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182 lines
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import { readdir } from 'node:fs/promises'
import { basename, dirname, extname, join, relative } from 'pathe'
import { globby } from 'globby'
import { kebabCase, pascalCase, splitByCase } from 'scule'
import { isIgnored, useNuxt } from '@nuxt/kit'
import { withTrailingSlash } from 'ufo'
import type { Component, ComponentsDir } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { QUOTE_RE, resolveComponentNameSegments } from '../core/utils'
import { logger } from '../utils'
const ISLAND_RE = /\.island(?:\.global)?$/
const GLOBAL_RE = /\.global(?:\.island)?$/
const COMPONENT_MODE_RE = /(?<=\.)(client|server)(\.global|\.island)*$/
const MODE_REPLACEMENT_RE = /(\.(client|server))?(\.global|\.island)*$/
* Scan the components inside different components folders
* and return a unique list of components
* @param dirs all folders where components are defined
* @param srcDir src path of your app
* @returns {Promise} Component found promise
export async function scanComponents (dirs: ComponentsDir[], srcDir: string): Promise<Component[]> {
// All scanned components
const components: Component[] = []
// Keep resolved path to avoid duplicates
const filePaths = new Set<string>()
// All scanned paths
const scannedPaths: string[] = []
for (const dir of dirs) {
if (dir.enabled === false) {
// A map from resolved path to component name (used for making duplicate warning message)
const resolvedNames = new Map<string, string>()
const files = (await globby(dir.pattern!, { cwd: dir.path, ignore: dir.ignore })).sort()
// Check if the directory exists (globby will otherwise read it case insensitively on MacOS)
if (files.length) {
const siblings = await readdir(dirname(dir.path)).catch(() => [] as string[])
const directory = basename(dir.path)
if (!siblings.includes(directory)) {
const directoryLowerCase = directory.toLowerCase()
const caseCorrected = siblings.find(sibling => sibling.toLowerCase() === directoryLowerCase)
if (caseCorrected) {
const nuxt = useNuxt()
const original = relative(nuxt.options.srcDir, dir.path)
const corrected = relative(nuxt.options.srcDir, join(dirname(dir.path), caseCorrected))
logger.warn(`Components not scanned from \`~/${corrected}\`. Did you mean to name the directory \`~/${original}\` instead?`)
for (const _file of files) {
const filePath = join(dir.path, _file)
if (scannedPaths.find(d => filePath.startsWith(withTrailingSlash(d))) || isIgnored(filePath)) {
// Avoid duplicate paths
if (filePaths.has(filePath)) { continue }
* Create an array of prefixes base on the prefix config
* Empty prefix will be an empty array
* @example prefix: 'nuxt' -> ['nuxt']
* @example prefix: 'nuxt-test' -> ['nuxt', 'test']
const prefixParts = ([] as string[]).concat(
dir.prefix ? splitByCase(dir.prefix) : [],
(dir.pathPrefix !== false) ? splitByCase(relative(dir.path, dirname(filePath))) : [],
* In case we have index as filename the component become the parent path
* @example third-components/index.vue -> third-component
* if not take the filename
* @example third-components/Awesome.vue -> Awesome
let fileName = basename(filePath, extname(filePath))
const island = ISLAND_RE.test(fileName) || dir.island
const global = GLOBAL_RE.test(fileName) || dir.global
const mode = island ? 'server' : (fileName.match(COMPONENT_MODE_RE)?.[1] || 'all') as 'client' | 'server' | 'all'
fileName = fileName.replace(MODE_REPLACEMENT_RE, '')
if (fileName.toLowerCase() === 'index') {
fileName = dir.pathPrefix === false ? basename(dirname(filePath)) : '' /* inherits from path */
const suffix = (mode !== 'all' ? `-${mode}` : '')
const componentNameSegments = resolveComponentNameSegments(fileName.replace(QUOTE_RE, ''), prefixParts)
const pascalName = pascalCase(componentNameSegments)
if (LAZY_COMPONENT_NAME_REGEX.test(pascalName)) {
logger.warn(`The component \`${pascalName}\` (in \`${filePath}\`) is using the reserved "Lazy" prefix used for dynamic imports, which may cause it to break at runtime.`)
if (resolvedNames.has(pascalName + suffix) || resolvedNames.has(pascalName)) {
warnAboutDuplicateComponent(pascalName, filePath, resolvedNames.get(pascalName) || resolvedNames.get(pascalName + suffix)!)
resolvedNames.set(pascalName + suffix, filePath)
const kebabName = kebabCase(componentNameSegments)
const shortPath = relative(srcDir, filePath)
const chunkName = 'components/' + kebabName + suffix
let component: Component = {
// inheritable from directory configuration
prefetch: Boolean(dir.prefetch),
preload: Boolean(dir.preload),
// specific to the file
export: 'default',
// by default, give priority to scanned components
priority: dir.priority ?? 1,
// @ts-expect-error untyped property
_scanned: true,
if (typeof dir.extendComponent === 'function') {
component = (await dir.extendComponent(component)) || component
// Ignore files like `~/components/index.vue` which end up not having a name at all
if (!pascalName) {
logger.warn(`Component did not resolve to a file name in \`~/${relative(srcDir, filePath)}\`.`)
const existingComponent = components.find(c => c.pascalName === component.pascalName && ['all', component.mode].includes(c.mode))
// Ignore component if component is already defined (with same mode)
if (existingComponent) {
const existingPriority = existingComponent.priority ?? 0
const newPriority = component.priority ?? 0
// Replace component if priority is higher
if (newPriority > existingPriority) {
components.splice(components.indexOf(existingComponent), 1, component)
// Warn if a user-defined (or prioritized) component conflicts with a previously scanned component
if (newPriority > 0 && newPriority === existingPriority) {
warnAboutDuplicateComponent(pascalName, filePath, existingComponent.filePath)
return components
function warnAboutDuplicateComponent (componentName: string, filePath: string, duplicatePath: string) {
logger.warn(`Two component files resolving to the same name \`${componentName}\`:\n` +
`\n - ${filePath}` +
`\n - ${duplicatePath}`,
const LAZY_COMPONENT_NAME_REGEX = /^Lazy(?=[A-Z])/