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import { existsSync } from 'node:fs'
import * as vite from 'vite'
import { dirname, join, normalize, resolve } from 'pathe'
import type { Nuxt, NuxtBuilder, ViteConfig } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { addVitePlugin, isIgnored, logger, resolvePath, useNitro } from '@nuxt/kit'
import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace'
import type { RollupReplaceOptions } from '@rollup/plugin-replace'
import { sanitizeFilePath } from 'mlly'
import { withoutLeadingSlash } from 'ufo'
import { filename } from 'pathe/utils'
import { resolveTSConfig } from 'pkg-types'
import { buildClient } from './client'
import { buildServer } from './server'
import virtual from './plugins/virtual'
import { warmupViteServer } from './utils/warmup'
import { resolveCSSOptions } from './css'
import { composableKeysPlugin } from './plugins/composable-keys'
import { logLevelMap } from './utils/logger'
import { ssrStylesPlugin } from './plugins/ssr-styles'
import { VitePublicDirsPlugin } from './plugins/public-dirs'
import { distDir } from './dirs'
export interface ViteBuildContext {
nuxt: Nuxt
config: ViteConfig
entry: string
clientServer?: vite.ViteDevServer
ssrServer?: vite.ViteDevServer
export const bundle: NuxtBuilder['bundle'] = async (nuxt) => {
const useAsyncEntry = nuxt.options.experimental.asyncEntry ||
(nuxt.options.vite.devBundler === 'vite-node' && nuxt.options.dev)
const entry = await resolvePath(resolve(nuxt.options.appDir, useAsyncEntry ? 'entry.async' : 'entry'))
let allowDirs = [
...nuxt.options._layers.map(l => l.config.rootDir),
...Object.values(nuxt.apps).flatMap(app => [
...app.components.map(c => dirname(c.filePath)),
...app.plugins.map(p => dirname(p.src)),
...app.middleware.map(m => dirname(m.path)),
...Object.values(app.layouts || {}).map(l => dirname(l.file)),
].filter(d => d && existsSync(d))
for (const dir of allowDirs) {
allowDirs = allowDirs.filter(d => !d.startsWith(dir) || d === dir)
const { $client, $server, ...viteConfig } = nuxt.options.vite
const ctx: ViteBuildContext = {
config: vite.mergeConfig(
logLevel: logLevelMap[nuxt.options.logLevel] ?? logLevelMap.info,
resolve: {
alias: {
'#app': nuxt.options.appDir,
// We need this resolution to be present before the following entry, but it
// will be filled in client/server configs
'#build/plugins': '',
'#build': nuxt.options.buildDir,
'web-streams-polyfill/ponyfill/es2018': 'unenv/runtime/mock/empty',
// Cannot destructure property 'AbortController' of ..
'abort-controller': 'unenv/runtime/mock/empty',
css: await resolveCSSOptions(nuxt),
define: {
__NUXT_VERSION__: JSON.stringify(nuxt._version),
__NUXT_ASYNC_CONTEXT__: nuxt.options.experimental.asyncContext,
build: {
copyPublicDir: false,
rollupOptions: {
output: {
sourcemapIgnoreList: (relativeSourcePath) => {
return relativeSourcePath.includes('node_modules') || relativeSourcePath.includes(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir)
sanitizeFileName: sanitizeFilePath,
// https://github.com/vitejs/vite/tree/main/packages/vite/src/node/build.ts#L464-L478
assetFileNames: nuxt.options.dev
? undefined
: chunk => withoutLeadingSlash(join(nuxt.options.app.buildAssetsDir, `${sanitizeFilePath(filename(chunk.name!))}.[hash].[ext]`)),
watch: {
exclude: nuxt.options.ignore,
plugins: [
// add resolver for files in public assets directories
dev: nuxt.options.dev,
sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server,
baseURL: nuxt.options.app.baseURL,
sourcemap: !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.server || !!nuxt.options.sourcemap.client,
rootDir: nuxt.options.rootDir,
composables: nuxt.options.optimization.keyedComposables,
replace({ preventAssignment: true, ...globalThisReplacements }),
server: {
watch: { ignored: isIgnored },
fs: {
allow: [...new Set(allowDirs)],
} satisfies ViteConfig,
// In build mode we explicitly override any vite options that vite is relying on
// to detect whether to inject production or development code (such as HMR code)
if (!nuxt.options.dev) {
ctx.config.server!.watch = undefined
ctx.config.build!.watch = undefined
// TODO: this may no longer be needed with most recent vite version
if (nuxt.options.dev) {
// Identify which layers will need to have an extra resolve step.
