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import fse from 'fs-extra'
import { relative, resolve } from 'pathe'
import { withTrailingSlash, withoutLeadingSlash } from 'ufo'
import escapeRE from 'escape-string-regexp'
import { normalizeViteManifest } from 'vue-bundle-renderer'
import type { Manifest } from 'vue-bundle-renderer'
import type { ViteBuildContext } from './vite'
export async function writeManifest (ctx: ViteBuildContext, css: string[] = []) {
// Write client manifest for use in vue-bundle-renderer
const clientDist = resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/client')
const serverDist = resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/server')
const devClientManifest: Manifest = {
'@vite/client': {
isEntry: true,
file: '@vite/client',
module: true,
resourceType: 'script'
[ctx.entry]: {
isEntry: true,
file: ctx.entry,
module: true,
resourceType: 'script'
const manifestFile = resolve(clientDist, 'manifest.json')
const clientManifest = ctx.nuxt.options.dev
? devClientManifest
: await fse.readJSON(manifestFile)
const buildAssetsDir = withTrailingSlash(withoutLeadingSlash(ctx.nuxt.options.app.buildAssetsDir))
const BASE_RE = new RegExp(`^${escapeRE(buildAssetsDir)}`)
for (const key in clientManifest) {
const entry = clientManifest[key]
if (entry.file) {
entry.file = entry.file.replace(BASE_RE, '')
for (const item of ['css', 'assets']) {
if (entry[item]) {
entry[item] = entry[item].map((i: string) => i.replace(BASE_RE, ''))
await fse.mkdirp(serverDist)
if (ctx.config.build?.cssCodeSplit === false) {
const entryCSS = Object.values(clientManifest as Record<string, { file?: string }>).find(val => (val).file?.endsWith('.css'))?.file
if (entryCSS) {
const key = relative(ctx.config.root!, ctx.entry)
clientManifest[key].css ||= []
const manifest = normalizeViteManifest(clientManifest)
await ctx.nuxt.callHook('build:manifest', manifest)
const stringifiedManifest = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2)
await fse.writeFile(resolve(serverDist, 'client.manifest.json'), stringifiedManifest, 'utf8')
await fse.writeFile(resolve(serverDist, 'client.manifest.mjs'), 'export default ' + stringifiedManifest, 'utf8')
if (!ctx.nuxt.options.dev) {
await fse.rm(manifestFile, { force: true })