mirror of
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442 lines
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442 lines
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import { existsSync } from 'node:fs'
import { genArrayFromRaw, genDynamicImport, genExport, genImport, genObjectFromRawEntries, genSafeVariableName, genString } from 'knitwork'
import { isAbsolute, join, relative, resolve } from 'pathe'
import type { JSValue } from 'untyped'
import { generateTypes, resolveSchema } from 'untyped'
import escapeRE from 'escape-string-regexp'
import { hash } from 'ohash'
import { camelCase } from 'scule'
import { filename } from 'pathe/utils'
import type { NuxtTemplate } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { annotatePlugins, checkForCircularDependencies } from './app'
export const vueShim: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/vue-shim.d.ts',
getContents: ({ nuxt }) => {
if (!nuxt.options.typescript.shim) {
return ''
return [
'declare module \'*.vue\' {',
' import { DefineComponent } from \'vue\'',
' const component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any>',
' export default component',
// TODO: Use an alias
export const appComponentTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'app-component.mjs',
getContents: ctx => genExport(ctx.app.mainComponent!, ['default']),
// TODO: Use an alias
export const rootComponentTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'root-component.mjs',
// TODO: fix upstream in vite - this ensures that vite generates a module graph for islands
// but should not be necessary (and has a warmup performance cost). See https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/pull/24584.
getContents: ctx => (ctx.nuxt.options.dev ? 'import \'#build/components.islands.mjs\';\n' : '') + genExport(ctx.app.rootComponent!, ['default']),
// TODO: Use an alias
export const errorComponentTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'error-component.mjs',
getContents: ctx => genExport(ctx.app.errorComponent!, ['default']),
// TODO: Use an alias
export const testComponentWrapperTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'test-component-wrapper.mjs',
getContents: ctx => genExport(resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.appDir, 'components/test-component-wrapper'), ['default']),
export const cssTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'css.mjs',
getContents: ctx => ctx.nuxt.options.css.map(i => genImport(i)).join('\n'),
export const clientPluginTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'plugins/client.mjs',
async getContents (ctx) {
const clientPlugins = await annotatePlugins(ctx.nuxt, ctx.app.plugins.filter(p => !p.mode || p.mode !== 'server'))
const exports: string[] = []
const imports: string[] = []
for (const plugin of clientPlugins) {
const path = relative(ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir, plugin.src)
const variable = genSafeVariableName(filename(plugin.src)).replace(/_(45|46|47)/g, '_') + '_' + hash(path)
imports.push(genImport(plugin.src, variable))
return [
`export default ${genArrayFromRaw(exports)}`,
export const serverPluginTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'plugins/server.mjs',
async getContents (ctx) {
const serverPlugins = await annotatePlugins(ctx.nuxt, ctx.app.plugins.filter(p => !p.mode || p.mode !== 'client'))
const exports: string[] = []
const imports: string[] = []
for (const plugin of serverPlugins) {
const path = relative(ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir, plugin.src)
const variable = genSafeVariableName(filename(path)).replace(/_(45|46|47)/g, '_') + '_' + hash(path)
imports.push(genImport(plugin.src, variable))
return [
`export default ${genArrayFromRaw(exports)}`,
export const pluginsDeclaration: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/plugins.d.ts',
getContents: async (ctx) => {
const EXTENSION_RE = new RegExp(`(?<=\\w)(${ctx.nuxt.options.extensions.map(e => escapeRE(e)).join('|')})$`, 'g')
const tsImports: string[] = []
for (const p of ctx.app.plugins) {
const sources = [p.src, p.src.replace(EXTENSION_RE, '.d.ts')]
if (!isAbsolute(p.src)) {
tsImports.push(p.src.replace(EXTENSION_RE, ''))
