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synced 2024-11-15 02:14:44 +00:00
Co-authored-by: Sébastien Chopin <seb@nuxtjs.com> Co-authored-by: Alexander Lichter <manniL@gmx.net>
329 lines
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329 lines
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import { stringify } from 'querystring'
import Vue from 'vue'
<% if (fetch.server) { %>import fetch from 'node-fetch'<% } %>
<% if (features.middleware) { %>import middleware from './middleware.js'<% } %>
import {
<% if (features.asyncData) { %>applyAsyncData,<% } %>
<% if (features.middleware) { %>middlewareSeries,<% } %>
<% if (features.middleware && features.layouts) { %>sanitizeComponent,<% } %>
} from './utils.js'
<% if (features.fetch) { %>import fetchMixin from './mixins/fetch.server'<% } %>
import { createApp<% if (features.layouts) { %>, NuxtError<% } %> } from './index.js'
import NuxtLink from './components/nuxt-link.server.js' // should be included after ./index.js
<% if (features.fetch) { %>
// Update serverPrefetch strategy
Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies.serverPrefetch = Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies.created
// Fetch mixin
if (!Vue.__nuxt__fetch__mixin__) {
Vue.__nuxt__fetch__mixin__ = true
<% } %>
// Component: <NuxtLink>
Vue.component(NuxtLink.name, NuxtLink)
<% if (features.componentAliases) { %>Vue.component('NLink', NuxtLink)<% } %>
<% if (fetch.server) { %>if (!global.fetch) { global.fetch = fetch }<% } %>
const noopApp = () => new Vue({ render: h => h('div') })
function urlJoin () {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('/').replace(/\/+/g, '/')
const createNext = ssrContext => (opts) => {
// If static target, render on client-side
ssrContext.redirected = opts
if (ssrContext.target === 'static' || !ssrContext.res) {
ssrContext.nuxt.serverRendered = false
opts.query = stringify(opts.query)
opts.path = opts.path + (opts.query ? '?' + opts.query : '')
const routerBase = '<%= router.base %>'
if (!opts.path.startsWith('http') && (routerBase !== '/' && !opts.path.startsWith(routerBase))) {
opts.path = urlJoin(routerBase, opts.path)
// Avoid loop redirect
if (opts.path === ssrContext.url) {
ssrContext.redirected = false
ssrContext.res.writeHead(opts.status, {
Location: opts.path
// This exported function will be called by `bundleRenderer`.
// This is where we perform data-prefetching to determine the
// state of our application before actually rendering it.
// Since data fetching is async, this function is expected to
// return a Promise that resolves to the app instance.
export default async (ssrContext) => {
// Create ssrContext.next for simulate next() of beforeEach() when wanted to redirect
ssrContext.redirected = false
ssrContext.next = createNext(ssrContext)
// Used for beforeNuxtRender({ Components, nuxtState })
ssrContext.beforeRenderFns = []
// Nuxt object (window.{{globals.context}}, defaults to window.__NUXT__)
ssrContext.nuxt = { <% if (features.layouts) { %>layout: 'default', <% } %>data: [], <% if (features.fetch) { %>fetch: [], <% } %>error: null<%= (store ? ', state: null' : '') %>, serverRendered: true, routePath: '' }
// Remove query from url is static target
if (process.static && ssrContext.url) {
ssrContext.url = ssrContext.url.split('?')[0]
// Public runtime config
ssrContext.nuxt.config = ssrContext.runtimeConfig.public
// Create the app definition and the instance (created for each request)
const { app, router<%= (store ? ', store' : '') %> } = await createApp(ssrContext, { ...ssrContext.runtimeConfig.public, ...ssrContext.runtimeConfig.private })
const _app = new Vue(app)
// Add ssr route path to nuxt context so we can account for page navigation between ssr and csr
ssrContext.nuxt.routePath = app.context.route.path
<% if (features.meta) { %>
// Add meta infos (used in renderer.js)
ssrContext.meta = _app.$meta()
<% } %>
<% if (features.asyncData) { %>
// Keep asyncData for each matched component in ssrContext (used in app/utils.js via this.$ssrContext)
ssrContext.asyncData = {}
<% } %>
const beforeRender = async () => {
// Call beforeNuxtRender() methods
await Promise.all(ssrContext.beforeRenderFns.map(fn => promisify(fn, { Components, nuxtState: ssrContext.nuxt })))
<% if (store) { %>
ssrContext.rendered = () => {
// Add the state from the vuex store
ssrContext.nuxt.state = store.state
<% if (isFullStatic && store) { %>
// Stop recording store mutations
<% } %>
<% } %>
const renderErrorPage = async () => {
// Don't server-render the page in static target
if (ssrContext.target === 'static') {
ssrContext.nuxt.serverRendered = false
<% if (features.layouts) { %>
// Load layout for error page
const layout = (NuxtError.options || NuxtError).layout
const errLayout = typeof layout === 'function' ? layout.call(NuxtError, app.context) : layout
