
524 lines
20 KiB

import { join, normalize, relative, resolve } from 'pathe'
import { createDebugger, createHooks } from 'hookable'
import type { LoadNuxtOptions } from '@nuxt/kit'
import { addBuildPlugin, addComponent, addPlugin, addRouteMiddleware, addVitePlugin, addWebpackPlugin, installModule, loadNuxtConfig, logger, nuxtCtx, resolveAlias, resolveFiles, resolvePath, tryResolveModule, useNitro } from '@nuxt/kit'
import type { Nuxt, NuxtHooks, NuxtOptions } from 'nuxt/schema'
import escapeRE from 'escape-string-regexp'
import fse from 'fs-extra'
import { withoutLeadingSlash } from 'ufo'
/* eslint-disable import/no-restricted-paths */
import defu from 'defu'
import pagesModule from '../pages/module'
import metaModule from '../head/module'
import componentsModule from '../components/module'
import importsModule from '../imports/module'
/* eslint-enable */
import { distDir, pkgDir } from '../dirs'
import { version } from '../../package.json'
import { ImportProtectionPlugin, vueAppPatterns } from './plugins/import-protection'
import type { UnctxTransformPluginOptions } from './plugins/unctx'
import { UnctxTransformPlugin } from './plugins/unctx'
import type { TreeShakeComposablesPluginOptions } from './plugins/tree-shake'
import { TreeShakeComposablesPlugin } from './plugins/tree-shake'
import { DevOnlyPlugin } from './plugins/dev-only'
import { LayerAliasingPlugin } from './plugins/layer-aliasing'
import { addModuleTranspiles } from './modules'
import { initNitro } from './nitro'
import schemaModule from './schema'
import { RemovePluginMetadataPlugin } from './plugins/plugin-metadata'
import { AsyncContextInjectionPlugin } from './plugins/async-context'
import { resolveDeepImportsPlugin } from './plugins/resolve-deep-imports'
export function createNuxt (options: NuxtOptions): Nuxt {
const hooks = createHooks<NuxtHooks>()
const nuxt: Nuxt = {
_version: version,
callHook: hooks.callHook,
addHooks: hooks.addHooks,
hook: hooks.hook,
ready: () => initNuxt(nuxt),
close: () => Promise.resolve(hooks.callHook('close', nuxt)),
vfs: {},
apps: {}
return nuxt
async function initNuxt (nuxt: Nuxt) {
// Register user hooks
for (const config of => layer.config).reverse()) {
if (config.hooks) {
// Set nuxt instance for useNuxt
nuxt.hook('close', () => nuxtCtx.unset())
// Add nuxt types
nuxt.hook('prepare:types', (opts) => {
opts.references.push({ types: 'nuxt' })
opts.references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types/plugins.d.ts') })
// Add vue shim
if (nuxt.options.typescript.shim) {
opts.references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types/vue-shim.d.ts') })
// Add module augmentations directly to NuxtConfig
opts.references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types/schema.d.ts') })
opts.references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types/app.config.d.ts') })
for (const layer of nuxt.options._layers) {
const declaration = join(layer.cwd, 'index.d.ts')
if (fse.existsSync(declaration)) {
opts.references.push({ path: declaration })
// Add plugin normalization plugin
// Add import protection
const config = {
rootDir: nuxt.options.rootDir,
// Exclude top-level resolutions by plugins
exclude: [join(nuxt.options.rootDir, 'index.html')],
patterns: vueAppPatterns(nuxt)
addVitePlugin(() => ImportProtectionPlugin.vite(config))
addWebpackPlugin(() => ImportProtectionPlugin.webpack(config))
if (nuxt.options.experimental.appManifest) {
name: 'manifest-route-rule',
path: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'middleware/manifest-route-rule'),
global: true
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/check-outdated-build.client'))
// add resolver for modules used in virtual files
addVitePlugin(() => resolveDeepImportsPlugin(nuxt))
if (nuxt.options.experimental.localLayerAliases) {
// Add layer aliasing support for ~, ~~, @ and @@ aliases
addVitePlugin(() => LayerAliasingPlugin.vite({
sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server || !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.client,
root: nuxt.options.srcDir,
// skip top-level layer (user's project) as the aliases will already be correctly resolved
