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synced 2025-03-25 10:27:33 +00:00
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338 lines
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import fs from 'node:fs'
import { extname, normalize, relative, resolve } from 'pathe'
import { encodePath } from 'ufo'
import { resolveFiles, useNuxt } from '@nuxt/kit'
import { genArrayFromRaw, genDynamicImport, genImport, genSafeVariableName } from 'knitwork'
import escapeRE from 'escape-string-regexp'
import { filename } from 'pathe/utils'
import { hash } from 'ohash'
import { transform } from 'esbuild'
import { parse } from 'acorn'
import type { CallExpression, ExpressionStatement, ObjectExpression, Program, Property } from 'estree'
import type { NuxtPage } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { uniqueBy } from '../core/utils'
enum SegmentParserState {
enum SegmentTokenType {
interface SegmentToken {
type: SegmentTokenType
value: string
export async function resolvePagesRoutes (): Promise<NuxtPage[]> {
const nuxt = useNuxt()
const pagesDirs = nuxt.options._layers.map(
layer => resolve(layer.config.srcDir, layer.config.dir?.pages || 'pages')
const allRoutes = (await Promise.all(
pagesDirs.map(async (dir) => {
const files = await resolveFiles(dir, `**/*{${nuxt.options.extensions.join(',')}}`)
// Sort to make sure parent are listed first
return generateRoutesFromFiles(files, dir, nuxt.options.experimental.typedPages, nuxt.vfs)
return uniqueBy(allRoutes, 'path')
export async function generateRoutesFromFiles (files: string[], pagesDir: string, shouldExtractBuildMeta = false, vfs?: Record<string, string>): Promise<NuxtPage[]> {
const routes: NuxtPage[] = []
for (const file of files) {
const segments = relative(pagesDir, file)
.replace(new RegExp(`${escapeRE(extname(file))}$`), '')
const route: NuxtPage = {
name: '',
path: '',
children: []
// Array where routes should be added, useful when adding child routes
let parent = routes
for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
const segment = segments[i]
const tokens = parseSegment(segment)
const segmentName = tokens.map(({ value }) => value).join('')
// ex: parent/[slug].vue -> parent-slug
route.name += (route.name && '/') + segmentName
// ex: parent.vue + parent/child.vue
const child = parent.find(parentRoute => parentRoute.name === route.name && !parentRoute.path.endsWith('(.*)*'))
if (child && child.children) {
parent = child.children
route.path = ''
} else if (segmentName === 'index' && !route.path) {
route.path += '/'
} else if (segmentName !== 'index') {
route.path += getRoutePath(tokens)
if (shouldExtractBuildMeta && vfs) {
const fileContent = file in vfs ? vfs[file] : fs.readFileSync(resolve(pagesDir, file), 'utf-8')
const overrideRouteName = await getRouteName(fileContent)
if (overrideRouteName) {
route.name = overrideRouteName
return prepareRoutes(routes)
const SFC_SCRIPT_RE = /<script\s*[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script\s*[^>]*>/i
function extractScriptContent (html: string) {
const match = html.match(SFC_SCRIPT_RE)
if (match && match[1]) {
return match[1].trim()
return null
const PAGE_META_RE = /(definePageMeta\([\s\S]*?\))/
async function getRouteName (file: string) {
const script = extractScriptContent(file)
if (!script) { return null }
if (!PAGE_META_RE.test(script)) { return null }
const js = await transform(script, { loader: 'ts' })
const ast = parse(js.code, {
sourceType: 'module',
ecmaVersion: 'latest'
}) as unknown as Program
const pageMetaAST = ast.body.find(node => node.type === 'ExpressionStatement' && node.expression.type === 'CallExpression' && node.expression.callee.type === 'Identifier' && node.expression.callee.name === 'definePageMeta')
if (!pageMetaAST) { return null }
const pageMetaArgument = ((pageMetaAST as ExpressionStatement).expression as CallExpression).arguments[0] as ObjectExpression
const nameProperty = pageMetaArgument.properties.find(property => property.type === 'Property' && property.key.type === 'Identifier' && property.key.name === 'name') as Property
if (!nameProperty || nameProperty.value.type !== 'Literal' || typeof nameProperty.value.value !== 'string') { return null }
return nameProperty.value.value
function getRoutePath (tokens: SegmentToken[]): string {
return tokens.reduce((path, token) => {
return (
path +
(token.type === SegmentTokenType.optional
? `:${token.value}?`
: token.type === SegmentTokenType.dynamic
? `:${token.value}()`
: token.type === SegmentTokenType.catchall
? `:${token.value}(.*)*`
