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import { existsSync } from 'node:fs'
import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'
import type { JSValue } from 'untyped'
import { applyDefaults } from 'untyped'
import type { ConfigLayer, ConfigLayerMeta, LoadConfigOptions } from 'c12'
import { loadConfig } from 'c12'
import type { NuxtConfig, NuxtOptions } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { globby } from 'globby'
import defu from 'defu'
import { basename, join, relative } from 'pathe'
import { isWindows } from 'std-env'
import { directoryToURL, tryResolveModule } from '../internal/esm'
export interface LoadNuxtConfigOptions extends Omit<LoadConfigOptions<NuxtConfig>, 'overrides'> {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-function-type
overrides?: Exclude<LoadConfigOptions<NuxtConfig>['overrides'], Promise<any> | Function>
export async function loadNuxtConfig (opts: LoadNuxtConfigOptions): Promise<NuxtOptions> {
// Automatically detect and import layers from `~~/layers/` directory
const localLayers = await globby('layers/*', { onlyDirectories: true, cwd: opts.cwd || process.cwd() })
opts.overrides = defu(opts.overrides, { _extends: localLayers });
(globalThis as any).defineNuxtConfig = (c: any) => c
const { configFile, layers = [], cwd, config: nuxtConfig, meta } = await loadConfig<NuxtConfig>({
name: 'nuxt',
configFile: 'nuxt.config',
rcFile: '.nuxtrc',
extend: { extendKey: ['theme', 'extends', '_extends'] },
dotenv: true,
globalRc: true,
delete (globalThis as any).defineNuxtConfig
// Fill config
nuxtConfig.rootDir = nuxtConfig.rootDir || cwd
nuxtConfig._nuxtConfigFile = configFile
nuxtConfig._nuxtConfigFiles = [configFile]
nuxtConfig.alias ||= {}
if (meta?.name) {
const alias = `#layers/${meta.name}`
nuxtConfig.alias[alias] ||= nuxtConfig.rootDir
const defaultBuildDir = join(nuxtConfig.rootDir!, '.nuxt')
if (!opts.overrides?._prepare && !nuxtConfig.dev && !nuxtConfig.buildDir && nuxtConfig.future?.compatibilityVersion === 4 && existsSync(defaultBuildDir)) {
nuxtConfig.buildDir = join(nuxtConfig.rootDir!, 'node_modules/.cache/nuxt/.nuxt')
const NuxtConfigSchema = await loadNuxtSchema(nuxtConfig.rootDir || cwd || process.cwd())
const layerSchemaKeys = ['future', 'srcDir', 'rootDir', 'serverDir', 'dir']
const layerSchema = Object.create(null)
for (const key of layerSchemaKeys) {
if (key in NuxtConfigSchema) {
layerSchema[key] = NuxtConfigSchema[key]
const _layers: ConfigLayer<NuxtConfig, ConfigLayerMeta>[] = []
const processedLayers = new Set<string>()
for (const layer of layers) {
// Resolve `rootDir` & `srcDir` of layers
layer.config ||= {}
layer.config.rootDir = layer.config.rootDir ?? layer.cwd!
// Only process/resolve layers once
if (processedLayers.has(layer.config.rootDir)) { continue }
// Normalise layer directories
layer.config = await applyDefaults(layerSchema, layer.config as NuxtConfig & Record<string, JSValue>) as unknown as NuxtConfig
// Filter layers
if (!layer.configFile || layer.configFile.endsWith('.nuxtrc')) { continue }
// Add layer name for local layers
if (layer.cwd && cwd && localLayers.includes(relative(cwd, layer.cwd))) {
layer.meta ||= {}
layer.meta.name ||= basename(layer.cwd)
// Add layer alias
if (layer.meta?.name) {
const alias = `#layers/${layer.meta.name}`
nuxtConfig.alias[alias] ||= layer.config.rootDir || layer.cwd
;(nuxtConfig as any)._layers = _layers
// Ensure at least one layer remains (without nuxt.config)
if (!_layers.length) {
config: {
rootDir: cwd,
srcDir: cwd,
// Resolve and apply defaults
return await applyDefaults(NuxtConfigSchema, nuxtConfig as NuxtConfig & Record<string, JSValue>) as unknown as NuxtOptions
async function loadNuxtSchema (cwd: string) {
const url = directoryToURL(cwd)
const urls = [url]
const nuxtPath = await tryResolveModule('nuxt', url) ?? await tryResolveModule('nuxt-nightly', url)
if (nuxtPath) {
const schemaPath = await tryResolveModule('@nuxt/schema', urls) ?? '@nuxt/schema'
return await import(isWindows ? pathToFileURL(schemaPath).href : schemaPath).then(r => r.NuxtConfigSchema)