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synced 2025-03-26 10:57:32 +00:00
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105 lines
4.4 KiB
import { createUnplugin } from 'unplugin'
import escapeRE from 'escape-string-regexp'
import type { Plugin } from 'vite'
import MagicString from 'magic-string'
interface DynamicBasePluginOptions {
globalPublicPath?: string
sourcemap?: boolean
export const RelativeAssetPlugin = function (): Plugin {
return {
name: 'nuxt:vite-relative-asset',
generateBundle (_, bundle) {
const generatedAssets = Object.entries(bundle).filter(([_, asset]) => asset.type === 'asset').map(([key]) => escapeRE(key))
const assetRE = new RegExp(`\\/__NUXT_BASE__\\/(${generatedAssets.join('|')})`, 'g')
for (const file in bundle) {
const asset = bundle[file]
if (asset.fileName.includes('legacy') && asset.type === 'chunk' && asset.code.includes('innerHTML')) {
for (const delimiter of ['`', '"', "'"]) {
asset.code = asset.code.replace(
new RegExp(`(?<=innerHTML=)${delimiter}([^${delimiter}]*)\\/__NUXT_BASE__\\/([^${delimiter}]*)${delimiter}`, 'g'),
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string */
'`$1${(window?.__NUXT__?.config.app.cdnURL || window?.__NUXT__?.config.app.baseURL) + window?.__NUXT__?.config.app.buildAssetsDir.slice(1)}$2`'
if (asset.type === 'asset' && typeof asset.source === 'string' && asset.fileName.endsWith('.css')) {
const depth = file.split('/').length - 1
const assetBase = depth === 0 ? '.' : Array.from({ length: depth }).map(() => '..').join('/')
const publicBase = Array.from({ length: depth + 1 }).map(() => '..').join('/')
asset.source = asset.source
.replace(assetRE, r => r.replace(/\/__NUXT_BASE__/g, assetBase))
.replace(/\/__NUXT_BASE__/g, publicBase)
if (asset.type === 'chunk' && typeof asset.code === 'string') {
asset.code = asset.code
.replace(/`\$\{(_?_?publicAssetsURL|buildAssetsURL|)\(\)\}([^`]*)`/g, '$1(`$2`)')
.replace(/"\/__NUXT_BASE__\/([^"]*)"\.replace\("\/__NUXT_BASE__", ""\)/g, '"$1"')
.replace(/'\/__NUXT_BASE__\/([^']*)'\.replace\("\/__NUXT_BASE__", ""\)/g, '"$1"')
const VITE_ASSET_RE = /^export default ["'](__VITE_ASSET.*)["']$/
export const DynamicBasePlugin = createUnplugin(function (options: DynamicBasePluginOptions = {}) {
return {
name: 'nuxt:dynamic-base-path',
resolveId (id) {
if (id.startsWith('/__NUXT_BASE__')) {
return id.replace('/__NUXT_BASE__', '')
if (id === '#internal/nitro') { return '#internal/nitro' }
return null
enforce: 'post',
transform (code, id) {
const s = new MagicString(code)
if (options.globalPublicPath && id.includes('paths.mjs') && code.includes('const appConfig = ')) {
s.append(`${options.globalPublicPath} = buildAssetsURL();\n`)
const assetId = code.match(VITE_ASSET_RE)
if (assetId) {
s.overwrite(0, code.length,
'import { buildAssetsURL } from \'#build/paths.mjs\';',
`export default buildAssetsURL("${assetId[1]}".replace("/__NUXT_BASE__", ""));`
if (!id.includes('paths.mjs') && code.includes('NUXT_BASE') && !code.includes('import { publicAssetsURL as __publicAssetsURL }')) {
s.prepend('import { publicAssetsURL as __publicAssetsURL } from \'#build/paths.mjs\';\n')
if (id === 'vite/preload-helper') {
// Define vite base path as buildAssetsUrl (i.e. including _nuxt/)
s.prepend('import { buildAssetsDir } from \'#build/paths.mjs\';\n')
s.replace(/const base = ['"]\/__NUXT_BASE__\/['"]/, 'const base = buildAssetsDir()')
// Sanitize imports
s.replace(/from *['"]\/__NUXT_BASE__(\/[^'"]*)['"]/g, 'from "$1"')
// Dynamically compute string URLs featuring baseURL
const delimiterRE = /(?<!(const base = |from *))(`([^`]*)\/__NUXT_BASE__\/([^`]*)`|'([^\n']*)\/__NUXT_BASE__\/([^\n']*)'|"([^\n"]*)\/__NUXT_BASE__\/([^\n"]*)")/g
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string */
s.replace(delimiterRE, r => '`' + r.replace(/\/__NUXT_BASE__\//g, '${__publicAssetsURL()}').slice(1, -1) + '`')
if (s.hasChanged()) {
return {
code: s.toString(),
map: options.sourcemap && s.generateMap({ source: id, includeContent: true })