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import type { H3Event } from 'h3'
import { setResponseStatus as _setResponseStatus, appendHeader, getRequestHeader, getRequestHeaders } from 'h3'
import { getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
import { useServerHead } from '@unhead/vue'
import type { NuxtApp } from '../nuxt'
import { useNuxtApp } from '../nuxt'
import { toArray } from '../utils'
/** @since 3.0.0 */
export function useRequestEvent (nuxtApp: NuxtApp = useNuxtApp()) {
return nuxtApp.ssrContext?.event
/** @since 3.0.0 */
export function useRequestHeaders<K extends string = string> (include: K[]): { [key in Lowercase<K>]?: string }
export function useRequestHeaders (): Readonly<Record<string, string>>
export function useRequestHeaders (include?: any[]) {
if (import.meta.client) { return {} }
const event = useRequestEvent()
const _headers = event ? getRequestHeaders(event) : {}
if (!include || !event) { return _headers }
const headers = Object.create(null)
for (const _key of include) {
const key = _key.toLowerCase()
const header = _headers[key]
if (header) {
headers[key] = header
return headers
/** @since 3.9.0 */
export function useRequestHeader (header: string) {
if (import.meta.client) { return undefined }
const event = useRequestEvent()
return event ? getRequestHeader(event, header) : undefined
/** @since 3.2.0 */
export function useRequestFetch (): typeof global.$fetch {
if (import.meta.client) {
return globalThis.$fetch
return useRequestEvent()?.$fetch as typeof globalThis.$fetch || globalThis.$fetch
/** @since 3.0.0 */
export function setResponseStatus (event: H3Event, code?: number, message?: string): void
/** @deprecated Pass `event` as first option. */
export function setResponseStatus (code: number, message?: string): void
export function setResponseStatus (arg1: H3Event | number | undefined, arg2?: number | string, arg3?: string) {
if (import.meta.client) { return }
if (arg1 && typeof arg1 !== 'number') {
return _setResponseStatus(arg1, arg2 as number | undefined, arg3)
const event = useRequestEvent()
if (event) {
return _setResponseStatus(event, arg1, arg2 as string | undefined)
/** @since 3.8.0 */
export function prerenderRoutes (path: string | string[]) {
if (!import.meta.server || !import.meta.prerender) { return }
const paths = toArray(path)
appendHeader(useRequestEvent()!, 'x-nitro-prerender', paths.map(p => encodeURIComponent(p)).join(', '))
const PREHYDRATE_ATTR_KEY = 'data-prehydrate-id'
* `onPrehydrate` is a composable lifecycle hook that allows you to run a callback on the client immediately before
* Nuxt hydrates the page. This is an advanced feature.
* The callback will be stringified and inlined in the HTML so it should not have any external
* dependencies (such as auto-imports) or refer to variables defined outside the callback.
* The callback will run before Nuxt runtime initializes so it should not rely on the Nuxt or Vue context.
* @since 3.12.0
export function onPrehydrate (callback: (el: HTMLElement) => void): void
export function onPrehydrate (callback: string | ((el: HTMLElement) => void), key?: string): undefined | string {
if (import.meta.client) { return }
if (typeof callback !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('[nuxt] To transform a callback into a string, `onPrehydrate` must be processed by the Nuxt build pipeline. If it is called in a third-party library, make sure to add the library to `build.transpile`.')
const vm = getCurrentInstance()
if (vm && key) {
vm.attrs[PREHYDRATE_ATTR_KEY] ||= ''
key = ':' + key + ':'
if (!(vm.attrs[PREHYDRATE_ATTR_KEY] as string).includes(key)) {
vm.attrs[PREHYDRATE_ATTR_KEY] += key
const code = vm && key
? `document.querySelectorAll('[${PREHYDRATE_ATTR_KEY}*=${JSON.stringify(key)}]').forEach` + callback
: (callback + '()')
script: [{
key: vm && key ? key : code,
tagPosition: 'bodyClose',
tagPriority: 'critical',
innerHTML: code,
return vm && key ? vm.attrs[PREHYDRATE_ATTR_KEY] as string : undefined