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import type { AddressInfo } from 'node:net'
import type { RequestListener } from 'node:http'
import { relative, resolve } from 'pathe'
import chokidar from 'chokidar'
import { debounce } from 'perfect-debounce'
import type { Nuxt } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { consola } from 'consola'
import { withTrailingSlash } from 'ufo'
import { setupDotenv } from 'c12'
import { showBanner, showVersions } from '../utils/banner'
import { writeTypes } from '../utils/prepare'
import { loadKit } from '../utils/kit'
import { importModule } from '../utils/esm'
import { overrideEnv } from '../utils/env'
import { cleanupNuxtDirs, loadNuxtManifest, writeNuxtManifest } from '../utils/nuxt'
import { defineNuxtCommand } from './index'
export default defineNuxtCommand({
meta: {
name: 'dev',
usage: 'npx nuxi dev [rootDir] [--dotenv] [--log-level] [--clipboard] [--open, -o] [--port, -p] [--host, -h] [--https] [--ssl-cert] [--ssl-key]',
description: 'Run nuxt development server'
async invoke (args, options = {}) {
const { listen } = await import('listhen')
const { toNodeListener } = await import('h3')
let currentHandler: RequestListener | undefined
let loadingMessage = 'Nuxt is starting...'
const loadingHandler: RequestListener = async (_req, res) => {
const { loading: loadingTemplate } = await importModule('@nuxt/ui-templates')
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
res.statusCode = 503 // Service Unavailable
res.end(loadingTemplate({ loading: loadingMessage }))
const serverHandler: RequestListener = (req, res) => {
return currentHandler ? currentHandler(req, res) : loadingHandler(req, res)
const rootDir = resolve(args._[0] || '.')
await setupDotenv({ cwd: rootDir, fileName: args.dotenv })
const { loadNuxt, loadNuxtConfig, buildNuxt } = await loadKit(rootDir)
const config = await loadNuxtConfig({
cwd: rootDir,
overrides: {
dev: true,
logLevel: args['log-level'],
...(options.overrides || {})
const listener = await listen(serverHandler, {
showURL: false,
clipboard: args.clipboard,
open: args.open || args.o,
port: args.port || args.p || process.env.NUXT_PORT || config.devServer.port,
hostname: args.host || args.h || process.env.NUXT_HOST || config.devServer.host,
https: (args.https !== false && (args.https || config.devServer.https))
? {
cert: args['ssl-cert'] || (config.devServer.https && config.devServer.https.cert) || undefined,
key: args['ssl-key'] || (config.devServer.https && config.devServer.https.key) || undefined
: false
let currentNuxt: Nuxt
let distWatcher: chokidar.FSWatcher
const showURL = () => {
// TODO: Normalize URL with trailing slash within schema
baseURL: withTrailingSlash(currentNuxt?.options.app.baseURL) || '/'
const load = async (isRestart: boolean, reason?: string) => {
try {
loadingMessage = `${reason ? reason + '. ' : ''}${isRestart ? 'Restarting' : 'Starting'} nuxt...`
currentHandler = undefined
if (isRestart) {
if (currentNuxt) {
await currentNuxt.close()
if (distWatcher) {
await distWatcher.close()
currentNuxt = await loadNuxt({
dev: true,
ready: false,
overrides: {
logLevel: args['log-level'],
...(options.overrides || {})
if (!isRestart) {
// Write manifest and also check if we need cache invalidation
if (!isRestart) {
const previousManifest = await loadNuxtManifest(currentNuxt.options.buildDir)
const newManifest = await writeNuxtManifest(currentNuxt)
if (previousManifest && newManifest && previousManifest._hash !== newManifest._hash) {
await cleanupNuxtDirs(currentNuxt.options.rootDir)
await currentNuxt.ready()
distWatcher = chokidar.watch(resolve(currentNuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist'), { ignoreInitial: true, depth: 0 })
distWatcher.on('unlinkDir', () => {
dLoad(true, '.nuxt/dist directory has been removed')
const unsub = currentNuxt.hooks.hook('restart', async (options) => {
unsub() // we use this instead of `hookOnce` for Nuxt Bridge support
if (options?.hard && process.send) {
await listener.close().catch(() => {})
await currentNuxt.close().catch(() => {})
await watcher.close().catch(() => {})
await distWatcher.close().catch(() => {})
process.send({ type: 'nuxt:restart' })
} else {
await load(true)
await currentNuxt.hooks.callHook('listen', listener.server, listener)
const address = (listener.server.address() || {}) as AddressInfo
currentNuxt.options.devServer.url = listener.url
currentNuxt.options.devServer.port = address.port
currentNuxt.options.devServer.host = address.address
currentNuxt.options.devServer.https = listener.https
await Promise.all([
currentHandler = toNodeListener(currentNuxt.server.app)
if (isRestart && args.clear !== false) {
} catch (err) {
consola.error(`Cannot ${isRestart ? 'restart' : 'start'} nuxt: `, err)
currentHandler = undefined
loadingMessage = 'Error while loading nuxt. Please check console and fix errors.'
// Watch for config changes
// TODO: Watcher service, modules, and requireTree
const dLoad = debounce(load)
const watcher = chokidar.watch([rootDir], { ignoreInitial: true, depth: 0 })
watcher.on('all', (_event, _file) => {
const file = relative(rootDir, _file)
if (file.match(/^(nuxt\.config\.(js|ts|mjs|cjs)|\.nuxtignore|\.env|\.nuxtrc)$/)) {
dLoad(true, `${file} updated`)
await load(false)
return 'wait' as const