} else if (ctx.app.templates.some(t => t.write && t.dst && sources.includes(t.dst)) || sources.some(s => existsSync(s))) {
tsImports.push(relative(join(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types'), p.src).replace(EXTENSION_RE, ''))
const pluginsName = (await annotatePlugins(ctx.nuxt, ctx.app.plugins)).filter(p => p.name).map(p => `'${p.name}'`)
return `// Generated by Nuxt'
import type { Plugin } from '#app'
type Decorate<T extends Record<string, any>> = { [K in keyof T as K extends string ? \`$\${K}\` : never]: T[K] }
type IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false
type InjectionType<A extends Plugin> = IsAny<A> extends true ? unknown : A extends Plugin<infer T> ? Decorate<T> : unknown
type NuxtAppInjections = \n ${tsImports.map(p => `InjectionType<typeof ${genDynamicImport(p, { wrapper: false })}.default>`).join(' &\n ')}
declare module '#app' {
interface NuxtApp extends NuxtAppInjections { }
interface NuxtAppLiterals {
pluginName: ${pluginsName.join(' | ')}
declare module '#app/defaults' {
type DefaultAsyncDataErrorValue = ${ctx.nuxt.options.future.compatibilityVersion === 4 ? 'undefined' : 'null'}
type DefaultAsyncDataValue = ${ctx.nuxt.options.future.compatibilityVersion === 4 ? 'undefined' : 'null'}
type DefaultErrorValue = ${ctx.nuxt.options.future.compatibilityVersion === 4 ? 'undefined' : 'null'}
declare module 'vue' {
interface ComponentCustomProperties extends NuxtAppInjections { }
export { }
const adHocModules = ['router', 'pages', 'imports', 'meta', 'components', 'nuxt-config-schema']
export const schemaTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/schema.d.ts',
getContents: async ({ nuxt }) => {
const moduleInfo = nuxt.options._installedModules.map(m => ({
importName: m.entryPath || m.meta?.name,
})).filter(m => m.configKey && m.name && !adHocModules.includes(m.name))
const relativeRoot = relative(resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types'), nuxt.options.rootDir)
const getImportName = (name: string) => (name[0] === '.' ? './' + join(relativeRoot, name) : name).replace(/\.\w+$/, '')
const modules = moduleInfo.map(meta => [genString(meta.configKey), getImportName(meta.importName)])
const privateRuntimeConfig = Object.create(null)
for (const key in nuxt.options.runtimeConfig) {
if (key !== 'public') {
privateRuntimeConfig[key] = nuxt.options.runtimeConfig[key]
return [
'import { NuxtModule, RuntimeConfig } from \'nuxt/schema\'',
'declare module \'nuxt/schema\' {',
' interface NuxtConfig {',
...modules.map(([configKey, importName]) =>
` [${configKey}]?: typeof ${genDynamicImport(importName, { wrapper: false })}.default extends NuxtModule<infer O> ? Partial<O> : Record<string, any>`,
modules.length > 0 ? ` modules?: (undefined | null | false | NuxtModule | string | [NuxtModule | string, Record<string, any>] | ${modules.map(([configKey, importName]) => `[${genString(importName)}, Exclude<NuxtConfig[${configKey}], boolean>]`).join(' | ')})[],` : '',
' }',
generateTypes(await resolveSchema(privateRuntimeConfig as Record<string, JSValue>),
interfaceName: 'RuntimeConfig',
addExport: false,
addDefaults: false,
allowExtraKeys: false,
indentation: 2,
generateTypes(await resolveSchema(nuxt.options.runtimeConfig.public as Record<string, JSValue>),
interfaceName: 'PublicRuntimeConfig',
addExport: false,
addDefaults: false,
allowExtraKeys: false,
indentation: 2,
`declare module 'vue' {
interface ComponentCustomProperties {
$config: RuntimeConfig
// Add layouts template
export const layoutTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'layouts.mjs',
getContents ({ app }) {
const layoutsObject = genObjectFromRawEntries(Object.values(app.layouts).map(({ name, file }) => {
return [name, genDynamicImport(file, { interopDefault: true })]
return [
`export default ${layoutsObject}`,
// Add middleware template
export const middlewareTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'middleware.mjs',
getContents ({ app }) {
const globalMiddleware = app.middleware.filter(mw => mw.global)
const namedMiddleware = app.middleware.filter(mw => !mw.global)
const namedMiddlewareObject = genObjectFromRawEntries(namedMiddleware.map(mw => [mw.name, genDynamicImport(mw.path)]))
return [
...globalMiddleware.map(mw => genImport(mw.path, genSafeVariableName(mw.name))),
