mirror of https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.git synced 2025-03-20 00:11:18 +00:00

458 lines
15 KiB

'use strict'
const debug = require('debug')('nuxt:build')
import _ from 'lodash'
import co from 'co'
import chokidar from 'chokidar'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import hash from 'hash-sum'
import pify from 'pify'
import webpack from 'webpack'
import serialize from 'serialize-javascript'
import { createBundleRenderer } from 'vue-server-renderer'
import { join, resolve, sep } from 'path'
import clientWebpackConfig from './webpack/client.config.js'
import serverWebpackConfig from './webpack/server.config.js'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import PostCompilePlugin from 'post-compile-webpack-plugin'
const remove = pify(fs.remove)
const readFile = pify(fs.readFile)
const writeFile = pify(fs.writeFile)
const mkdirp = pify(fs.mkdirp)
const glob = pify(require('glob'))
const reqSep = /\//g
const sysSep = _.escapeRegExp(sep)
const normalize = string => string.replace(reqSep, sysSep)
const wp = function (p) {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (/^win/.test(process.platform)) {
p = p.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
return p
const r = function () {
let args = Array.from(arguments)
if (_.last(args).includes('~')) {
return wp(_.last(args))
args = args.map(normalize)
return wp(resolve.apply(null, args))
const webpackStats = {
chunks: false,
children: false,
modules: false,
colors: true
// force green color
debug.color = 2
const defaults = {
analyze: false,
filenames: {
css: 'style.css',
vendor: 'vendor.bundle.js',
app: 'nuxt.bundle.js'
vendor: [],
loaders: [],
plugins: [],
babel: {},
postcss: []
const defaultsLoaders = [
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)$/,
loader: 'url-loader',
query: {
limit: 1000, // 1KO
name: 'img/[name].[hash:7].[ext]'
test: /\.(woff2?|eot|ttf|otf)(\?.*)?$/,
loader: 'url-loader',
query: {
limit: 1000, // 1 KO
name: 'fonts/[name].[hash:7].[ext]'
const defaultsPostcss = [
browsers: ['last 3 versions']
export function options () {
// Defaults build options
let extraDefaults = {}
if (this.options.build && !Array.isArray(this.options.build.loaders)) extraDefaults.loaders = defaultsLoaders
if (this.options.build && !Array.isArray(this.options.build.postcss)) extraDefaults.postcss = defaultsPostcss
this.options.build = _.defaultsDeep(this.options.build, defaults, extraDefaults)
// Production, create server-renderer
if (!this.dev) {
const serverConfig = getWebpackServerConfig.call(this)
const bundlePath = join(serverConfig.output.path, serverConfig.output.filename)
if (fs.existsSync(bundlePath)) {
const bundle = fs.readFileSync(bundlePath, 'utf8')
createRenderer.call(this, bundle)
export function * build () {
// Check if pages dir exists and warn if not
if (!fs.existsSync(join(this.srcDir, 'pages'))) {
if (fs.existsSync(join(this.srcDir, '..', 'pages'))) {
console.error('> No `pages` directory found. Did you mean to run `nuxt` in the parent (`../`) directory?') // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
console.error('> Couldn\'t find a `pages` directory. Please create one under the project root') // eslint-disable-line no-console
debug(`App root: ${this.srcDir}`)
debug('Generating .nuxt/ files...')
// Create .nuxt/, .nuxt/components and .nuxt/dist folders
yield remove(r(this.dir, '.nuxt'))
yield mkdirp(r(this.dir, '.nuxt/components'))
if (!this.dev) {
yield mkdirp(r(this.dir, '.nuxt/dist'))
// Generate routes and interpret the template files
yield generateRoutesAndFiles.call(this)
// Generate .nuxt/dist/ files
yield buildFiles.call(this)
return this
function * buildFiles () {
if (this.dev) {
debug('Adding webpack middleware...')
} else {
debug('Building files...')
yield [
function * generateRoutesAndFiles () {
debug('Generating routes...')
