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import { promises as fsp, mkdirSync, writeFileSync } from 'node:fs'
import { dirname, join, relative, resolve } from 'pathe'
import { defu } from 'defu'
import { compileTemplate as _compileTemplate, findPath, normalizePlugin, normalizeTemplate, resolveFiles, resolvePath, templateUtils } from '@nuxt/kit'
import type { Nuxt, NuxtApp, NuxtPlugin, NuxtTemplate, ResolvedNuxtTemplate } from 'nuxt/schema'
import type { PluginMeta } from 'nuxt/app'
import { logger } from '../utils'
import * as defaultTemplates from './templates'
import { getNameFromPath, hasSuffix, uniqueBy } from './utils'
import { extractMetadata, orderMap } from './plugins/plugin-metadata'
export function createApp (nuxt: Nuxt, options: Partial<NuxtApp> = {}): NuxtApp {
return defu(options, {
dir: nuxt.options.srcDir,
extensions: nuxt.options.extensions,
plugins: [],
components: [],
templates: [],
} as unknown as NuxtApp) as NuxtApp
const postTemplates = [
export async function generateApp (nuxt: Nuxt, app: NuxtApp, options: { filter?: (template: ResolvedNuxtTemplate<any>) => boolean } = {}) {
// Resolve app
await resolveApp(nuxt, app)
// User templates from options.build.templates
app.templates = Object.values(defaultTemplates).concat(nuxt.options.build.templates) as NuxtTemplate[]
// Extend templates with hook
await nuxt.callHook('app:templates', app)
// Normalize templates
app.templates = app.templates.map(tmpl => normalizeTemplate(tmpl, nuxt.options.buildDir))
// compile plugins first as they are needed within the nuxt.vfs
// in order to annotate templated plugins
const filteredTemplates: Record<'pre' | 'post', Array<ResolvedNuxtTemplate<any>>> = {
pre: [],
post: [],
for (const template of app.templates as Array<ResolvedNuxtTemplate<any>>) {
if (options.filter && !options.filter(template)) { continue }
const key = template.filename && postTemplates.includes(template.filename) ? 'post' : 'pre'
// Compile templates into vfs
// TODO: remove utils in v4
const templateContext = { utils: templateUtils, nuxt, app }
const compileTemplate = nuxt.options.experimental.compileTemplate ? _compileTemplate : futureCompileTemplate
const writes: Array<() => void> = []
const dirs = new Set<string>()
const changedTemplates: Array<ResolvedNuxtTemplate<any>> = []
const FORWARD_SLASH_RE = /\//g
async function processTemplate (template: ResolvedNuxtTemplate) {
const fullPath = template.dst || resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, template.filename!)
const start = performance.now()
const oldContents = nuxt.vfs[fullPath]
const contents = await compileTemplate(template, templateContext).catch((e) => {
logger.error(`Could not compile template \`${template.filename}\`.`)
throw e
template.modified = oldContents !== contents
if (template.modified) {
nuxt.vfs[fullPath] = contents
const aliasPath = '#build/' + template.filename
nuxt.vfs[aliasPath] = contents
// In case a non-normalized absolute path is called for on Windows
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
nuxt.vfs[fullPath.replace(FORWARD_SLASH_RE, '\\')] = contents
const perf = performance.now() - start
const setupTime = Math.round((perf * 100)) / 100
if ((nuxt.options.debug && nuxt.options.debug.templates) || setupTime > 500) {
logger.info(`Compiled \`${template.filename}\` in ${setupTime}ms`)
if (template.modified && template.write) {
writes.push(() => writeFileSync(fullPath, contents, 'utf8'))
await Promise.allSettled(filteredTemplates.pre.map(processTemplate))
await Promise.allSettled(filteredTemplates.post.map(processTemplate))
// Write template files in single synchronous step to avoid (possible) additional
// runtime overhead of cascading HMRs from vite/webpack
for (const dir of dirs) {
mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true })
for (const write of writes) {
if (changedTemplates.length) {
await nuxt.callHook('app:templatesGenerated', app, changedTemplates, options)
/** @internal */
async function futureCompileTemplate<T> (template: NuxtTemplate<T>, ctx: { nuxt: Nuxt, app: NuxtApp, utils?: unknown }) {
delete ctx.utils
if (template.src) {
try {
return await fsp.readFile(template.src, 'utf-8')
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`[nuxt] Error reading template from \`${template.src}\``)
throw err
if (template.getContents) {
return template.getContents({ ...ctx, options: template.options! })
throw new Error('[nuxt] Invalid template. Templates must have either `src` or `getContents`: ' + JSON.stringify(template))
export async function resolveApp (nuxt: Nuxt, app: NuxtApp) {
// Resolve main (app.vue)
app.mainComponent ||= await findPath(
nuxt.options._layers.flatMap(layer => [
join(layer.config.srcDir, 'App'),
join(layer.config.srcDir, 'app'),
app.mainComponent ||= resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/welcome.vue')
// Resolve root component
app.rootComponent ||= await findPath(['~/app.root', resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/nuxt-root.vue')])
// Resolve error component
app.errorComponent ||= (await findPath(
nuxt.options._layers.map(layer => join(layer.config.srcDir, 'error')),
)) ?? resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/nuxt-error-page.vue')