`export const globalMiddleware = ${genArrayFromRaw(globalMiddleware.map(mw => genSafeVariableName(mw.name)))}`,
`export const namedMiddleware = ${namedMiddlewareObject}`,
export const nitroSchemaTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/nitro-nuxt.d.ts',
getContents () {
return /* typescript */`
/// <reference path="./schema.d.ts" />
import type { RuntimeConfig } from 'nuxt/schema'
import type { H3Event } from 'h3'
import type { LogObject } from 'consola'
import type { NuxtIslandContext, NuxtIslandResponse, NuxtRenderHTMLContext } from 'nuxt/app'
declare module 'nitropack' {
interface NitroRuntimeConfigApp {
buildAssetsDir: string
cdnURL: string
interface NitroRuntimeConfig extends RuntimeConfig {}
interface NitroRouteConfig {
ssr?: boolean
experimentalNoScripts?: boolean
interface NitroRouteRules {
ssr?: boolean
experimentalNoScripts?: boolean
appMiddleware?: Record<string, boolean>
interface NitroRuntimeHooks {
'dev:ssr-logs': (ctx: { logs: LogObject[], path: string }) => void | Promise<void>
'render:html': (htmlContext: NuxtRenderHTMLContext, context: { event: H3Event }) => void | Promise<void>
'render:island': (islandResponse: NuxtIslandResponse, context: { event: H3Event, islandContext: NuxtIslandContext }) => void | Promise<void>
export const clientConfigTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'nitro.client.mjs',
getContents: () => `
export const useRuntimeConfig = () => window?.__NUXT__?.config || {}
export const appConfigDeclarationTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/app.config.d.ts',
getContents ({ app, nuxt }) {
return `
import type { CustomAppConfig } from 'nuxt/schema'
import type { Defu } from 'defu'
${app.configs.map((id: string, index: number) => `import ${`cfg${index}`} from ${JSON.stringify(id.replace(/\b\.\w+$/g, ''))}`).join('\n')}
declare const inlineConfig = ${JSON.stringify(nuxt.options.appConfig, null, 2)}
type ResolvedAppConfig = Defu<typeof inlineConfig, [${app.configs.map((_id: string, index: number) => `typeof cfg${index}`).join(', ')}]>
type IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false
type MergedAppConfig<Resolved extends Record<string, unknown>, Custom extends Record<string, unknown>> = {
[K in keyof (Resolved & Custom)]: K extends keyof Custom
? unknown extends Custom[K]
? Resolved[K]
: IsAny<Custom[K]> extends true
? Resolved[K]
: Custom[K] extends Record<string, any>
? Resolved[K] extends Record<string, any>
? MergedAppConfig<Resolved[K], Custom[K]>
: Exclude<Custom[K], undefined>
: Exclude<Custom[K], undefined>
: Resolved[K]
declare module 'nuxt/schema' {
interface AppConfig extends MergedAppConfig<ResolvedAppConfig, CustomAppConfig> { }
declare module '@nuxt/schema' {
interface AppConfig extends MergedAppConfig<ResolvedAppConfig, CustomAppConfig> { }
export const appConfigTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'app.config.mjs',
write: true,
getContents ({ app, nuxt }) {
return `
import { updateAppConfig } from '#app/config'
import { defuFn } from 'defu'
const inlineConfig = ${JSON.stringify(nuxt.options.appConfig, null, 2)}
// Vite - webpack is handled directly in #app/config
if (import.meta.hot) {
import.meta.hot.accept((newModule) => {
${app.configs.map((id: string, index: number) => `import ${`cfg${index}`} from ${JSON.stringify(id)}`).join('\n')}
export default /*@__PURE__*/ defuFn(${app.configs.map((_id: string, index: number) => `cfg${index}`).concat(['inlineConfig']).join(', ')})
export const publicPathTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'paths.mjs',
getContents ({ nuxt }) {
return [
'import { joinRelativeURL } from \'ufo\'',
!nuxt.options.dev && 'import { useRuntimeConfig } from \'#internal/nitro\'',
? `const appConfig = ${JSON.stringify(nuxt.options.app)}`
: 'const appConfig = useRuntimeConfig().app',
'export const baseURL = () => appConfig.baseURL',
'export const buildAssetsDir = () => appConfig.buildAssetsDir',
'export const buildAssetsURL = (...path) => joinRelativeURL(publicAssetsURL(), buildAssetsDir(), ...path)',
'export const publicAssetsURL = (...path) => {',
' const publicBase = appConfig.cdnURL || appConfig.baseURL',
' return path.length ? joinRelativeURL(publicBase, ...path) : publicBase',
