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synced 2025-03-24 18:16:36 +00:00
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import { existsSync, promises as fsp } from 'node:fs'
import { dirname, relative } from 'node:path'
import { execa } from 'execa'
import { setupDotenv } from 'c12'
import { resolve } from 'pathe'
import { consola } from 'consola'
import { loadKit } from '../utils/kit'
import { defineNuxtCommand } from './index'
export default defineNuxtCommand({
meta: {
name: 'preview',
usage: 'npx nuxi preview|start [--dotenv] [rootDir]',
description: 'Launches nitro server for local testing after `nuxi build`.'
async invoke (args) {
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'
const rootDir = resolve(args._[0] || '.')
const { loadNuxtConfig } = await loadKit(rootDir)
const config = await loadNuxtConfig({ cwd: rootDir })
const resolvedOutputDir = resolve(config.srcDir || rootDir, config.nitro.srcDir || 'server', config.nitro.output?.dir || '.output', 'nitro.json')
const defaultOutput = resolve(rootDir, '.output', 'nitro.json') // for backwards compatibility
const nitroJSONPaths = [resolvedOutputDir, defaultOutput]
const nitroJSONPath = nitroJSONPaths.find(p => existsSync(p))
if (!nitroJSONPath) {
consola.error('Cannot find `nitro.json`. Did you run `nuxi build` first? Search path:\n', nitroJSONPaths)
const outputPath = dirname(nitroJSONPath)
const nitroJSON = JSON.parse(await fsp.readFile(nitroJSONPath, 'utf-8'))
consola.info('Node.js version:', process.versions.node)
consola.info('Preset:', nitroJSON.preset)
consola.info('Working dir:', relative(process.cwd(), outputPath))
if (!nitroJSON.commands.preview) {
consola.error('Preview is not supported for this build.')
const envExists = args.dotenv ? existsSync(resolve(rootDir, args.dotenv)) : existsSync(rootDir)
if (envExists) {
consola.info('Loading `.env`. This will not be loaded when running the server in production.')
await setupDotenv({ cwd: rootDir, fileName: args.dotenv })
consola.info('Starting preview command:', nitroJSON.commands.preview)
const [command, ...commandArgs] = nitroJSON.commands.preview.split(' ')
await execa(command, commandArgs, { stdio: 'inherit', cwd: outputPath })