2024-08-28 22:20:10 +01:00

75 lines
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import { defineUntypedSchema } from 'untyped'
import type { RuntimeConfig } from '../types/config'
export default defineUntypedSchema({
* Configuration for Nitro.
* @see [Nitro configuration docs](
* @type {typeof import('nitropack')['NitroConfig']}
nitro: {
runtimeConfig: {
$resolve: async (val: Record<string, any> | undefined, get) => {
const runtimeConfig = await get('runtimeConfig') as RuntimeConfig
return {
app: {,
nitro: {
envPrefix: 'NUXT_',
routeRules: {
$resolve: async (val: Record<string, any> | undefined, get) => ({
...await get('routeRules') as Record<string, any>,
* Global route options applied to matching server routes.
* @experimental This is an experimental feature and API may change in the future.
* @see [Nitro route rules documentation](
* @type {typeof import('nitropack')['NitroConfig']['routeRules']}
routeRules: {},
* Nitro server handlers.
* Each handler accepts the following options:
* - handler: The path to the file defining the handler.
* - route: The route under which the handler is available. This follows the conventions of [rou3](
* - method: The HTTP method of requests that should be handled.
* - middleware: Specifies whether it is a middleware handler.
* - lazy: Specifies whether to use lazy loading to import the handler.
* @see [`server/` directory documentation](
* @note Files from `server/api`, `server/middleware` and `server/routes` will be automatically registered by Nuxt.
* @example
* ```js
* serverHandlers: [
* { route: '/path/foo/**:name', handler: '~/server/foohandler.ts' }
* ]
* ```
* @type {typeof import('nitropack')['NitroEventHandler'][]}
serverHandlers: [],
* Nitro development-only server handlers.
* @see [Nitro server routes documentation](
* @type {typeof import('nitropack')['NitroDevEventHandler'][]}
devServerHandlers: [],