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synced 2025-02-06 06:51:07 +00:00
- [ ] babel-eslint https://github.com/babel/babel-eslint/issues/664 - [x] eslint-config-standard-jsx https://github.com/standard/eslint-config-standard-jsx/issues/32 - [x] eslint-config-standard to be stable release https://github.com/standard/eslint-config-standard/issues/123 - [x] eslint-plugin-html - [x] eslint-plugin-import - [x] eslint-plugin-jest - [x] eslint-plugin-node - [x] eslint-plugin-promise - [x] eslint-plugin-standard https://github.com/standard/eslint-plugin-standard/issues/29 - [x] eslint-plugin-vue https://github.com/vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue/pull/504 - [x] eslint-plugin-react https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react/releases/tag/v7.10.0
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import http from 'http'
import { existsSync } from 'fs'
import { resolve } from 'path'
import serveStatic from 'serve-static'
import finalhandler from 'finalhandler'
import { loadFixture, getPort, Nuxt, Generator, Options, rp } from '../utils'
let port
const url = route => 'http://localhost:' + port + route
const distDir = resolve(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures/basic/.nuxt-generate-fallback')
let nuxt = null
let server = null
let generator = null
describe('fallback generate', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
const config = await loadFixture('basic', { generate: { dir: '.nuxt-generate-fallback' } })
nuxt = new Nuxt(config)
generator = new Generator(nuxt)
await generator.generate({ build: false })
const serve = serveStatic(distDir)
server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
serve(req, res, finalhandler(req, res))
port = await getPort()
test('default creates /200.html as fallback', async () => {
const html = await rp(url('/200.html'))
expect(html.includes('<h1>Index page</h1>')).toBe(false)
expect(existsSync(resolve(distDir, '200.html'))).toBe(true)
expect(existsSync(resolve(distDir, '404.html'))).toBe(false)
test('nuxt re-generating with generate.fallback = false', async () => {
nuxt.options.generate.fallback = false
await expect(generator.generate({ build: false })).resolves.toBeTruthy()
test('false creates no fallback', async () => {
await expect(rp(url('/200.html'))).rejects.toMatchObject({
statusCode: 404,
response: {
body: expect.stringContaining('Cannot GET /200.html')
expect(existsSync(resolve(distDir, '200.html'))).toBe(false)
expect(existsSync(resolve(distDir, '404.html'))).toBe(false)
test('nuxt re-generating with generate.fallback = \'\'', async () => {
nuxt.options.generate.fallback = ''
await expect(generator.generate({ build: false })).resolves.toBeTruthy()
test('empty string creates no fallback', async () => {
await expect(rp(url('/200.html'))).rejects.toMatchObject({
statusCode: 404,
response: {
body: expect.stringContaining('Cannot GET /200.html')
expect(existsSync(resolve(distDir, '200.html'))).toBe(false)
expect(existsSync(resolve(distDir, '404.html'))).toBe(false)
test('generate.fallback = true is transformed to /404.html', () => {
nuxt.options.generate.fallback = true
const options = Options.from(nuxt.options)
'nuxt re-generating with generate.fallback = "spa-fallback.html"',
async () => {
nuxt.options.generate.fallback = 'spa-fallback.html'
await expect(generator.generate({ build: false })).resolves.toBeTruthy()
test('spa-fallback.html was created', async () => {
const html = await rp(url('/spa-fallback.html'))
expect(html.includes('<h1>Index page</h1>')).toBe(false)
expect(existsSync(resolve(distDir, 'spa-fallback.html'))).toBe(true)
expect(existsSync(resolve(distDir, '200.html'))).toBe(false)
expect(existsSync(resolve(distDir, '404.html'))).toBe(false)
// Close server and ask nuxt to stop listening to file changes
afterAll(async () => {
await server.close()