyzerPlugin.Options | typeof import('rollup-plugin-visualizer').PluginVisualizerOptions}
analyze: {
$resolve: (val, get) => {
if(val !== true) {
return val ?? false
const rootDir = get('rootDir')
return {
template: 'treemap',
projectRoot: rootDir,
filename: join(rootDir, '.nuxt/stats', '{name}.html')
* Enable the profiler in webpackbar.
* It is normally enabled by CLI argument `--profile`.
* @see [webpackbar](
* @version 2
profile: process.argv.includes('--profile'),
* Enables Common CSS Extraction using
* [Vue Server Renderer guidelines](
* Using [extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin]( under the hood, your CSS will be extracted
* into separate files, usually one per component. This allows caching your CSS and
* JavaScript separately and is worth trying if you have a lot of global or shared CSS.
* @example
* ```js
* export default {
* build: {
* extractCSS: true,
* // or
* extractCSS: {
* ignoreOrder: true
* }
* }
* }
* ```
* If you want to extract all your CSS to a single file, there is a workaround for this.
* However, note that it is not recommended to extract everything into a single file.
* Extracting into multiple CSS files is better for caching and preload isolation. It
* can also improve page performance by downloading and resolving only those resources
* that are needed.
* @example
* ```js
* export default {
* build: {
* extractCSS: true,
* optimization: {
* splitChunks: {
* cacheGroups: {
* styles: {
* name: 'styles',
* test: /\.(css|vue)$/,
* chunks: 'all',
* enforce: true
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* ```
* @version 2
extractCSS: false,
* Enables CSS source map support (defaults to true in development)
* @version 2
cssSourceMap: {
$resolve: (val, get) => val ?? get('sourcemap') ?? get('dev')
* Creates special webpack bundle for SSR renderer. It is normally not necessary to change this value.
* @version 2
ssr: undefined,
* Enable [thread-loader]( when building app with webpack.
* @warning This is an unstable feature.
* @version 2
parallel: {
$resolve: (val, get) => get('build.extractCSS') ? false : Boolean(val)
* Enable caching for [`terser-webpack-plugin`](
* and [`cache-loader`](
* @warning This is an unstable feature.
* @version 2
cache: false,
* Inline server bundle dependencies.
* This mode bundles `node_modules` that are normally preserved as externals in the server build.
* @warning Runtime dependencies (modules, `nuxt.config`, server middleware and the static directory) are not bundled.
* This feature only disables use of [webpack-externals]( for server-bundle.
* @note You can enable standalone bundling by passing `--standalone` via the command line.
* @see [context](
* @version 2
standalone: false,
* If you are uploading your dist files to a CDN, you can set the publicPath to your CDN.
* @note This is only applied in production.
* The value of this property at runtime will override the configuration of an app that
* has already been built.
* @example
* ```js
* build: {
* publicPath: process.env.PUBLIC_PATH || ''
* }
* ```
* @version 2
publicPath: {
$resolve: (val, get) => val ? withTrailingSlash(normalizeURL(val)) : get('app').buildAssetsDir
* The polyfill library to load to provide URL and URLSearchParams.
* Defaults to `'url'` ([see package](
* @version 2
serverURLPolyfill: 'url',
* Customize bundle filenames.
* To understand a bit more about the use of manifests, take a look at [this webpack documentation](
* @note Be careful when using non-hashed based filenames in production
* as most browsers will cache the asset and not detect the changes on first load.
* This example changes fancy chunk names to numerical ids:
* @example
* ```js
* filenames: {
* chunk: ({ isDev }) => (isDev ? '[name].js' : '[id].[contenthash].js')
* }
* ```
* @type {Record<string, ((arg: any) => string)>}
* @version 2
filenames: {
app: ({ isDev, isModern }: any) => isDev ? `[name]${isModern ? '.modern' : ''}.js` : `[contenthash:7]${isModern ? '.modern' : ''}.js`,
chunk: ({ isDev, isModern }: any) => isDev ? `[name]${isModern ? '.modern' : ''}.js` : `[contenthash:7]${isModern ? '.modern' : ''}.js`,
css: ({ isDev }: any) => isDev ? '[name].css' : 'css/[contenthash:7].css',
img: ({ isDev }: any) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'img/[name].[contenthash:7].[ext]',
font: ({ isDev }: any) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'fonts/[name].[contenthash:7].[ext]',
video: ({ isDev }: any) => isDev ? '[path][name].[ext]' : 'videos/[name].[contenthash:7].[ext]'
* Customize the options of Nuxt's integrated webpack loaders.
