
413 lines
13 KiB

import path from 'path'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import consola from 'consola'
import fsExtra from 'fs-extra'
import defu from 'defu'
import htmlMinifier from 'html-minifier'
import { parse } from 'node-html-parser'
import { isFullStatic, flatRoutes, isString, isUrl, promisifyRoute, waitFor, TARGETS } from '@nuxt/utils'
export default class Generator {
constructor (nuxt, builder) {
this.nuxt = nuxt
this.options = nuxt.options
this.builder = builder
this.isFullStatic = false
// Set variables
this.staticRoutes = path.resolve(this.options.srcDir, this.options.dir.static)
this.srcBuiltPath = path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'client')
this.distPath = this.options.generate.dir
this.distNuxtPath = path.join(
isUrl( ? '' :
// Shared payload
this._payload = null
this.setPayload = (payload) => {
this._payload = defu(payload, this._payload)
async generate ({ build = true, init = true } = {}) {
consola.debug('Initializing generator...')
await this.initiate({ build, init })
// Payloads for full static
if (this.isFullStatic) {'Full static mode activated')
const { staticAssets } = this.options.generate
this.staticAssetsDir = path.resolve(this.distNuxtPath, staticAssets.dir, staticAssets.version)
this.staticAssetsBase = this.options.generate.staticAssets.versionBase
consola.debug('Preparing routes for generate...')
const routes = await this.initRoutes()'Generating pages')
const errors = await this.generateRoutes(routes)
await this.afterGenerate()
// Done hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:done', this, errors)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:done', this, { errors })
return { errors }
async initiate ({ build = true, init = true } = {}) {
// Wait for nuxt be ready
await this.nuxt.ready()
// Call before hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:before', this, this.options.generate)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:before', this)
if (build) {
// Add flag to set process.static
// Start build process
this.isFullStatic = isFullStatic(this.options)
} else {
const hasBuilt = await fsExtra.exists(path.resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'server', 'client.manifest.json'))
if (!hasBuilt) {
const fullStaticArgs = isFullStatic(this.options) ? ' --target static' : ''
throw new Error(
`No build files found in ${this.srcBuiltPath}.\nPlease run \`nuxt build${fullStaticArgs}\` before calling \`nuxt export\``
const config = this.getBuildConfig()
if (!config || ( !== TARGETS.static && !this.options._legacyGenerate)) {
throw new Error(
`In order to use \`nuxt export\`, you need to run \`nuxt build --target static\``
this.isFullStatic = config.isFullStatic
this.options.render.ssr = config.ssr
// Initialize dist directory
if (init) {
await this.initDist()
async initRoutes (...args) {
// Resolve config.generate.routes promises before generating the routes
let generateRoutes = []
if (this.options.router.mode !== 'hash') {
try {
generateRoutes = await promisifyRoute(
this.options.generate.routes || [],
} catch (e) {
consola.error('Could not resolve routes')
throw e // eslint-disable-line no-unreachable
let routes = []
// Generate only index.html for router.mode = 'hash' or client-side apps
if (this.options.router.mode === 'hash') {
routes = ['/']
} else {
routes = flatRoutes(this.getAppRoutes())
routes = routes.filter(route => this.shouldGenerateRoute(route))
routes = this.decorateWithPayloads(routes, generateRoutes)
// extendRoutes hook
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:extendRoutes', routes)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:extendRoutes', { routes })
return routes
shouldGenerateRoute (route) {
return this.options.generate.exclude.every((regex) => {
if (typeof regex === 'string') {
return regex !== route
return !regex.test(route)
getBuildConfig () {
try {
return require(path.join(this.options.buildDir, 'nuxt/config.json'))
} catch (err) {
return null
getAppRoutes () {
return require(path.join(this.options.buildDir, 'routes.json'))
async generateRoutes (routes) {
const errors = []
this.routes = []
this.generatedRoutes = new Set()
routes.forEach(({ route, ...props }) => {
route = decodeURI(route)
this.routes.push({ route, ...props })
// Add routes to the tracked generated routes (for crawler)
// Start generate process
while (this.routes.length) {
let n = 0
await Promise.all(
.splice(0, this.options.generate.concurrency)
.map(async ({ route, payload }) => {
await waitFor(n++ * this.options.generate.interval)
await this.generateRoute({ route, payload, errors })
// Improve string representation for errors
// TODO: Use consola for more consistency
errors.toString = () => this._formatErrors(errors)
return errors
_formatErrors (errors) {
return errors
.map(({ type, route, error }) => {
const isHandled = type === 'handled'
const color = isHandled ? 'yellow' : 'red'
let line = chalk[color](` ${route}\n\n`)
if (isHandled) {
line += chalk.grey(JSON.stringify(error, undefined, 2) + '\n')
} else {
line += chalk.grey(error.stack || error.message || `${error}`)
return line
async afterGenerate () {
const { fallback } = this.options.generate
// Disable SPA fallback if value isn't a non-empty string
if (typeof fallback !== 'string' || !fallback) {
const fallbackPath = path.join(this.distPath, fallback)
// Prevent conflicts
if (await fsExtra.exists(fallbackPath)) {
consola.warn(`SPA fallback was configured, but the configured path (${fallbackPath}) already exists.`)
