
581 lines
19 KiB

import { effectScope, getCurrentInstance, getCurrentScope, hasInjectionContext, reactive, shallowReactive } from 'vue'
import type { App, EffectScope, Ref, VNode, onErrorCaptured } from 'vue'
import type { RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from 'vue-router'
import type { HookCallback, Hookable } from 'hookable'
import { createHooks } from 'hookable'
import { getContext } from 'unctx'
import type { SSRContext, createRenderer } from 'vue-bundle-renderer/runtime'
import type { EventHandlerRequest, H3Event } from 'h3'
import type { AppConfig, AppConfigInput, RuntimeConfig } from 'nuxt/schema'
import type { RenderResponse } from 'nitropack'
import type { LogObject } from 'consola'
import type { MergeHead, VueHeadClient } from '@unhead/vue'
import type { NuxtIslandContext } from '../app/types'
import type { RouteMiddleware } from '../app/composables/router'
import type { NuxtError } from '../app/composables/error'
import type { AsyncDataRequestStatus } from '../app/composables/asyncData'
import type { NuxtAppManifestMeta } from '../app/composables/manifest'
import type { LoadingIndicator } from '../app/composables/loading-indicator'
import type { RouteAnnouncer } from '../app/composables/route-announcer'
import type { ViewTransition } from './plugins/view-transitions.client'
// @ts-expect-error virtual file
import { appId } from '#build/nuxt.config.mjs'
// TODO: temporary module for backwards compatibility
import type { DefaultAsyncDataErrorValue, DefaultErrorValue } from '#app/defaults'
import type { NuxtAppLiterals } from '#app'
function getNuxtAppCtx (appName = appId || 'nuxt-app') {
return getContext<NuxtApp>(appName, {
asyncContext: !!__NUXT_ASYNC_CONTEXT__ && import.meta.server,
type HookResult = Promise<void> | void
type AppRenderedContext = { ssrContext: NuxtApp['ssrContext'], renderResult: null | Awaited<ReturnType<ReturnType<typeof createRenderer>['renderToString']>> }
export interface RuntimeNuxtHooks {
'app:created': (app: App<Element>) => HookResult
'app:beforeMount': (app: App<Element>) => HookResult
'app:mounted': (app: App<Element>) => HookResult
'app:rendered': (ctx: AppRenderedContext) => HookResult
'app:redirected': () => HookResult
'app:suspense:resolve': (Component?: VNode) => HookResult
'app:error': (err: any) => HookResult
'app:error:cleared': (options: { redirect?: string }) => HookResult
'app:chunkError': (options: { error: any }) => HookResult
'app:data:refresh': (keys?: string[]) => HookResult
'app:manifest:update': (meta?: NuxtAppManifestMeta) => HookResult
'dev:ssr-logs': (logs: LogObject[]) => void | Promise<void>
'link:prefetch': (link: string) => HookResult
'page:start': (Component?: VNode) => HookResult
'page:finish': (Component?: VNode) => HookResult
'page:transition:start': () => HookResult
'page:transition:finish': (Component?: VNode) => HookResult
'page:view-transition:start': (transition: ViewTransition) => HookResult
'page:loading:start': () => HookResult
'page:loading:end': () => HookResult
'vue:setup': () => void
'vue:error': (...args: Parameters<Parameters<typeof onErrorCaptured>[0]>) => HookResult
export interface NuxtSSRContext extends SSRContext {
url: string
event: H3Event
runtimeConfig: RuntimeConfig
noSSR: boolean
/** whether we are rendering an SSR error */
error?: boolean
nuxt: _NuxtApp
payload: Partial<NuxtPayload>
head: VueHeadClient<MergeHead>
/** This is used solely to render runtime config with SPA renderer. */
config?: Pick<RuntimeConfig, 'public' | 'app'>
teleports?: Record<string, string>
islandContext?: NuxtIslandContext
/** @internal */
_renderResponse?: Partial<RenderResponse>
/** @internal */
_payloadReducers: Record<string, (data: any) => any>
/** @internal */
_sharedPrerenderCache?: {
get<T = unknown> (key: string): Promise<T> | undefined
set<T> (key: string, value: Promise<T>): Promise<void>
export interface NuxtPayload {
path?: string
serverRendered?: boolean
prerenderedAt?: number
data: Record<string, any>
state: Record<string, any>
once: Set<string>
config?: Pick<RuntimeConfig, 'public' | 'app'>
error?: NuxtError | DefaultErrorValue
_errors: Record<string, NuxtError | DefaultAsyncDataErrorValue>
[key: string]: unknown
interface _NuxtApp {
/** @internal */
_name: string
vueApp: App<Element>
globalName: string
versions: Record<string, string>
hooks: Hookable<RuntimeNuxtHooks>
hook: _NuxtApp['hooks']['hook']
callHook: _NuxtApp['hooks']['callHook']
runWithContext: <T extends () => any>(fn: T) => ReturnType<T> | Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<T>>>
[key: string]: unknown
/** @internal */
_id?: number
/** @internal */
_scope: EffectScope
/** @internal */
_asyncDataPromises: Record<string, Promise<any> | undefined>
/** @internal */
_asyncData: Record<string, {
data: Ref<unknown>
* @deprecated This may be removed in a future major version.
