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import { addTemplate, addVitePlugin, addWebpackPlugin, defineNuxtModule, isIgnored, logger, resolveAlias, tryResolveModule, updateTemplates, useNuxt } from '@nuxt/kit'
import { isAbsolute, join, normalize, relative, resolve } from 'pathe'
import type { Import, Unimport } from 'unimport'
import { createUnimport, scanDirExports } from 'unimport'
import type { ImportPresetWithDeprecation, ImportsOptions } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { lookupNodeModuleSubpath, parseNodeModulePath } from 'mlly'
import { TransformPlugin } from './transform'
import { defaultPresets } from './presets'
export default defineNuxtModule<Partial<ImportsOptions>>({
meta: {
name: 'imports',
configKey: 'imports'
defaults: {
autoImport: true,
presets: defaultPresets,
global: false,
imports: [],
dirs: [],
transform: {
include: [],
exclude: undefined
virtualImports: ['#imports']
async setup (options, nuxt) {
// TODO: fix sharing of defaults between invocations of modules
const presets = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options.presets)) as ImportPresetWithDeprecation[]
// Allow modules extending sources
await nuxt.callHook('imports:sources', presets)
// Filter disabled sources
// options.sources = options.sources.filter(source => source.disabled !== true)
// Create a context to share state between module internals
const ctx = createUnimport({
addons: {
vueTemplate: options.autoImport,
await nuxt.callHook('imports:context', ctx)
// composables/ dirs from all layers
let composablesDirs: string[] = []
for (const layer of nuxt.options._layers) {
composablesDirs.push(resolve(layer.config.srcDir, 'composables'))
composablesDirs.push(resolve(layer.config.srcDir, 'utils'))
for (const dir of (layer.config.imports?.dirs ?? [])) {
if (!dir) {
composablesDirs.push(resolve(layer.config.srcDir, dir))
await nuxt.callHook('imports:dirs', composablesDirs)
composablesDirs = composablesDirs.map(dir => normalize(dir))
// Restart nuxt when composable directories are added/removed
nuxt.hook('builder:watch', (event, relativePath) => {
if (!['addDir', 'unlinkDir'].includes(event)) { return }
const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, relativePath)
if (composablesDirs.includes(path)) {
logger.info(`Directory \`${relativePath}/\` ${event === 'addDir' ? 'created' : 'removed'}`)
return nuxt.callHook('restart')
// Support for importing from '#imports'
filename: 'imports.mjs',
getContents: async () => await ctx.toExports() + '\nif (import.meta.dev) { console.warn("[nuxt] `#imports` should be transformed with real imports. There seems to be something wrong with the imports plugin.") }'
nuxt.options.alias['#imports'] = join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'imports')
// Transform to inject imports in production mode
addVitePlugin(() => TransformPlugin.vite({ ctx, options, sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server || !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.client }))
addWebpackPlugin(() => TransformPlugin.webpack({ ctx, options, sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server || !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.client }))
const priorities = nuxt.options._layers.map((layer, i) => [layer.config.srcDir, -i] as const).sort(([a], [b]) => b.length - a.length)
const regenerateImports = async () => {
await ctx.modifyDynamicImports(async (imports) => {
// Clear old imports
imports.length = 0
// Scan `composables/`
const composableImports = await scanDirExports(composablesDirs, {
fileFilter: file => !isIgnored(file)
for (const i of composableImports) {
i.priority = i.priority || priorities.find(([dir]) => i.from.startsWith(dir))?.[1]
// Modules extending
await nuxt.callHook('imports:extend', imports)
return imports
await regenerateImports()
// Generate types
addDeclarationTemplates(ctx, options)
// Add generated types to `nuxt.d.ts`
nuxt.hook('prepare:types', ({ references }) => {
references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types/imports.d.ts') })
references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'imports.d.ts') })
// Watch composables/ directory
const templates = [
nuxt.hook('builder:watch', async (_, relativePath) => {
const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, relativePath)
if (composablesDirs.some(dir => dir === path || path.startsWith(dir + '/'))) {
await updateTemplates({
filter: template => templates.includes(template.filename)
nuxt.hook('app:templatesGenerated', async () => {
await regenerateImports()
function addDeclarationTemplates (ctx: Unimport, options: Partial<ImportsOptions>) {
const nuxt = useNuxt()
// Remove file extension for benefit of TypeScript
const stripExtension = (path: string) => path.replace(/\.[a-z]+$/, '')
const resolvedImportPathMap = new Map<string, string>()
const r = ({ from }: Import) => resolvedImportPathMap.get(from)
async function cacheImportPaths(imports: Import[]) {
const importSource = Array.from(new Set(imports.map(i => i.from)))
await Promise.all(importSource.map(async (from) => {
if (resolvedImportPathMap.has(from)) {
let path = resolveAlias(from)
if (!isAbsolute(path)) {
path = await tryResolveModule(from, nuxt.options.modulesDir).then(async (r) => {
if (!r) { return r }
const { dir, name } = parseNodeModulePath(r)
if (!dir || !name) { return r }
const subpath = await lookupNodeModuleSubpath(r)
return join(dir, name, subpath || '')
}) ?? path
if (isAbsolute(path)) {
path = relative(join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types'), path)
path = stripExtension(path)
resolvedImportPathMap.set(from, path)
filename: 'imports.d.ts',
getContents: () => ctx.toExports(nuxt.options.buildDir, true)
filename: 'types/imports.d.ts',
getContents: async () => {
const imports = await ctx.getImports()
await cacheImportPaths(imports)
return '// Generated by auto imports\n' + (
? await ctx.generateTypeDeclarations({ resolvePath: r })
: '// Implicit auto importing is disabled, you can use explicitly import from `#imports` instead.'