layers: nuxt.options._layers.slice(1)
addWebpackPlugin(() => LayerAliasingPlugin.webpack({
sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server || !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.client,
root: nuxt.options.srcDir,
// skip top-level layer (user's project) as the aliases will already be correctly resolved
layers: nuxt.options._layers.slice(1),
transform: true
nuxt.hook('modules:done', async () => {
// Add unctx transform
const options = {
sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server || !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.client,
transformerOptions: {
helperModule: await tryResolveModule('unctx', nuxt.options.modulesDir) ?? 'unctx'
} satisfies UnctxTransformPluginOptions
addVitePlugin(() => UnctxTransformPlugin.vite(options))
addWebpackPlugin(() => UnctxTransformPlugin.webpack(options))
// Add composable tree-shaking optimisations
const serverTreeShakeOptions: TreeShakeComposablesPluginOptions = {
sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server,
composables: nuxt.options.optimization.treeShake.composables.server
if (Object.keys(serverTreeShakeOptions.composables).length) {
addVitePlugin(() => TreeShakeComposablesPlugin.vite(serverTreeShakeOptions), { client: false })
addWebpackPlugin(() => TreeShakeComposablesPlugin.webpack(serverTreeShakeOptions), { client: false })
const clientTreeShakeOptions: TreeShakeComposablesPluginOptions = {
sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.client,
composables: nuxt.options.optimization.treeShake.composables.client
if (Object.keys(clientTreeShakeOptions.composables).length) {
addVitePlugin(() => TreeShakeComposablesPlugin.vite(clientTreeShakeOptions), { server: false })
addWebpackPlugin(() => TreeShakeComposablesPlugin.webpack(clientTreeShakeOptions), { server: false })
if (! {
// DevOnly component tree-shaking - build time only
addVitePlugin(() => DevOnlyPlugin.vite({ sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server || !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.client }))
addWebpackPlugin(() => DevOnlyPlugin.webpack({ sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server || !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.client }))
if ( {
// Add plugin to check if layouts are defined without NuxtLayout being instantiated
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/check-if-layout-used'))
// Transform initial composable call within `<script setup>` to preserve context
if (nuxt.options.experimental.asyncContext) {
// TODO: [Experimental] Avoid emitting assets when flag is enabled
if (nuxt.options.experimental.noScripts && ! {
nuxt.hook('build:manifest', async (manifest) => {
for (const file in manifest) {
if (manifest[file].resourceType === 'script') {
await fse.rm(resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/client', withoutLeadingSlash(, manifest[file].file), { force: true })
manifest[file].file = ''
// Transpile #app if it is imported directly from subpath export'nuxt/app')
// Transpile layers within node_modules
...nuxt.options._layers.filter(i => i.cwd.includes('node_modules')).map(i => i.cwd as string)
// Init user modules
await nuxt.callHook('modules:before')
const modulesToInstall = []
const watchedPaths = new Set<string>()
const specifiedModules = new Set<string>()
for (const _mod of nuxt.options.modules) {
const mod = Array.isArray(_mod) ? _mod[0] : _mod
if (typeof mod !== 'string') { continue }
const modPath = await resolvePath(resolveAlias(mod))
// Automatically register user modules
for (const config of => layer.config).reverse()) {
const modulesDir = (config.rootDir === nuxt.options.rootDir ? nuxt.options : config).dir?.modules || 'modules'
const layerModules = await resolveFiles(config.srcDir, [
for (const mod of layerModules) {
if (specifiedModules.has(mod)) { continue }
// Register user and then ad-hoc modules
modulesToInstall.push(...nuxt.options.modules, ...nuxt.options._modules)
// Add <NuxtWelcome>
name: 'NuxtWelcome',
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: (await tryResolveModule('@nuxt/ui-templates/templates/welcome.vue', nuxt.options.modulesDir))!