: encodePath(token.value).replace(/:/g, '\\:'))
}, '/')
const PARAM_CHAR_RE = /[\w\d_.]/
function parseSegment (segment: string) {
let state: SegmentParserState = SegmentParserState.initial
let i = 0
let buffer = ''
const tokens: SegmentToken[] = []
function consumeBuffer () {
if (!buffer) {
if (state === SegmentParserState.initial) {
throw new Error('wrong state')
state === SegmentParserState.static
? SegmentTokenType.static
: state === SegmentParserState.dynamic
? SegmentTokenType.dynamic
: state === SegmentParserState.optional
? SegmentTokenType.optional
: SegmentTokenType.catchall,
value: buffer
buffer = ''
while (i < segment.length) {
const c = segment[i]
switch (state) {
case SegmentParserState.initial:
buffer = ''
if (c === '[') {
state = SegmentParserState.dynamic
} else {
state = SegmentParserState.static
case SegmentParserState.static:
if (c === '[') {
state = SegmentParserState.dynamic
} else {
buffer += c
case SegmentParserState.catchall:
case SegmentParserState.dynamic:
case SegmentParserState.optional:
if (buffer === '...') {
buffer = ''
state = SegmentParserState.catchall
if (c === '[' && state === SegmentParserState.dynamic) {
state = SegmentParserState.optional
if (c === ']' && (state !== SegmentParserState.optional || buffer[buffer.length - 1] === ']')) {
if (!buffer) {
throw new Error('Empty param')
} else {
state = SegmentParserState.initial
} else if (PARAM_CHAR_RE.test(c)) {
buffer += c
} else {
// console.debug(`[pages]Ignored character "${c}" while building param "${buffer}" from "segment"`)
if (state === SegmentParserState.dynamic) {
throw new Error(`Unfinished param "${buffer}"`)
return tokens
function findRouteByName (name: string, routes: NuxtPage[]): NuxtPage | undefined {
for (const route of routes) {
if (route.name === name) {
return route
return findRouteByName(name, routes)
function prepareRoutes (routes: NuxtPage[], parent?: NuxtPage, names = new Set<string>()) {
for (const route of routes) {
// Remove -index
if (route.name) {
route.name = route.name
.replace(/\/index$/, '')
.replace(/\//g, '-')
if (names.has(route.name)) {
const existingRoute = findRouteByName(route.name, routes)
const extra = existingRoute?.name ? `is the same as \`${existingRoute.file}\`` : 'is a duplicate'
console.warn(`[nuxt] Route name generated for \`${route.file}\` ${extra}. You may wish to set a custom name using \`definePageMeta\` within the page file.`)
// Remove leading / if children route
if (parent && route.path.startsWith('/')) {
route.path = route.path.slice(1)
if (route.children?.length) {
route.children = prepareRoutes(route.children, route, names)
if (route.children?.find(childRoute => childRoute.path === '')) {
delete route.name
if (route.name) {
return routes
export function normalizeRoutes (routes: NuxtPage[], metaImports: Set<string> = new Set()): { imports: Set<string>, routes: string } {
return {
imports: metaImports,
routes: genArrayFromRaw(routes.map((page) => {
const route = Object.fromEntries(
.filter(([key, value]) => key !== 'file' && (Array.isArray(value) ? value.length : value))
.map(([key, value]) => [key, JSON.stringify(value)])
) as Record<Exclude<keyof NuxtPage, 'file'>, string> & { component?: string }
if (page.children?.length) {
route.children = normalizeRoutes(page.children, metaImports).routes
// Without a file, we can't use `definePageMeta` to extract route-level meta from the file
if (!page.file) {
for (const key of ['name', 'path', 'meta', 'alias', 'redirect'] as const) {
if (page[key]) { route[key] = JSON.stringify(page[key]) }
return route
const file = normalize(page.file)
const metaImportName = genSafeVariableName(filename(file) + hash(file)) + 'Meta'
metaImports.add(genImport(`${file}?macro=true`, [{ name: 'default', as: metaImportName }]))
let aliasCode = `${metaImportName}?.alias || []`
const alias = Array.isArray(page.alias) ? page.alias : [page.alias].filter(Boolean)
if (alias.length) {
aliasCode = `${JSON.stringify(alias)}.concat(${aliasCode})`
route.name = `${metaImportName}?.name ?? ${page.name ? JSON.stringify(page.name) : 'undefined'}`
route.path = `${metaImportName}?.path ?? ${JSON.stringify(page.path)}`
route.meta = page.meta && Object.values(page.meta).filter(value => value !== undefined).length ? `{...(${metaImportName} || {}), ...${JSON.stringify(page.meta)}}` : `${metaImportName} || {}`
route.alias = aliasCode
route.redirect = page.redirect ? JSON.stringify(page.redirect) : `${metaImportName}?.redirect || undefined`
route.component = genDynamicImport(file, { interopDefault: true })
return route