// Render and write the SPA template to the fallback path
let { html } = await this.nuxt.server.renderRoute('/', {
spa: true,
staticAssetsBase: this.staticAssetsBase
try {
html = this.minifyHtml(html)
} catch (error) {
consola.warn('HTML minification failed for SPA fallback')
await fsExtra.writeFile(fallbackPath, html, 'utf8')
consola.success('Client-side fallback created: `' + fallback + '`')
async initDist () {
// Clean destination folder
await fsExtra.emptyDir(this.distPath)`Generating output directory: ${path.basename(this.distPath)}/`)
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:distRemoved', this)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:distRemoved', this)
// Copy static and built files
if (await fsExtra.exists(this.staticRoutes)) {
await fsExtra.copy(this.staticRoutes, this.distPath)
// Copy .nuxt/dist/client/ to dist/_nuxt/
await fsExtra.copy(this.srcBuiltPath, this.distNuxtPath)
if (this.payloadDir) {
await fsExtra.ensureDir(this.payloadDir)
// Add .nojekyll file to let GitHub Pages add the _nuxt/ folder
const nojekyllPath = path.resolve(this.distPath, '.nojekyll')
fsExtra.writeFile(nojekyllPath, '')
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:distCopied', this)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:distCopied', this)
decorateWithPayloads (routes, generateRoutes) {
const routeMap = {}
// Fill routeMap for known routes
routes.forEach((route) => {
routeMap[route] = { route, payload: null }
// Fill routeMap with given generate.routes
generateRoutes.forEach((route) => {
// route is either a string or like { route : '/my_route/1', payload: {} }
const path = isString(route) ? route : route.route
routeMap[path] = {
route: path,
payload: route.payload || null
return Object.values(routeMap)
async generateRoute ({ route, payload = {}, errors = [] }) {
let html
const pageErrors = []
const setPayload = (_payload) => {
payload = defu(_payload, payload)
// Apply shared payload
if (this._payload) {
payload = defu(payload, this._payload)
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:route', { route, setPayload })
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:route', { route, setPayload })
try {
const renderContext = {
staticAssetsBase: this.staticAssetsBase
const res = await this.nuxt.server.renderRoute(route, renderContext)
html = res.html
// If crawler activated and called from generateRoutes()
if (this.options.generate.crawler && this.options.render.ssr) {
const possibleTrailingSlash = this.options.router.trailingSlash ? '/' : ''
parse(html).querySelectorAll('a').map((el) => {
const sanitizedHref = (el.getAttribute('href') || '')
.replace(this.options.router.base, '/')
.replace(/\/+$/, '')
const route = decodeURI(sanitizedHref + possibleTrailingSlash)
if (route.startsWith('/') && !path.extname(route) && this.shouldGenerateRoute(route) && !this.generatedRoutes.has(route)) {
this.routes.push({ route })
// Save Static Assets
if (this.staticAssetsDir && renderContext.staticAssets) {
for (const asset of renderContext.staticAssets) {
const assetPath = path.join(this.staticAssetsDir, asset.path)
await fsExtra.ensureDir(path.dirname(assetPath))
await fsExtra.writeFile(assetPath, asset.src, 'utf-8')
if (res.error) {
pageErrors.push({ type: 'handled', route, error: res.error })
} catch (err) {
pageErrors.push({ type: 'unhandled', route, error: err })
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:routeFailed', { route, errors: pageErrors })
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:routeFailed', { route, errors: pageErrors })
return false
try {
html = this.minifyHtml(html)
} catch (err) {
const minifyErr = new Error(
`HTML minification failed. Make sure the route generates valid HTML. Failed HTML:\n ${html}`
pageErrors.push({ type: 'unhandled', route, error: minifyErr })
let fileName
if (this.options.generate.subFolders) {
fileName = path.join(route, path.sep, 'index.html') // /about -> /about/index.html
fileName = fileName === '/404/index.html' ? '/404.html' : fileName // /404 -> /404.html
} else {
const normalizedRoute = route.replace(/\/$/, '')
fileName = route.length > 1 ? path.join(path.sep, normalizedRoute + '.html') : path.join(path.sep, 'index.html')
// Call hook to let user update the path & html
const page = { route, path: fileName, html, exclude: false }
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:page', page)
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:page', { page, errors: pageErrors })
if (page.exclude) {
return false
page.path = path.join(this.distPath, page.path)
// Make sure the sub folders are created
await fsExtra.mkdirp(path.dirname(page.path))
await fsExtra.writeFile(page.path, page.html, 'utf8')
await this.nuxt.callHook('generate:routeCreated', { route, path: page.path, errors: pageErrors })
await this.nuxt.callHook('export:routeCreated', { route, path: page.path, errors: pageErrors })
if (pageErrors.length) {
consola.error(`Error generating route "${route}": ${ => e.error.message).join(', ')}`)
} else {
consola.success(`Generated route "${route}"`)
return true
minifyHtml (html) {
let minificationOptions =
// Legacy: Override minification options with generate.minify if present
// TODO: Remove in Nuxt version 3
if (typeof this.options.generate.minify !== 'undefined') {
minificationOptions = this.options.generate.minify
consola.warn('generate.minify has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.' +
' Use build.html.minify instead!')
if (!minificationOptions) {
return html
return htmlMinifier.minify(html, minificationOptions)