name: 'NuxtLayout',
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/nuxt-layout')
// Add <NuxtErrorBoundary>
name: 'NuxtErrorBoundary',
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/nuxt-error-boundary')
// Add <ClientOnly>
name: 'ClientOnly',
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/client-only')
// Add <DevOnly>
name: 'DevOnly',
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/dev-only')
// Add <ServerPlaceholder>
name: 'ServerPlaceholder',
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/server-placeholder')
// Add <NuxtLink>
name: 'NuxtLink',
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/nuxt-link')
// Add <NuxtLoadingIndicator>
name: 'NuxtLoadingIndicator',
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/nuxt-loading-indicator')
// Add <NuxtClientFallback>
if (nuxt.options.experimental.clientFallback) {
name: 'NuxtClientFallback',
_raw: true,
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/client-fallback.client'),
mode: 'client'
name: 'NuxtClientFallback',
_raw: true,
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/client-fallback.server'),
mode: 'server'
// Add <NuxtIsland>
if (nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands) {
name: 'NuxtIsland',
priority: 10, // built-in that we do not expect the user to override
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/nuxt-island')
if (!nuxt.options.ssr) {
nuxt.options.ssr = true
nuxt.options.nitro.routeRules ||= {}
nuxt.options.nitro.routeRules['/**'] = defu(nuxt.options.nitro.routeRules['/**'], { ssr: false })
// Add stubs for <NuxtImg> and <NuxtPicture>
for (const name of ['NuxtImg', 'NuxtPicture']) {
export: name,
priority: -1,
filePath: resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/nuxt-stubs'),
// @ts-expect-error TODO: refactor to nuxi
_internal_install: '@nuxt/image'
// Add prerender payload support
if (! && nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction) {
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/payload.client'))
// Add experimental cross-origin prefetch support using Speculation Rules API
if (nuxt.options.experimental.crossOriginPrefetch) {
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/cross-origin-prefetch.client'))
// Add experimental page reload support
if (nuxt.options.experimental.emitRouteChunkError === 'automatic') {
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/chunk-reload.client'))
// Add experimental session restoration support
if (nuxt.options.experimental.restoreState) {
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/restore-state.client'))
// Add experimental automatic view transition api support
if (nuxt.options.experimental.viewTransition) {
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/view-transitions.client'))
// Add experimental support for custom types in JSON payload
if (nuxt.options.experimental.renderJsonPayloads) {
nuxt.hooks.hook('modules:done', () => {
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/revive-payload.client'))
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/revive-payload.server'))
// Track components used to render for webpack
if (nuxt.options.builder === '@nuxt/webpack-builder') {
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/preload.server'))
const envMap = {
// defaults from `builder` based on package name
'@nuxt/vite-builder': 'vite/client',
'@nuxt/webpack-builder': 'webpack/module',
// simpler overrides from `typescript.builder` for better DX
vite: 'vite/client',
webpack: 'webpack/module',
// default 'merged' builder environment for module authors
shared: '@nuxt/schema/builder-env'
nuxt.hook('prepare:types', ({ references }) => {
// Disable entirely if `typescript.builder` is false
if (nuxt.options.typescript.builder === false) { return }
const overrideEnv = nuxt.options.typescript.builder && envMap[nuxt.options.typescript.builder]
// If there's no override, infer based on builder. If a custom builder is provided, we disable shared types
const defaultEnv = typeof nuxt.options.builder === 'string' ? envMap[nuxt.options.builder] : false
const types = overrideEnv || defaultEnv
if (types) { references.push({ types }) }
// Add nuxt app debugger
if (nuxt.options.debug) {
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/debug'))