const layerDirs: string[] = []
const delimitedRootDir = nuxt.options.rootDir + '/'
for (const layer of nuxt.options._layers) {
if (layer.config.srcDir !== nuxt.options.srcDir && !layer.config.srcDir.startsWith(delimitedRootDir)) {
layerDirs.push(layer.config.srcDir + '/')
if (layerDirs.length > 0) {
// Reverse so longest/most specific directories are searched first
ctx.nuxt.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config) => {
const dirs = [...layerDirs]
name: 'nuxt:optimize-layer-deps',
enforce: 'pre',
async resolveId (source, _importer) {
if (!_importer || !dirs.length) { return }
const importer = normalize(_importer)
const layerIndex = dirs.findIndex(dir => importer.startsWith(dir))
// Trigger vite to optimize dependencies imported within a layer, just as if they were imported in final project
if (layerIndex !== -1) {
dirs.splice(layerIndex, 1)
await this.resolve(source, join(nuxt.options.srcDir, 'index.html'), { skipSelf: true }).catch(() => null)
// Add type-checking
if (!ctx.nuxt.options.test && (ctx.nuxt.options.typescript.typeCheck === true || (ctx.nuxt.options.typescript.typeCheck === 'build' && !ctx.nuxt.options.dev))) {
const checker = await import('vite-plugin-checker').then(r => r.default)
vueTsc: {
tsconfigPath: await resolveTSConfig(ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir),
}), { server: nuxt.options.ssr })
await nuxt.callHook('vite:extend', ctx)
nuxt.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config) => {
const replaceOptions: RollupReplaceOptions = Object.create(null)
replaceOptions.preventAssignment = true
for (const key in config.define!) {
if (key.startsWith('import.meta.')) {
replaceOptions[key] = config.define![key]
if (!ctx.nuxt.options.dev) {
const chunksWithInlinedCSS = new Set<string>()
const clientCSSMap = {}
nuxt.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config, { isServer }) => {
srcDir: ctx.nuxt.options.srcDir,
shouldInline: ctx.nuxt.options.features.inlineStyles,
components: ctx.nuxt.apps.default!.components || [],
globalCSS: ctx.nuxt.options.css,
mode: isServer ? 'server' : 'client',
entry: ctx.entry,
// Remove CSS entries for files that will have inlined styles
ctx.nuxt.hook('build:manifest', (manifest) => {
for (const key in manifest) {
const entry = manifest[key]!
const shouldRemoveCSS = chunksWithInlinedCSS.has(key) && !entry.isEntry
if (entry.isEntry && chunksWithInlinedCSS.has(key)) {
// @ts-expect-error internal key
entry._globalCSS = true
if (shouldRemoveCSS && entry.css) {
entry.css = []
nuxt.hook('vite:serverCreated', (server: vite.ViteDevServer, env) => {
// Invalidate virtual modules when templates are re-generated
ctx.nuxt.hook('app:templatesGenerated', () => {
for (const [id, mod] of server.moduleGraph.idToModuleMap) {
if (id.startsWith('virtual:')) {
if (nuxt.options.vite.warmupEntry !== false) {
// Don't delay nitro build for warmup
useNitro().hooks.hookOnce('compiled', () => {
const start = Date.now()
warmupViteServer(server, [ctx.entry], env.isServer)
.then(() => logger.info(`Vite ${env.isClient ? 'client' : 'server'} warmed up in ${Date.now() - start}ms`))
await withLogs(() => buildClient(ctx), 'Vite client built', ctx.nuxt.options.dev)
await withLogs(() => buildServer(ctx), 'Vite server built', ctx.nuxt.options.dev)
const globalThisReplacements = Object.fromEntries([';', '(', '{', '}', ' ', '\t', '\n'].map(d => [`${d}global.`, `${d}globalThis.`]))
async function withLogs (fn: () => Promise<void>, message: string, enabled = true) {
if (!enabled) { return fn() }
const start = performance.now()
await fn()
const duration = performance.now() - start
logger.success(`${message} in ${Math.round(duration)}ms`)