// Layouts
let layouts = {}
const layoutsFiles = yield glob('layouts/*.vue', { cwd: this.srcDir })
layoutsFiles.forEach((file) => {
let name = file.split('/').slice(-1)[0].replace('.vue', '')
if (name === 'error') return
layouts[name] = r(this.srcDir, file)
// Generate routes based on files
const files = yield glob('pages/**/*.vue', { cwd: this.srcDir })
this.routes = _.uniq(_.map(files, (file) => {
return file.replace(/^pages/, '').replace(/\.vue$/, '').replace(/\/index/g, '').replace(/_/g, ':').replace('', '/').replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/')
if (typeof this.options.router.extendRoutes === 'function') {
// let the user extend the routes
// Interpret and move template files to .nuxt/
debug('Generating files...')
let templatesFiles = [
let templateVars = {
uniqBy: _.uniqBy,
isDev: this.dev,
router: {
mode: this.options.router.mode,
base: this.options.router.base,
middleware: this.options.router.middleware,
linkActiveClass: this.options.router.linkActiveClass,
scrollBehavior: this.options.router.scrollBehavior
env: this.options.env,
head: this.options.head,
middleware: this.options.middleware,
store: this.options.store,
css: this.options.css,
plugins: this.options.plugins.map((p) => r(this.srcDir, p)),
appPath: './App.vue',
layouts: layouts,
loading: (typeof this.options.loading === 'string' ? r(this.srcDir, this.options.loading) : this.options.loading),
transition: this.options.transition,
components: {
ErrorPage: './nuxt-error.vue'
// Format routes for the lib/app/router.js template
templateVars.router.routes = createRoutes(files, this.srcDir)
if (typeof this.options.router.extendRoutes === 'function') {
// let the user extend the routes
if (layoutsFiles.includes('layouts/error.vue')) {
templateVars.components.ErrorPage = r(this.srcDir, 'layouts/error.vue')
// If no default layout, create its folder and add the default folder
if (!layouts.default) {
yield mkdirp(r(this.dir, '.nuxt/layouts'))
layouts.default = r(__dirname, 'app', 'layouts', 'default.vue')
// Add store if needed
if (this.options.store) {
let moveTemplates = templatesFiles.map((file) => {
return readFile(r(__dirname, 'app', file), 'utf8')
.then((fileContent) => {
const template = _.template(fileContent, {
imports: {
const content = template(templateVars)
return writeFile(r(this.dir, '.nuxt', file), content, 'utf8')
yield moveTemplates
function createRoutes (files, srcDir) {
let routes = []
files.forEach((file) => {
let keys = file.replace(/^pages/, '').replace(/\.vue$/, '').replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/').split('/').slice(1)
let route = { name: '', path: '', component: r(srcDir, file) }
let parent = routes
keys.forEach((key, i) => {
route.name = route.name ? route.name + '-' + key.replace('_', '') : key.replace('_', '')
route.name += (key === '_') ? 'all' : ''
let child = _.find(parent, { name: route.name })
if (child) {
if (!child.children) {
child.children = []
parent = child.children
route.path = ''
} else {
if (key === 'index' && (i + 1) === keys.length) {
route.path += (i > 0 ? '' : '/')
} else {
route.path += '/' + (key === '_' ? '*' : key.replace('_', ':'))
if (key !== '_' && key.indexOf('_') !== -1) {
route.path += '?'
// Order Routes path
parent.sort((a, b) => {
if (!a.path.length || a.path === '/') { return -1 }
if (!b.path.length || b.path === '/') { return 1 }
var res = 0
var _a = a.path.split('/')
var _b = b.path.split('/')
for (var i = 0; i < _a.length; i++) {
if (res !== 0) { break }
var y = (_a[i].indexOf('*') > -1) ? 2 : (_a[i].indexOf(':') > -1 ? 1 : 0)
var z = (_b[i].indexOf('*') > -1) ? 2 : (_b[i].indexOf(':') > -1 ? 1 : 0)
res = y - z
if (i === _b.length - 1 && res === 0) {
res = 1
return res === 0 ? -1 : res
return cleanChildrenRoutes(routes)
function cleanChildrenRoutes (routes, isChild = false) {
let start = -1
let routesIndex = []
routes.forEach((route) => {
if (/-index$/.test(route.name) || route.name === 'index') {
// Save indexOf 'index' key in name
let res = route.name.split('-')
let s = res.indexOf('index')
start = (start === -1 || s < start) ? s : start
routes.forEach((route) => {
route.path = (isChild) ? route.path.replace('/', '') : route.path
if (route.path.indexOf('?') > -1) {
let names = route.name.split('-')
let paths = route.path.split('/')
if (!isChild) { paths.shift() } // clean first / for parents
routesIndex.forEach((r) => {
let i = r.indexOf('index') - start // children names
if (i < paths.length) {
for (var a = 0; a <= i; a++) {
if (a === i) { paths[a] = paths[a].replace('?', '') }
