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import { existsSync, promises as fsp, lstatSync } from 'node:fs'
import type { ModuleMeta, Nuxt, NuxtConfig, NuxtModule } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { dirname, isAbsolute, join, resolve } from 'pathe'
import { defu } from 'defu'
import { createJiti } from 'jiti'
import { useNuxt } from '../context'
import { resolveAlias } from '../resolve'
import { logger } from '../logger'
const NODE_MODULES_RE = /[/\\]node_modules[/\\]/
/** Installs a module on a Nuxt instance. */
export async function installModule<
T extends string | NuxtModule,
Config extends Extract<NonNullable<NuxtConfig['modules']>[number], [T, any]>,
> (moduleToInstall: T, inlineOptions?: [Config] extends [never] ? any : Config[1], nuxt: Nuxt = useNuxt()) {
const { nuxtModule, buildTimeModuleMeta } = await loadNuxtModuleInstance(moduleToInstall, nuxt)
const localLayerModuleDirs = new Set<string>()
for (const l of nuxt.options._layers) {
const srcDir = l.config.srcDir || l.cwd
if (!NODE_MODULES_RE.test(srcDir)) {
localLayerModuleDirs.add(resolve(srcDir, l.config?.dir?.modules || 'modules'))
// Call module
const res = await nuxtModule(inlineOptions || {}, nuxt) ?? {}
if (res === false /* setup aborted */) {
if (typeof moduleToInstall === 'string') {
const directory = getDirectory(moduleToInstall)
if (directory !== moduleToInstall && !localLayerModuleDirs.has(directory)) {
nuxt.options.modulesDir.push(resolve(directory, 'node_modules'))
nuxt.options._installedModules = nuxt.options._installedModules || []
const entryPath = typeof moduleToInstall === 'string' ? resolveAlias(moduleToInstall) : undefined
if (typeof moduleToInstall === 'string' && entryPath !== moduleToInstall) {
buildTimeModuleMeta.rawPath = moduleToInstall
meta: defu(await nuxtModule.getMeta?.(), buildTimeModuleMeta),
timings: res.timings,
// --- Internal ---
export function getDirectory (p: string) {
try {
// we need to target directories instead of module file paths themselves
// /home/user/project/node_modules/module/index.js -> /home/user/project/node_modules/module
return isAbsolute(p) && lstatSync(p).isFile() ? dirname(p) : p
} catch {
// maybe the path is absolute but does not exist, allow this to bubble up
return p
export const normalizeModuleTranspilePath = (p: string) => {
return getDirectory(p).split('node_modules/').pop() as string
export async function loadNuxtModuleInstance (nuxtModule: string | NuxtModule, nuxt: Nuxt = useNuxt()) {
let buildTimeModuleMeta: ModuleMeta = {}
const jiti = createJiti(nuxt.options.rootDir, {
interopDefault: true,
alias: nuxt.options.alias,
// Import if input is string
if (typeof nuxtModule === 'string') {
const paths = [join(nuxtModule, 'nuxt'), join(nuxtModule, 'module'), nuxtModule, join(nuxt.options.rootDir, nuxtModule)]
for (const parentURL of nuxt.options.modulesDir) {
for (const path of paths) {
try {
const src = jiti.esmResolve(path, { parentURL: parentURL.replace(/\/node_modules\/?$/, '') })
nuxtModule = await jiti.import(src) as NuxtModule
// nuxt-module-builder generates a module.json with metadata including the version
const moduleMetadataPath = join(dirname(src), 'module.json')
if (existsSync(moduleMetadataPath)) {
buildTimeModuleMeta = JSON.parse(await fsp.readFile(moduleMetadataPath, 'utf-8'))
} catch (error: unknown) {
const code = (error as Error & { code?: string }).code
logger.error(`Error while importing module \`${nuxtModule}\`: ${error}`)
throw error
if (typeof nuxtModule !== 'string') { break }
// Throw error if input is not a function
if (typeof nuxtModule !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('Nuxt module should be a function: ' + nuxtModule)
return { nuxtModule, buildTimeModuleMeta } as { nuxtModule: NuxtModule<any>, buildTimeModuleMeta: ModuleMeta }