pending: Ref<boolean>
error: Ref<Error | DefaultAsyncDataErrorValue>
status: Ref<AsyncDataRequestStatus>
/** @internal */
_default: () => unknown
} | undefined>
/** @internal */
_loadingIndicator?: LoadingIndicator
/** @internal */
_loadingIndicatorDeps?: number
/** @internal */
_middleware: {
global: RouteMiddleware[]
named: Record<string, RouteMiddleware>
/** @internal */
_once: {
[key: string]: Promise<any>
/** @internal */
_observer?: { observe: (element: Element, callback: () => void) => () => void }
/** @internal */
_payloadCache?: Record<string, Promise<Record<string, any>> | Record<string, any> | null>
/** @internal */
_appConfig: AppConfig
/** @internal */
_route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded
/** @internal */
_islandPromises?: Record<string, Promise<any>>
/** @internal */
_payloadRevivers: Record<string, (data: any) => any>
/** @internal */
_routeAnnouncer?: RouteAnnouncer
/** @internal */
_routeAnnouncerDeps?: number
// Nuxt injections
$config: RuntimeConfig
isHydrating?: boolean
deferHydration: () => () => void | Promise<void>
ssrContext?: NuxtSSRContext
payload: NuxtPayload
static: {
data: Record<string, any>
provide: (name: string, value: any) => void
export interface NuxtApp extends _NuxtApp {}
export const NuxtPluginIndicator = '__nuxt_plugin'
export interface PluginMeta {
name?: string
enforce?: 'pre' | 'default' | 'post'
* Await for other named plugins to finish before running this plugin.
dependsOn?: NuxtAppLiterals['pluginName'][]
* This allows more granular control over plugin order and should only be used by advanced users.
* It overrides the value of `enforce` and is used to sort plugins.
order?: number
export interface PluginEnvContext {
* This enable the plugin for islands components.
* Require `experimental.componentsIslands`.
* @default true
islands?: boolean
export interface ResolvedPluginMeta {
name?: string
parallel?: boolean
export interface Plugin<Injections extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>> {
(nuxt: _NuxtApp): Promise<void> | Promise<{ provide?: Injections }> | void | { provide?: Injections }
[NuxtPluginIndicator]?: true
meta?: ResolvedPluginMeta
export interface ObjectPlugin<Injections extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>> extends PluginMeta {
hooks?: Partial<RuntimeNuxtHooks>
setup?: Plugin<Injections>
env?: PluginEnvContext
* Execute plugin in parallel with other parallel plugins.
* @default false
parallel?: boolean
* @internal
_name?: string
/** @deprecated Use `ObjectPlugin` */
export type ObjectPluginInput<Injections extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>> = ObjectPlugin<Injections>
export interface CreateOptions {
vueApp: NuxtApp['vueApp']
ssrContext?: NuxtApp['ssrContext']
globalName?: NuxtApp['globalName']
/** @since 3.0.0 */
export function createNuxtApp (options: CreateOptions) {
let hydratingCount = 0
const nuxtApp: NuxtApp = {
_name: appId || 'nuxt-app',
_scope: effectScope(),
provide: undefined,
globalName: 'nuxt',
versions: {
get nuxt () { return __NUXT_VERSION__ },
get vue () { return nuxtApp.vueApp.version },
payload: shallowReactive({
data: shallowReactive({}),
state: reactive({}),
once: new Set<string>(),
_errors: shallowReactive({}),
static: {
data: {},
runWithContext (fn: any) {
if ( && !getCurrentScope()) {
return => callWithNuxt(nuxtApp, fn))
return callWithNuxt(nuxtApp, fn)
isHydrating: import.meta.client,
deferHydration () {
if (!nuxtApp.isHydrating) { return () => {} }
let called = false
return () => {
if (called) { return }
called = true
if (hydratingCount === 0) {
nuxtApp.isHydrating = false
return nuxtApp.callHook('app:suspense:resolve')
_asyncDataPromises: {},
_asyncData: shallowReactive({}),
_payloadRevivers: {},
} as any as NuxtApp
if (import.meta.server) {
nuxtApp.payload.serverRendered = true
// TODO: remove/refactor in
if (import.meta.client && window.__NUXT__) {
for (const key in window.__NUXT__) {
switch (key) {
case 'data':
case 'state':
case '_errors':
// Preserve reactivity for non-rich payload support