// On server these are registered directly in packages/nuxt/src/core/runtime/nitro/renderer.ts
'if (import.meta.client) {',
' globalThis.__buildAssetsURL = buildAssetsURL',
' globalThis.__publicAssetsURL = publicAssetsURL',
export const dollarFetchTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'fetch.mjs',
getContents () {
return [
'import { $fetch } from \'ofetch\'',
'import { baseURL } from \'#internal/nuxt/paths\'',
'if (!globalThis.$fetch) {',
' globalThis.$fetch = $fetch.create({',
' baseURL: baseURL()',
' })',
// Allow direct access to specific exposed nuxt.config
export const nuxtConfigTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'nuxt.config.mjs',
getContents: (ctx) => {
const fetchDefaults = {
baseURL: undefined,
headers: undefined,
const shouldEnableComponentIslands = ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands && (
ctx.nuxt.options.dev || ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands !== 'auto' || ctx.app.pages?.some(p => p.mode === 'server') || ctx.app.components?.some(c => c.mode === 'server' && !ctx.app.components.some(other => other.pascalName === c.pascalName && other.mode === 'client'))
return [
...Object.entries(ctx.nuxt.options.app).map(([k, v]) => `export const ${camelCase('app-' + k)} = ${JSON.stringify(v)}`),
`export const renderJsonPayloads = ${!!ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.renderJsonPayloads}`,
`export const componentIslands = ${shouldEnableComponentIslands}`,
`export const payloadExtraction = ${!!ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.payloadExtraction}`,
`export const cookieStore = ${!!ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.cookieStore}`,
`export const appManifest = ${!!ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.appManifest}`,
`export const remoteComponentIslands = ${typeof ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands === 'object' && ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands.remoteIsland}`,
`export const selectiveClient = ${typeof ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands === 'object' && Boolean(ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands.selectiveClient)}`,
`export const devPagesDir = ${ctx.nuxt.options.dev ? JSON.stringify(ctx.nuxt.options.dir.pages) : 'null'}`,
`export const devRootDir = ${ctx.nuxt.options.dev ? JSON.stringify(ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir) : 'null'}`,
`export const devLogs = ${JSON.stringify(ctx.nuxt.options.features.devLogs)}`,
`export const nuxtLinkDefaults = ${JSON.stringify(ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.defaults.nuxtLink)}`,
`export const asyncDataDefaults = ${JSON.stringify({
value: ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.defaults.useAsyncData.value === 'null' ? null : undefined,
errorValue: ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.defaults.useAsyncData.errorValue === 'null' ? null : undefined,
`export const resetAsyncDataToUndefined = ${ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.resetAsyncDataToUndefined}`,
`export const nuxtDefaultErrorValue = ${ctx.nuxt.options.future.compatibilityVersion === 4 ? 'undefined' : 'null'}`,
`export const fetchDefaults = ${JSON.stringify(fetchDefaults)}`,
`export const vueAppRootContainer = ${ctx.nuxt.options.app.rootId ? `'#${ctx.nuxt.options.app.rootId}'` : `'body > ${ctx.nuxt.options.app.rootTag}'`}`,
`export const viewTransition = ${ctx.nuxt.options.experimental.viewTransition}`,
`export const appId = ${JSON.stringify(ctx.nuxt.options.appId)}`,
const TYPE_FILENAME_RE = /\.([cm])?[jt]s$/
const DECLARATION_RE = /\.d\.[cm]?ts$/
export const buildTypeTemplate: NuxtTemplate = {
filename: 'types/build.d.ts',
getContents ({ app }) {
let declarations = ''
for (const file of app.templates) {
if (file.write || !file.filename || DECLARATION_RE.test(file.filename)) {
if (TYPE_FILENAME_RE.test(file.filename)) {
const typeFilenames = new Set([file.filename.replace(TYPE_FILENAME_RE, '.d.$1ts'), file.filename.replace(TYPE_FILENAME_RE, '.d.ts')])
if (app.templates.some(f => f.filename && typeFilenames.has(f.filename))) {
declarations += 'declare module ' + JSON.stringify(join('#build', file.filename)) + ';\n'
return declarations