for (const m of modulesToInstall) {
if (Array.isArray(m)) {
await installModule(m[0], m[1])
} else {
await installModule(m, {})
await nuxt.callHook('modules:done')
nuxt.hooks.hook('builder:watch', (event, relativePath) => {
const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, relativePath)
// Local module patterns
if (watchedPaths.has(path)) {
return nuxt.callHook('restart', { hard: true })
// User provided patterns
const layerRelativePaths = => relative(l.config.srcDir || l.cwd, path))
for (const pattern of {
if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
// Test (normalized) strings against absolute path and relative path to any layer `srcDir`
if (pattern === path || layerRelativePaths.includes(pattern)) { return nuxt.callHook('restart') }
// Test regular expressions against path to _any_ layer `srcDir`
if (layerRelativePaths.some(p => pattern.test(p))) {
return nuxt.callHook('restart')
// Core Nuxt files: app.vue, error.vue and app.config.ts
const isFileChange = ['add', 'unlink'].includes(event)
if (isFileChange && RESTART_RE.test(path)) {`\`${path}\` ${event === 'add' ? 'created' : 'removed'}`)
return nuxt.callHook('restart')
// Normalize windows transpile paths added by modules = => typeof t === 'string' ? normalize(t) : t)
// Init nitro
await initNitro(nuxt)
// TODO: remove when app manifest support is landed in
// Add prerender payload support
const nitro = useNitro()
if (nitro.options.static && nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction === undefined) {
logger.warn('Using experimental payload extraction for full-static output. You can opt-out by setting `experimental.payloadExtraction` to `false`.')
nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction = true
nitro.options.replace['process.env.NUXT_PAYLOAD_EXTRACTION'] = String(!!nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction)
nitro.options._config.replace!['process.env.NUXT_PAYLOAD_EXTRACTION'] = String(!!nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction)
if (! && nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction) {
addPlugin(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'plugins/payload.client'))
await nuxt.callHook('ready', nuxt)
export async function loadNuxt (opts: LoadNuxtOptions): Promise<Nuxt> {
const options = await loadNuxtConfig(opts)
// Temporary until finding better placement for each
options.appDir = options.alias['#app'] = resolve(distDir, 'app')
options._majorVersion = 3
// Nuxt DevTools only works for Vite
if (options.builder === '@nuxt/vite-builder') {
const isDevToolsEnabled = typeof options.devtools === 'boolean'
? options.devtools
: options.devtools?.enabled !== false // enabled by default unless explicitly disabled
if (isDevToolsEnabled) {
if (!options._modules.some(m => m === '@nuxt/devtools' || m === '@nuxt/devtools-edge')) {
// Nuxt Webpack Builder is currently opt-in
if (options.builder === '@nuxt/webpack-builder') {
if (!await import('./features').then(r => r.ensurePackageInstalled('@nuxt/webpack-builder', {
rootDir: options.rootDir,
searchPaths: options.modulesDir
}))) {
logger.warn('Failed to install `@nuxt/webpack-builder`, please install it manually, or change the `builder` option to vite in `nuxt.config`')
// Add core modules
options._modules.push(pagesModule, metaModule, componentsModule)
options._modules.push([importsModule, {
transform: {
include: options._layers
.filter(i => i.cwd && i.cwd.includes('node_modules'))
.map(i => new RegExp(`(^|\\/)${escapeRE(i.cwd!.split('node_modules/').pop()!)}(\\/|$)(?!node_modules\\/)`))
options.modulesDir.push(resolve(options.workspaceDir, 'node_modules'))
options.modulesDir.push(resolve(pkgDir, 'node_modules'))
'@nuxt/ui-templates', // this exposes vue SFCs
'std-env' // we need to statically replace process.env when used in runtime code
options.alias['vue-demi'] = resolve(options.appDir, 'compat/vue-demi')
options.alias['@vue/composition-api'] = resolve(options.appDir, 'compat/capi')
if (options.telemetry !== false && !process.env.NUXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED) {
const nuxt = createNuxt(options)
if (nuxt.options.debug) {
createDebugger(nuxt.hooks, { tag: 'nuxt' })
if (opts.ready !== false) {
await nuxt.ready()
return nuxt
const RESTART_RE = /^(app|error|app\.config)\.(js|ts|mjs|jsx|tsx|vue)$/i