if (a < i && names[a] !== r[a]) { break }
route.path = (isChild ? '' : '/') + paths.join('/')
route.name = route.name.replace(/-index$/, '')
if (route.children) {
if (route.children.find((child) => child.path === '')) {
delete route.name
route.children = cleanChildrenRoutes(route.children, true)
return routes
function getWebpackClientConfig () {
return clientWebpackConfig.call(this)
function getWebpackServerConfig () {
return serverWebpackConfig.call(this)
function createWebpackMiddleware () {
const clientConfig = getWebpackClientConfig.call(this)
const host = process.env.HOST || ''
const port = process.env.PORT || '3000'
// setup on the fly compilation + hot-reload
clientConfig.entry.app = _.flatten(['webpack-hot-middleware/client?reload=true', clientConfig.entry.app])
new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),
new PostCompilePlugin(stats => {
if (stats.hasErrors() || stats.hasWarnings()) {
console.log(stats.toString('errors-only')) // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.log() // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.log(chalk.bgRed.black(' ERROR '), 'Compiling failed!') // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
console.log(stats.toString(webpackStats)) // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.log(chalk.bold(`\n> Open http://${host}:${port}\n`)) // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.log(chalk.bgGreen.black(' DONE '), 'Compiled successfully!') // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.log() // eslint-disable-line no-console
const clientCompiler = webpack(clientConfig)
// Add the middleware to the instance context
this.webpackDevMiddleware = pify(require('webpack-dev-middleware')(clientCompiler, {
publicPath: clientConfig.output.publicPath,
stats: webpackStats,
quiet: true,
noInfo: true
this.webpackHotMiddleware = pify(require('webpack-hot-middleware')(clientCompiler, {
log: () => {}
function webpackWatchAndUpdate () {
const MFS = require('memory-fs') // <- dependencies of webpack
const mfs = new MFS()
const serverConfig = getWebpackServerConfig.call(this)
const serverCompiler = webpack(serverConfig)
const outputPath = join(serverConfig.output.path, serverConfig.output.filename)
serverCompiler.outputFileSystem = mfs
this.webpackServerWatcher = serverCompiler.watch({}, (err) => {
if (err) throw err
createRenderer.call(this, mfs.readFileSync(outputPath, 'utf-8'))
function webpackRunClient () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const clientConfig = getWebpackClientConfig.call(this)
const serverCompiler = webpack(clientConfig)
serverCompiler.run((err, stats) => {
if (err) return reject(err)
console.log('[nuxt:build:client]\n', stats.toString(webpackStats)) // eslint-disable-line no-console
if (stats.hasErrors()) return reject('Webpack build exited with errors')
function webpackRunServer () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const serverConfig = getWebpackServerConfig.call(this)
const serverCompiler = webpack(serverConfig)
serverCompiler.run((err, stats) => {
if (err) return reject(err)
console.log('[nuxt:build:server]\n', stats.toString(webpackStats)) // eslint-disable-line no-console
if (stats.hasErrors()) return reject('Webpack build exited with errors')
const bundlePath = join(serverConfig.output.path, serverConfig.output.filename)
readFile(bundlePath, 'utf8')
.then((bundle) => {
createRenderer.call(this, bundle)
function createRenderer (bundle) {
// Create bundle renderer to give a fresh context for every request
let cacheConfig = false
if (this.options.cache) {
this.options.cache = (typeof this.options.cache !== 'object' ? {} : this.options.cache)
cacheConfig = require('lru-cache')(_.defaults(this.options.cache, {
max: 1000,
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 15
this.renderer = createBundleRenderer(bundle, {
cache: cacheConfig
this.renderToString = pify(this.renderer.renderToString)
this.renderToStream = this.renderer.renderToStream
function watchPages () {
const patterns = [
r(this.srcDir, 'pages'),
r(this.srcDir, 'pages/*.vue'),
r(this.srcDir, 'pages/**/*.vue'),
r(this.srcDir, 'layouts'),
r(this.srcDir, 'layouts/*.vue'),
r(this.srcDir, 'layouts/**/*.vue')
const options = {
ignoreInitial: true
/* istanbul ignore next */
const refreshFiles = _.debounce(() => {
var d = Date.now()
.then(() => {
console.log('Time to gen:' + (Date.now() - d) + 'ms') // eslint-disable-line no-console
}, 200)
this.pagesFilesWatcher = chokidar.watch(patterns, options)
.on('add', refreshFiles)
.on('unlink', refreshFiles)