ssrContext.nuxt.layout = errLayout || 'default'
await _app.loadLayout(errLayout)
<% } %>
await beforeRender()
return _app
const render404Page = () => {
app.context.error({ statusCode: 404, path: ssrContext.url, message: '<%= messages.error_404 %>' })
return renderErrorPage()
<% if (debug) { %>const s = Date.now()<% } %>
// Components are already resolved by setContext -> getRouteData (app/utils.js)
const Components = getMatchedComponents(router.match(ssrContext.url))
<% if (store) { %>
** Dispatch store nuxtServerInit
if (store._actions && store._actions.nuxtServerInit) {
try {
await store.dispatch('nuxtServerInit', app.context)
} catch (err) {
console.debug('Error occurred when calling nuxtServerInit: ', err.message)<%= isTest ? '// eslint-disable-line no-console' : '' %>
throw err
// ...If there is a redirect or an error, stop the process
if (ssrContext.redirected) {
return noopApp()
if (ssrContext.nuxt.error) {
return renderErrorPage()
<% } %>
<% if (features.middleware) { %>
** Call global middleware (nuxt.config.js)
let midd = <%= serialize(router.middleware).replace('middleware(', 'function(') %><%= isTest ? '// eslint-disable-line' : '' %>
midd = midd.map((name) => {
if (typeof name === 'function') {
return name
if (typeof middleware[name] !== 'function') {
app.context.error({ statusCode: 500, message: 'Unknown middleware ' + name })
return middleware[name]
await middlewareSeries(midd, app.context)
// ...If there is a redirect or an error, stop the process
if (ssrContext.redirected) {
return noopApp()
if (ssrContext.nuxt.error) {
return renderErrorPage()
<% } %>
<% if (isFullStatic && store) { %>
// Record store mutations for full-static after nuxtServerInit and Middleware
ssrContext.nuxt.mutations =[]
ssrContext.unsetMutationObserver = store.subscribe(m => { ssrContext.nuxt.mutations.push([m.type, m.payload]) })
<% } %>
<% if (features.layouts) { %>
** Set layout
let layout = Components.length ? Components[0].options.layout : NuxtError.layout
if (typeof layout === 'function') {
layout = layout(app.context)
await _app.loadLayout(layout)
if (ssrContext.nuxt.error) {
return renderErrorPage()
layout = _app.setLayout(layout)
ssrContext.nuxt.layout = _app.layoutName
<% } %>
<% if (features.middleware) { %>
** Call middleware (layout + pages)
midd = []
<% if (features.layouts) { %>
layout = sanitizeComponent(layout)
if (layout.options.middleware) {
midd = midd.concat(layout.options.middleware)
<% } %>
Components.forEach((Component) => {
if (Component.options.middleware) {
midd = midd.concat(Component.options.middleware)
midd = midd.map((name) => {
if (typeof name === 'function') {
return name
if (typeof middleware[name] !== 'function') {
app.context.error({ statusCode: 500, message: 'Unknown middleware ' + name })
return middleware[name]
await middlewareSeries(midd, app.context)
// ...If there is a redirect or an error, stop the process
if (ssrContext.redirected) {
return noopApp()
if (ssrContext.nuxt.error) {
return renderErrorPage()
<% } %>
<% if (features.validate) { %>
** Call .validate()
let isValid = true
try {
for (const Component of Components) {
if (typeof Component.options.validate !== 'function') {
isValid = await Component.options.validate(app.context)
if (!isValid) {
} catch (validationError) {
// ...If .validate() threw an error
statusCode: validationError.statusCode || '500',
message: validationError.message
return renderErrorPage()
// ...If .validate() returned false
if (!isValid) {
// Render a 404 error page
return render404Page()
<% } %>
// If no Components found, returns 404
if (!Components.length) {
return render404Page()
<% if (features.asyncData || features.fetch) { %>
// Call asyncData & fetch hooks on components matched by the route.
const asyncDatas = await Promise.all(Components.map((Component) => {
const promises = []
<% if (features.asyncData) { %>
// Call asyncData(context)
if (Component.options.asyncData && typeof Component.options.asyncData === 'function') {
const promise = promisify(Component.options.asyncData, app.context)
promise.then((asyncDataResult) => {
ssrContext.asyncData[Component.cid] = asyncDataResult
return asyncDataResult
} else {
<% } %>
<% if (features.fetch) { %>
// Call fetch(context)
if (Component.options.fetch && Component.options.fetch.length) {
} else {
<% } %>
return Promise.all(promises)
<% if (debug) { %>if (process.env.DEBUG && asyncDatas.length) console.debug('Data fetching ' + ssrContext.url + ': ' + (Date.now() - s) + 'ms')<% } %>
// datas are the first row of each
ssrContext.nuxt.data = asyncDatas.map(r => r[0] || {})
<% } %>
// ...If there is a redirect or an error, stop the process
if (ssrContext.redirected) {
return noopApp()
if (ssrContext.nuxt.error) {
return renderErrorPage()
// Call beforeNuxtRender methods & add store state
await beforeRender()
return _app