// Resolve layouts/ from all config layers
const layerConfigs = nuxt.options._layers.map(layer => layer.config)
const reversedConfigs = layerConfigs.slice().reverse()
app.layouts = {}
for (const config of layerConfigs) {
const layoutDir = (config.rootDir === nuxt.options.rootDir ? nuxt.options : config).dir?.layouts || 'layouts'
const layoutFiles = await resolveFiles(config.srcDir, `${layoutDir}/**/*{${nuxt.options.extensions.join(',')}}`)
for (const file of layoutFiles) {
const name = getNameFromPath(file, resolve(config.srcDir, layoutDir))
if (!name) {
// Ignore files like `~/layouts/index.vue` which end up not having a name at all
logger.warn(`No layout name could be resolved for \`~/${relative(nuxt.options.srcDir, file)}\`. Bear in mind that \`index\` is ignored for the purpose of creating a layout name.`)
app.layouts[name] ||= { name, file }
// Resolve middleware/ from all config layers, layers first
app.middleware = []
for (const config of reversedConfigs) {
const middlewareDir = (config.rootDir === nuxt.options.rootDir ? nuxt.options : config).dir?.middleware || 'middleware'
const middlewareFiles = await resolveFiles(config.srcDir, [
...nuxt.options.future.compatibilityVersion === 4
? [`${middlewareDir}/*/index{${nuxt.options.extensions.join(',')}}`]
: [],
for (const file of middlewareFiles) {
const name = getNameFromPath(file)
if (!name) {
// Ignore files like `~/middleware/index.vue` which end up not having a name at all
logger.warn(`No middleware name could be resolved for \`~/${relative(nuxt.options.srcDir, file)}\`. Bear in mind that \`index\` is ignored for the purpose of creating a middleware name.`)
app.middleware.push({ name, path: file, global: hasSuffix(file, '.global') })
// Resolve plugins, first extended layers and then base
app.plugins = []
for (const config of reversedConfigs) {
const pluginDir = (config.rootDir === nuxt.options.rootDir ? nuxt.options : config).dir?.plugins || 'plugins'
...(config.plugins || []),
? await resolveFiles(config.srcDir, [
: [],
].map(plugin => normalizePlugin(plugin as NuxtPlugin)))
// Add back plugins not specified in layers or user config
for (const p of [...nuxt.options.plugins].reverse()) {
const plugin = normalizePlugin(p)
if (!app.plugins.some(p => p.src === plugin.src)) {
// Normalize and de-duplicate plugins and middleware
app.middleware = uniqueBy(await resolvePaths(nuxt, [...app.middleware].reverse(), 'path'), 'name').reverse()
app.plugins = uniqueBy(await resolvePaths(nuxt, app.plugins, 'src'), 'src')
// Resolve app.config
app.configs = []
for (const config of layerConfigs) {
const appConfigPath = await findPath(resolve(config.srcDir, 'app.config'))
if (appConfigPath) {
// Extend app
await nuxt.callHook('app:resolve', app)
// Normalize and de-duplicate plugins and middleware
app.middleware = uniqueBy(await resolvePaths(nuxt, app.middleware, 'path'), 'name')
app.plugins = uniqueBy(await resolvePaths(nuxt, app.plugins, 'src'), 'src')
function resolvePaths<Item extends Record<string, any>> (nuxt: Nuxt, items: Item[], key: { [K in keyof Item]: Item[K] extends string ? K : never }[keyof Item]) {
return Promise.all(items.map(async (item) => {
if (!item[key]) { return item }
return {
[key]: await resolvePath(item[key], {
alias: nuxt.options.alias,
extensions: nuxt.options.extensions,
fallbackToOriginal: true,
virtual: true,
const IS_TSX = /\.[jt]sx$/
export async function annotatePlugins (nuxt: Nuxt, plugins: NuxtPlugin[]) {
const _plugins: Array<NuxtPlugin & Omit<PluginMeta, 'enforce'>> = []
for (const plugin of plugins) {
try {
const code = plugin.src in nuxt.vfs ? nuxt.vfs[plugin.src]! : await fsp.readFile(plugin.src!, 'utf-8')
...await extractMetadata(code, IS_TSX.test(plugin.src) ? 'tsx' : 'ts'),
} catch (e) {
const relativePluginSrc = relative(nuxt.options.rootDir, plugin.src)
if ((e as Error).message === 'Invalid plugin metadata') {
logger.warn(`Failed to parse static properties from plugin \`${relativePluginSrc}\`, falling back to non-optimized runtime meta. Learn more: https://nuxt.com/docs/guide/directory-structure/plugins#object-syntax-plugins`)
} else {
logger.warn(`Failed to parse static properties from plugin \`${relativePluginSrc}\`.`, e)
return _plugins.sort((a, b) => (a.order ?? orderMap.default) - (b.order ?? orderMap.default))
export function checkForCircularDependencies (_plugins: Array<NuxtPlugin & Omit<PluginMeta, 'enforce'>>) {
const deps: Record<string, string[]> = Object.create(null)
const pluginNames = _plugins.map(plugin => plugin.name)
for (const plugin of _plugins) {
// Make sure dependency plugins are registered
if (plugin.dependsOn && plugin.dependsOn.some(name => !pluginNames.includes(name))) {
console.error(`Plugin \`${plugin.name}\` depends on \`${plugin.dependsOn.filter(name => !pluginNames.includes(name)).join(', ')}\` but they are not registered.`)
// Make graph to detect circular dependencies
if (plugin.name) {
deps[plugin.name] = plugin.dependsOn || []
const checkDeps = (name: string, visited: string[] = []): string[] => {
if (visited.includes(name)) {
console.error(`Circular dependency detected in plugins: ${visited.join(' -> ')} -> ${name}`)
return []
return deps[name]?.length ? deps[name].flatMap(dep => checkDeps(dep, [...visited])) : []
for (const name in deps) {