Object.assign(nuxtApp.payload[key], window.__NUXT__[key])
nuxtApp.payload[key] = window.__NUXT__[key]
nuxtApp.hooks = createHooks<RuntimeNuxtHooks>()
nuxtApp.hook = nuxtApp.hooks.hook
if (import.meta.server) {
const contextCaller = async function (hooks: HookCallback[], args: any[]) {
for (const hook of hooks) {
await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => hook(...args))
// Patch callHook to preserve NuxtApp context on server
// TODO: Refactor after
nuxtApp.hooks.callHook = (name: any, ...args: any[]) => nuxtApp.hooks.callHookWith(contextCaller, name, ...args)
nuxtApp.callHook = nuxtApp.hooks.callHook
nuxtApp.provide = (name: string, value: any) => {
const $name = '$' + name
defineGetter(nuxtApp, $name, value)
defineGetter(nuxtApp.vueApp.config.globalProperties, $name, value)
// Inject $nuxt
defineGetter(nuxtApp.vueApp, '$nuxt', nuxtApp)
defineGetter(nuxtApp.vueApp.config.globalProperties, '$nuxt', nuxtApp)
if (import.meta.server) {
if (nuxtApp.ssrContext) {
// Expose nuxt to the renderContext
nuxtApp.ssrContext.nuxt = nuxtApp
// Expose payload types
nuxtApp.ssrContext._payloadReducers = {}
// Expose current path
nuxtApp.payload.path = nuxtApp.ssrContext.url
// Expose to server renderer to create payload
nuxtApp.ssrContext = nuxtApp.ssrContext || {} as any
if (nuxtApp.ssrContext!.payload) {
Object.assign(nuxtApp.payload, nuxtApp.ssrContext!.payload)
nuxtApp.ssrContext!.payload = nuxtApp.payload
// Expose client runtime-config to the payload
nuxtApp.ssrContext!.config = {
public: options.ssrContext!.runtimeConfig.public,
app: options.ssrContext!,
// Listen to chunk load errors
if (import.meta.client) {
window.addEventListener('nuxt.preloadError', (event) => {
nuxtApp.callHook('app:chunkError', { error: (event as Event & { payload: Error }).payload })
window.useNuxtApp = window.useNuxtApp || useNuxtApp
// Log errors captured when running plugins, in the `app:created` and `app:beforeMount` hooks
// as well as when mounting the app.
const unreg = nuxtApp.hook('app:error', (...args) => { console.error('[nuxt] error caught during app initialization', ...args) })
nuxtApp.hook('app:mounted', unreg)
// Expose runtime config
const runtimeConfig = import.meta.server ? options.ssrContext!.runtimeConfig : nuxtApp.payload.config!
nuxtApp.provide('config', import.meta.client && ? wrappedConfig(runtimeConfig) : runtimeConfig)
return nuxtApp
/** @since 3.12.0 */
export function registerPluginHooks (nuxtApp: NuxtApp, plugin: Plugin & ObjectPlugin<any>) {
if (plugin.hooks) {
/** @since 3.0.0 */
export async function applyPlugin (nuxtApp: NuxtApp, plugin: Plugin & ObjectPlugin<any>) {
if (typeof plugin === 'function') {
const { provide } = await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => plugin(nuxtApp)) || {}
if (provide && typeof provide === 'object') {
for (const key in provide) {
nuxtApp.provide(key, provide[key])
/** @since 3.0.0 */
export async function applyPlugins (nuxtApp: NuxtApp, plugins: Array<Plugin & ObjectPlugin<any>>) {
const resolvedPlugins: string[] = []
const unresolvedPlugins: [Set<string>, Plugin & ObjectPlugin<any>][] = []
const parallels: Promise<any>[] = []
const errors: Error[] = []
let promiseDepth = 0
async function executePlugin (plugin: Plugin & ObjectPlugin<any>) {
const unresolvedPluginsForThisPlugin = plugin.dependsOn?.filter(name => plugins.some(p => p._name === name) && !resolvedPlugins.includes(name)) ?? []
if (unresolvedPluginsForThisPlugin.length > 0) {
unresolvedPlugins.push([new Set(unresolvedPluginsForThisPlugin), plugin])
} else {
const promise = applyPlugin(nuxtApp, plugin).then(async () => {
if (plugin._name) {
await Promise.all( ([dependsOn, unexecutedPlugin]) => {
if (dependsOn.has(plugin._name!)) {
if (dependsOn.size === 0) {
await executePlugin(unexecutedPlugin)
if (plugin.parallel) {
parallels.push(promise.catch(e => errors.push(e)))
} else {
await promise
for (const plugin of plugins) {
if (import.meta.server && nuxtApp.ssrContext?.islandContext && plugin.env?.islands === false) { continue }
registerPluginHooks(nuxtApp, plugin)
