2025-03-09 15:30:48 +00:00

692 lines
26 KiB

import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'
import { existsSync, promises as fsp, readFileSync } from 'node:fs'
import { cpus } from 'node:os'
import { join, relative, resolve } from 'pathe'
import { createRouter as createRadixRouter, exportMatcher, toRouteMatcher } from 'radix3'
import { joinURL, withTrailingSlash } from 'ufo'
import { build, copyPublicAssets, createDevServer, createNitro, prepare, prerender, scanHandlers, writeTypes } from 'nitropack'
import type { Nitro, NitroConfig, NitroOptions } from 'nitropack'
import { createIsIgnored, findPath, logger, resolveAlias, resolveIgnorePatterns, resolveNuxtModule } from '@nuxt/kit'
import escapeRE from 'escape-string-regexp'
import { defu } from 'defu'
import { dynamicEventHandler } from 'h3'
import { isWindows } from 'std-env'
import { ImpoundPlugin } from 'impound'
import type { Nuxt, NuxtOptions } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { resolveModulePath } from 'exsolve'
import { version as nuxtVersion } from '../../package.json'
import { distDir } from '../dirs'
import { toArray } from '../utils'
import { template as defaultSpaLoadingTemplate } from '../../../ui-templates/dist/templates/spa-loading-icon'
import { createImportProtectionPatterns } from './plugins/import-protection'
const logLevelMapReverse = {
silent: 0,
info: 3,
verbose: 3,
} satisfies Record<NuxtOptions['logLevel'], NitroConfig['logLevel']>
const NODE_MODULES_RE = /(?<=\/)node_modules\/(.+)$/
const PNPM_NODE_MODULES_RE = /\.pnpm\/.+\/node_modules\/(.+)$/
export async function initNitro (nuxt: Nuxt & { _nitro?: Nitro }) {
// Resolve config
const excludePaths = nuxt.options._layers
.flatMap(l => [
.filter((dir): dir is string => Boolean(dir))
.map(dir => escapeRE(dir))
const excludePattern = excludePaths.length
? [new RegExp(`node_modules\\/(?!${excludePaths.join('|')})`)]
: [/node_modules/]
const rootDirWithSlash = withTrailingSlash(nuxt.options.rootDir)
const modules = await resolveNuxtModule(rootDirWithSlash,
.filter(m => m.entryPath)
.map(m => m.entryPath!),
const sharedDirs = new Set<string>()
const isNuxtV4 = nuxt.options.future?.compatibilityVersion === 4
if (isNuxtV4 && (nuxt.options.nitro.imports !== false && nuxt.options.imports.scan !== false)) {
for (const layer of nuxt.options._layers) {
// Layer disabled scanning for itself
if (layer.config?.imports?.scan === false) {
sharedDirs.add(resolve(layer.config.rootDir, layer.config.dir?.shared ?? 'shared', 'utils'))
sharedDirs.add(resolve(layer.config.rootDir, layer.config.dir?.shared ?? 'shared', 'types'))
const mockProxy = resolveModulePath('mocked-exports/proxy', { from: import.meta.url })
const nitroConfig: NitroConfig = defu(nuxt.options.nitro, {
debug: nuxt.options.debug ? nuxt.options.debug.nitro : false,
rootDir: nuxt.options.rootDir,
workspaceDir: nuxt.options.workspaceDir,
srcDir: nuxt.options.serverDir,
buildDir: nuxt.options.buildDir,
experimental: {
asyncContext: nuxt.options.experimental.asyncContext,
typescriptBundlerResolution: nuxt.options.future.typescriptBundlerResolution || nuxt.options.typescript?.tsConfig?.compilerOptions?.moduleResolution?.toLowerCase() === 'bundler' || nuxt.options.nitro.typescript?.tsConfig?.compilerOptions?.moduleResolution?.toLowerCase() === 'bundler',
framework: {
name: 'nuxt',
version: nuxtVersion,
imports: {
autoImport: nuxt.options.imports.autoImport as boolean,
dirs: [...sharedDirs],
imports: [
as: '__buildAssetsURL',
name: 'buildAssetsURL',
from: resolve(distDir, 'core/runtime/nitro/utils/paths'),
as: '__publicAssetsURL',
name: 'publicAssetsURL',
from: resolve(distDir, 'core/runtime/nitro/utils/paths'),
// TODO: Remove after
as: 'defineAppConfig',
name: 'defineAppConfig',
from: resolve(distDir, 'core/runtime/nitro/utils/config'),
priority: -1,
exclude: [...excludePattern, /[\\/]\.git[\\/]/],
esbuild: {
options: { exclude: excludePattern },
analyze: !nuxt.options.test && && ( === true ||
? {
template: 'treemap',
projectRoot: nuxt.options.rootDir,
filename: join(nuxt.options.analyzeDir, '{name}.html'),
: false,
scanDirs: => (layer.config.serverDir || layer.config.srcDir) && resolve(layer.cwd, layer.config.serverDir || resolve(layer.config.srcDir, 'server'))).filter(Boolean),
