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import { resolve, join } from 'path'
import { spawn } from 'cross-spawn'
import { writeFileSync } from 'fs-extra'
import { getPort, rp, waitFor } from '../utils'
let port
const rootDir = resolve(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures/cli')
const url = route => 'http://localhost:' + port + route
const nuxtBin = resolve(__dirname, '../../packages/cli/bin/nuxt-cli.js')
const spawnNuxt = (command, opts) => spawn(nuxtBin, [command, rootDir], opts)
const start = (cmd, env, cb) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const nuxt = spawnNuxt(cmd, { env, detached: true })
const listener = (data) => {
if (data.includes(`${port}`)) {
nuxt.stdout.removeListener('data', listener)
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
nuxt.stdout.on('data', listener)
const close = (nuxt) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
nuxt.on('exit', resolve)
describe.posix('cli', () => {
test('nuxt dev', async () => {
const { env } = process
env.PORT = port = await getPort()
const nuxtDev = await start('dev', env)
// Change file specified in `watchers` (nuxt.config.js)
const customFilePath = join(rootDir, 'custom.file')
writeFileSync(customFilePath, 'This file is used to test custom chokidar watchers.')
// Change file specified in `serverMiddleware` (nuxt.config.js)
const serverMiddlewarePath = join(rootDir, 'middleware.js')
writeFileSync(serverMiddlewarePath, '// This file is used to test custom chokidar watchers.\n')
// Wait 2s for picking up changes
await waitFor(2000)
// [Add actual test for changes here]
await close(nuxtDev)
test('nuxt start', async () => {
let error
const { env } = process
env.PORT = port = await getPort()
await new Promise((resolve) => {
const nuxtBuild = spawnNuxt('build', { env })
nuxtBuild.on('close', resolve)
const nuxtStart = await start('start', env, (nuxtStart) => {
nuxtStart.on('error', (err) => { error = err })
const html = await rp(url('/'))
expect(html).toMatch(('<div>CLI Test</div>'))
await close(nuxtStart)