* @version 2
loaders: {
$resolve: (val, get) => {
const styleLoaders = [
'css', 'cssModules', 'less',
'sass', 'scss', 'stylus', 'vueStyle'
for (const name of styleLoaders) {
const loader = val[name]
if (loader && loader.sourcemap === undefined) {
loader.sourcemap = Boolean(get('build.cssSourceMap'))
return val
file: { esModule: false },
fontUrl: { esModule: false, limit: 1000 },
imgUrl: { esModule: false, limit: 1000 },
pugPlain: {},
vue: {
productionMode: { $resolve: (val, get) => val ?? !get('dev') },
transformAssetUrls: {
video: 'src',
source: 'src',
object: 'src',
embed: 'src'
compilerOptions: { $resolve: (val, get) => val ?? get('vue.compilerOptions') },
css: {
importLoaders: 0,
esModule: false
cssModules: {
importLoaders: 0,
esModule: false,
modules: {
localIdentName: '[local]_[hash:base64:5]'
less: {},
sass: {
sassOptions: {
indentedSyntax: true
scss: {},
stylus: {},
vueStyle: {}
* @deprecated Use [style-resources-module](
* @version 2
styleResources: {},
* Add webpack plugins.
* @example
* ```js
* import webpack from 'webpack'
* import { version } from './package.json'
* // ...
* plugins: [
* new webpack.DefinePlugin({
* 'process.VERSION': version
* })
* ]
* ```
* @version 2
plugins: [],
* Terser plugin options.
* Set to false to disable this plugin, or pass an object of options.
* @see [terser-webpack-plugin documentation](
* @note Enabling sourcemap will leave `//# sourcemappingURL` linking comment at
* the end of each output file if webpack `config.devtool` is set to `source-map`.
* @version 2
terser: {},
* Enables the [HardSourceWebpackPlugin]( for improved caching.
* @warning unstable
* @version 2
hardSource: false,
* Hard-replaces `typeof process`, `typeof window` and `typeof document` to tree-shake bundle.
* @version 2
aggressiveCodeRemoval: false,
* OptimizeCSSAssets plugin options.
* Defaults to true when `extractCSS` is enabled.
* @see [optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin documentation](
* @version 2
optimizeCSS: {
$resolve: (val, get) => val ?? (get('build.extractCSS') ? {} : false)
* Configure [webpack optimization](
* @version 2
optimization: {
runtimeChunk: 'single',
/** Set minimize to false to disable all minimizers. (It is disabled in development by default) */
minimize: {
$resolve: (val, get) => val ?? !get('dev')
/** You can set minimizer to a customized array of plugins. */
minimizer: undefined,
splitChunks: {
chunks: 'all',
automaticNameDelimiter: '/',
cacheGroups: {}
* Whether to split code for `layout`, `pages` and `commons` chunks.
* Commons libs include `vue`, `vue-loader`, `vue-router`, `vuex`, etc.
* @version 2
splitChunks: {
layouts: false,
pages: true,
commons: true
* Nuxt will automatically detect the current version of `core-js` in your project (`'auto'`),
* or you can specify which version you want to use (`2` or `3`).
* @version 2
corejs: 'auto',
* Customize your Babel configuration.
* See [babel-loader options]( and
* [babel options](
* @note `.babelrc` is ignored by default.
* @version 2
babel: {
configFile: false,
babelrc: false,
* An array of Babel plugins to load, or a function that takes webpack context and returns
* an array of Babel plugins.
* For more information see [Babel plugins options](
* and [babel-loader options](
plugins: [],
* The Babel presets to be applied.
* @note The presets configured here will be applied to both the client and the server
* build. The target will be set by Nuxt accordingly (client/server). If you want to configure
* the preset differently for the client or the server build, please use presets as a function.
* @warning It is highly recommended to use the default preset instead customizing.