for (const plugin of plugins) {
if (import.meta.server && nuxtApp.ssrContext?.islandContext && plugin.env?.islands === false) { continue }
await executePlugin(plugin)
await Promise.all(parallels)
if (promiseDepth) {
for (let i = 0; i < promiseDepth; i++) {
await Promise.all(parallels)
if (errors.length) { throw errors[0] }
/** @since 3.0.0 */
/* @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */
export function defineNuxtPlugin<T extends Record<string, unknown>> (plugin: Plugin<T> | ObjectPlugin<T>): Plugin<T> & ObjectPlugin<T> {
if (typeof plugin === 'function') { return plugin }
const _name = plugin._name ||
return Object.assign(plugin.setup || (() => {}), plugin, { [NuxtPluginIndicator]: true, _name } as const)
/* @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */
export const definePayloadPlugin = defineNuxtPlugin
/** @since 3.0.0 */
export function isNuxtPlugin (plugin: unknown) {
return typeof plugin === 'function' && NuxtPluginIndicator in plugin
* Ensures that the setup function passed in has access to the Nuxt instance via `useNuxtApp`.
* @param nuxt A Nuxt instance
* @param setup The function to call
* @since 3.0.0
export function callWithNuxt<T extends (...args: any[]) => any> (nuxt: NuxtApp | _NuxtApp, setup: T, args?: Parameters<T>) {
const fn: () => ReturnType<T> = () => args ? setup(...args as Parameters<T>) : setup()
const nuxtAppCtx = getNuxtAppCtx(nuxt._name)
if (import.meta.server) {
return nuxt.vueApp.runWithContext(() => nuxtAppCtx.callAsync(nuxt as NuxtApp, fn))
} else {
// In client side we could assume nuxt app is singleton
nuxtAppCtx.set(nuxt as NuxtApp)
return nuxt.vueApp.runWithContext(fn)
/* @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */
* Returns the current Nuxt instance.
* Returns `null` if Nuxt instance is unavailable.
* @since 3.10.0
export function tryUseNuxtApp (): NuxtApp | null
export function tryUseNuxtApp (appName?: string): NuxtApp | null {
let nuxtAppInstance
if (hasInjectionContext()) {
nuxtAppInstance = getCurrentInstance()?$nuxt
nuxtAppInstance = nuxtAppInstance || getNuxtAppCtx(appName).tryUse()
return nuxtAppInstance || null
/* @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */
* Returns the current Nuxt instance.
* Throws an error if Nuxt instance is unavailable.
* @since 3.0.0
export function useNuxtApp (): NuxtApp
export function useNuxtApp (appName?: string): NuxtApp {
// @ts-expect-error internal usage of appName
const nuxtAppInstance = tryUseNuxtApp(appName)
if (!nuxtAppInstance) {
if ( {
throw new Error('[nuxt] A composable that requires access to the Nuxt instance was called outside of a plugin, Nuxt hook, Nuxt middleware, or Vue setup function. This is probably not a Nuxt bug. Find out more at ``.')
} else {
throw new Error('[nuxt] instance unavailable')
return nuxtAppInstance
/** @since 3.0.0 */
/* @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */
export function useRuntimeConfig (_event?: H3Event<EventHandlerRequest>): RuntimeConfig {
return useNuxtApp().$config
function defineGetter<K extends string | number | symbol, V> (obj: Record<K, V>, key: K, val: V) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { get: () => val })
/** @since 3.0.0 */
export function defineAppConfig<C extends AppConfigInput> (config: C): C {
return config
* Configure error getter on runtime secret property access that doesn't exist on the client side
const loggedKeys = new Set<string>()
function wrappedConfig (runtimeConfig: Record<string, unknown>) {
if (! || import.meta.server) { return runtimeConfig }
const keys = Object.keys(runtimeConfig).map(key => `\`${key}\``)
const lastKey = keys.pop()
return new Proxy(runtimeConfig, {
get (target, p, receiver) {
if (typeof p === 'string' && p !== 'public' && !(p in target) && !p.startsWith('__v') /* vue check for reactivity, e.g. `__v_isRef` */) {
if (!loggedKeys.has(p)) {
console.warn(`[nuxt] Could not access \`${p}\`. The only available runtime config keys on the client side are ${keys.join(', ')} and ${lastKey}. See for more information.`)
return Reflect.get(target, p, receiver)