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import type { PropType, DefineComponent, ComputedRef } from 'vue'
import { defineComponent, h, ref, resolveComponent, computed, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'
import type { RouteLocationRaw } from 'vue-router'
import { hasProtocol } from 'ufo'
import { preloadRouteComponents } from '../composables/preload'
import { onNuxtReady } from '../composables/ready'
import { navigateTo, useRouter } from '../composables/router'
import { useNuxtApp } from '../nuxt'
import { cancelIdleCallback, requestIdleCallback } from '../compat/idle-callback'
const firstNonUndefined = <T> (...args: (T | undefined)[]) => args.find(arg => arg !== undefined)
const DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_REL_ATTRIBUTE = 'noopener noreferrer'
export type NuxtLinkOptions = {
componentName?: string
externalRelAttribute?: string | null
activeClass?: string
exactActiveClass?: string
prefetchedClass?: string
export type NuxtLinkProps = {
// Routing
to?: string | RouteLocationRaw
href?: string | RouteLocationRaw
external?: boolean
replace?: boolean
custom?: boolean
// Attributes
target?: '_blank' | '_parent' | '_self' | '_top' | (string & {}) | null
rel?: string | null
noRel?: boolean
prefetch?: boolean
noPrefetch?: boolean
// Styling
activeClass?: string
exactActiveClass?: string
// Vue Router's `<RouterLink>` additional props
ariaCurrentValue?: string
export function defineNuxtLink (options: NuxtLinkOptions) {
const componentName = options.componentName || 'NuxtLink'
const checkPropConflicts = (props: NuxtLinkProps, main: keyof NuxtLinkProps, sub: keyof NuxtLinkProps): void => {
if (process.dev && props[main] !== undefined && props[sub] !== undefined) {
console.warn(`[${componentName}] \`${main}\` and \`${sub}\` cannot be used together. \`${sub}\` will be ignored.`)
return defineComponent({
name: componentName,
props: {
// Routing
to: {
type: [String, Object] as PropType<string | RouteLocationRaw>,
default: undefined,
required: false
href: {
type: [String, Object] as PropType<string | RouteLocationRaw>,
default: undefined,
required: false
// Attributes
target: {
type: String as PropType<string>,
default: undefined,
required: false
rel: {
type: String as PropType<string>,
default: undefined,
required: false
noRel: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
default: undefined,
required: false
// Prefetching
prefetch: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
default: undefined,
required: false
noPrefetch: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
default: undefined,
required: false
// Styling
activeClass: {
type: String as PropType<string>,
default: undefined,
required: false
exactActiveClass: {
type: String as PropType<string>,
default: undefined,
required: false
prefetchedClass: {
type: String as PropType<string>,
default: undefined,
required: false
// Vue Router's `<RouterLink>` additional props
replace: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
default: undefined,
required: false
ariaCurrentValue: {
type: String as PropType<string>,
default: undefined,
required: false
// Edge cases handling
external: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
default: undefined,
required: false
// Slot API
custom: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
default: undefined,
required: false
setup (props, { slots }) {
const router = useRouter()
// Resolving `to` value from `to` and `href` props
const to: ComputedRef<string | RouteLocationRaw> = computed(() => {
checkPropConflicts(props, 'to', 'href')
return props.to || props.href || '' // Defaults to empty string (won't render any `href` attribute)
// Resolving link type
const isExternal = computed<boolean>(() => {
// External prop is explicitly set
if (props.external) {
return true
// When `target` prop is set, link is external
if (props.target && props.target !== '_self') {
return true
// When `to` is a route object then it's an internal link
if (typeof to.value === 'object') {
return false
return to.value === '' || hasProtocol(to.value, true)
// Prefetching
const prefetched = ref(false)
const el = process.server ? undefined : ref<HTMLElement | null>(null)
if (process.client) {
checkPropConflicts(props, 'prefetch', 'noPrefetch')
const shouldPrefetch = props.prefetch !== false && props.noPrefetch !== true && props.target !== '_blank' && !isSlowConnection()
if (shouldPrefetch) {
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
let idleId: number
let unobserve: (() => void)| null = null
onMounted(() => {
const observer = useObserver()
onNuxtReady(() => {
idleId = requestIdleCallback(() => {
if (el?.value?.tagName) {
unobserve = observer!.observe(el.value, async () => {
unobserve = null
const path = typeof to.value === 'string' ? to.value : router.resolve(to.value).fullPath
await Promise.all([
nuxtApp.hooks.callHook('link:prefetch', path).catch(() => {}),
!isExternal.value && preloadRouteComponents(to.value as string, router).catch(() => {})
prefetched.value = true
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
if (idleId) { cancelIdleCallback(idleId) }
unobserve = null
return () => {
if (!isExternal.value) {
// Internal link
return h(
ref: process.server ? undefined : (ref: any) => { el!.value = ref?.$el },
to: to.value,
...((prefetched.value && !props.custom) ? { class: props.prefetchedClass || options.prefetchedClass } : {}),
activeClass: props.activeClass || options.activeClass,
exactActiveClass: props.exactActiveClass || options.exactActiveClass,
replace: props.replace,
ariaCurrentValue: props.ariaCurrentValue,
custom: props.custom
// Resolves `to` value if it's a route location object
// converts `'''` to `null` to prevent the attribute from being added as empty (`href=""`)
const href = typeof to.value === 'object' ? router.resolve(to.value)?.href ?? null : to.value || null
// Resolves `target` value
const target = props.target || null
// Resolves `rel`
checkPropConflicts(props, 'noRel', 'rel')
const rel = (props.noRel)
? null
// converts `""` to `null` to prevent the attribute from being added as empty (`rel=""`)
: firstNonUndefined<string | null>(props.rel, options.externalRelAttribute, href ? DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_REL_ATTRIBUTE : '') || null
const navigate = () => navigateTo(href, { replace: props.replace })
// https://router.vuejs.org/api/#custom
if (props.custom) {
if (!slots.default) {
return null
return slots.default({
route: router.resolve(href!),
isExternal: isExternal.value,
isActive: false,
isExactActive: false
return h('a', { ref: el, href, rel, target }, slots.default?.())
}) as unknown as DefineComponent<NuxtLinkProps>
export default defineNuxtLink({ componentName: 'NuxtLink' })
// --- Prefetching utils ---
type CallbackFn = () => void
type ObserveFn = (element: Element, callback: CallbackFn) => () => void
function useObserver (): { observe: ObserveFn } | undefined {
if (process.server) { return }
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
if (nuxtApp._observer) {
return nuxtApp._observer
let observer: IntersectionObserver | null = null
const callbacks = new Map<Element, CallbackFn>()
const observe: ObserveFn = (element, callback) => {
if (!observer) {
observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
for (const entry of entries) {
const callback = callbacks.get(entry.target)
const isVisible = entry.isIntersecting || entry.intersectionRatio > 0
if (isVisible && callback) { callback() }
callbacks.set(element, callback)
return () => {
if (callbacks.size === 0) {
observer = null
const _observer = nuxtApp._observer = {
return _observer
function isSlowConnection () {
if (process.server) { return }
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/connection
const cn = (navigator as any).connection as { saveData: boolean, effectiveType: string } | null
if (cn && (cn.saveData || /2g/.test(cn.effectiveType))) { return true }
return false