* @example
* ```js
* export default {
* build: {
* babel: {
* presets({ isServer }, [ preset, options ]) {
* // change options directly
* options.targets = isServer ? '...' : '...'
* options.corejs = '...'
* // return nothing
* }
* }
* }
* }
* ```
* @example
* ```js
* export default {
* build: {
* babel: {
* presets({ isServer }, [preset, options]) {
* return [
* [
* preset,
* {
* targets: isServer ? '...' : '...',
* ...options
* }
* ],
* [
* // Other presets
* ]
* ]
* }
* }
* }
* }
* ```
presets: {},
cacheDirectory: {
$resolve: (val, get) => val ?? get('dev')
* If you want to transpile specific dependencies with Babel, you can add them here.
* Each item in transpile can be a package name, a function, a string or regex object matching the
* dependency's file name.
* You can also use a function to conditionally transpile. The function will receive an object ({ isDev, isServer, isClient, isModern, isLegacy }).
* @example
* ```js
transpile: [({ isLegacy }) => isLegacy && 'ky']
* ```
* @version 2
* @version 3
* @type {Array<string | RegExp | Function>}
transpile: {
$resolve: val => [].concat(val).filter(Boolean)
* Customize PostCSS Loader plugins.
* Sames options as
* @version 2
postcss: {
execute: undefined,
postcssOptions: {
$resolve: (val, get) => {
// Ensure we return the same object in `build.postcss.postcssOptions as `postcss`
// so modules which modify the configuration continue to work.
const postcssOptions = get('postcss')
Object.assign(postcssOptions, defu(postcssOptions, val))
return postcssOptions
sourcemap: undefined,
implementation: undefined,
order: ''
/** @version 2 */
html: {
* Configuration for the html-minifier plugin used to minify HTML files created
* during the build process (will be applied for all modes).
* @warning If you make changes, they won't be merged with the defaults!
* @example
* ```js
* export default {
* html: {
* minify: {
* collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
* decodeEntities: true,
* minifyCSS: true,
* minifyJS: true,
* processConditionalComments: true,
* removeEmptyAttributes: true,
* removeRedundantAttributes: true,
* trimCustomFragments: true,
* useShortDoctype: true
* }
* }
* }
* ```
minify: {
collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
decodeEntities: true,
minifyCSS: true,
minifyJS: true,
processConditionalComments: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: true,
trimCustomFragments: true,
useShortDoctype: true
* Allows setting a different app template (other than `@nuxt/vue-app`)
* @version 2
template: undefined,
* You can provide your own templates which will be rendered based
* on Nuxt configuration. This feature is specially useful for using with modules.
* Templates are rendered using [`lodash.template`](
* @example
* ```js
* templates: [
* {
* src: '~/modules/support/plugin.js', // `src` can be absolute or relative
* dst: 'support.js', // `dst` is relative to project `.nuxt` dir
* options: {
* // Options are provided to template as `options` key
* live_chat: false
* }
* }
* ]
* ```
* @version 2
* @version 3
templates: [],
* You can provide your custom files to watch and regenerate after changes.
* This feature is especially useful for using with modules.
* @example
* ```js
watch: ['~/.nuxt/support.js']
* ```
* @version 2
watch: [],
* See [webpack-dev-middleware]( for available options.
* @version 2
devMiddleware: {
stats: 'none'
* See [webpack-hot-middleware]( for available options.
* @version 2
hotMiddleware: {},
/** @version 2 */
vendor: {
$meta: {
deprecated: 'vendor has been deprecated since nuxt 2'
* Set to `'none'` or `false` to disable stats printing out after a build.
* @version 2
stats: {
$resolve: (val, get) => (val === 'none' || get('build.quiet')) ? false : val,
excludeAssets: [
* Set to `false` to disable the overlay provided by [FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin](
* @version 2
friendlyErrors: true,
* Additional extensions (beyond `['vue', 'js']` to support in `pages/`, `layouts/`, `middleware/`, etc.)
* @version 2
additionalExtensions: [],
* Filters to hide build warnings.
* @version 2
warningIgnoreFilters: [],
* Set to true to scan files within symlinks in the build (such as within `pages/`).
* @version 2
followSymlinks: false