renderer: resolve(distDir, 'core/runtime/nitro/handlers/renderer'),
errorHandler: resolve(distDir, 'core/runtime/nitro/handlers/error'),
nodeModulesDirs: nuxt.options.modulesDir,
handlers: nuxt.options.serverHandlers,
devHandlers: [],
virtual: {
'#internal/nuxt.config.mjs': () => nuxt.vfs['#build/nuxt.config.mjs'],
'#spa-template': async () => `export const template = ${JSON.stringify(await spaLoadingTemplate(nuxt))}`,
routeRules: {
'/__nuxt_error': { cache: false },
appConfig: nuxt.options.appConfig,
layer => resolve(layer.config.srcDir, 'app.config'),
typescript: {
strict: true,
generateTsConfig: true,
tsconfigPath: 'tsconfig.server.json',
tsConfig: {
compilerOptions: {
lib: ['esnext', 'webworker', 'dom.iterable'],
include: [
join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types/nitro-nuxt.d.ts'), => join(relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, m), 'runtime/server')),
exclude: [ => relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, m)),
// nitro generate output:
relativeWithDot(nuxt.options.buildDir, resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, 'dist')),
publicAssets: [
? { dir: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/client') }
: {
dir: join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/client',,
maxAge: 31536000 /* 1 year */,
.map(layer => resolve(layer.config.srcDir, (layer.config.rootDir === nuxt.options.rootDir ? nuxt.options : layer.config).dir?.public || 'public'))
.filter(dir => existsSync(dir))
.map(dir => ({ dir })),
prerender: {
failOnError: true,
concurrency: cpus().length * 4 || 4,
routes: ([] as string[]).concat(nuxt.options.generate.routes),
sourceMap: nuxt.options.sourcemap.server,
externals: {
inline: [
? []
: [
...nuxt.options.experimental.externalVue ? [] : ['vue', '@vue/'],
]), i is string => typeof i === 'string'),
// Ensure app config files have auto-imports injected even if they are pure .js files => resolve(layer.config.srcDir, 'app.config')),
traceInclude: [
// force include files used in generated code from the runtime-compiler
...(nuxt.options.vue.runtimeCompiler && !nuxt.options.experimental.externalVue)
? [
...nuxt.options.modulesDir.reduce<string[]>((targets, path) => {
const serverRendererPath = resolve(path, 'vue/server-renderer/index.js')
if (existsSync(serverRendererPath)) { targets.push(serverRendererPath) }
return targets
}, []),
: [],
alias: {
// Vue 3 mocks
...nuxt.options.vue.runtimeCompiler || nuxt.options.experimental.externalVue
? {}
: {
'estree-walker': mockProxy,
'@babel/parser': mockProxy,
'@vue/compiler-core': mockProxy,
'@vue/compiler-dom': mockProxy,
'@vue/compiler-ssr': mockProxy,
'@vue/devtools-api': 'vue-devtools-stub',
// Nuxt aliases
// Paths
'#internal/nuxt/paths': resolve(distDir, 'core/runtime/nitro/utils/paths'),
replace: {
'process.env.NUXT_NO_SSR': nuxt.options.ssr === false,
'process.env.NUXT_EARLY_HINTS': nuxt.options.experimental.writeEarlyHints !== false,
'process.env.NUXT_NO_SCRIPTS': !!nuxt.options.features.noScripts && !,
'process.env.NUXT_INLINE_STYLES': !!nuxt.options.features.inlineStyles,
'process.env.NUXT_JSON_PAYLOADS': !!nuxt.options.experimental.renderJsonPayloads,
'process.env.NUXT_ASYNC_CONTEXT': !!nuxt.options.experimental.asyncContext,
'process.env.NUXT_SHARED_DATA': !!nuxt.options.experimental.sharedPrerenderData,
'__VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__': false,
rollupConfig: {
output: {},
plugins: [],
logLevel: logLevelMapReverse[nuxt.options.logLevel],
} satisfies NitroConfig)
// Resolve user-provided paths
nitroConfig.srcDir = resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, nuxt.options.srcDir, nitroConfig.srcDir!)
nitroConfig.ignore ||= []
`!${join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/client',, '**/*')}`,
// Resolve aliases in user-provided input - so `~/server/test` will work
nitroConfig.plugins = nitroConfig.plugins?.map(plugin => plugin ? resolveAlias(plugin, nuxt.options.alias) : plugin)
// Add app manifest handler and prerender configuration
if (nuxt.options.experimental.appManifest) {
const buildId = ||= nuxt.options.buildId
const buildTimestamp =
const manifestPrefix = joinURL(, 'builds')
const tempDir = join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'manifest')
nitroConfig.prerender ||= {}
nitroConfig.prerender.ignore ||= []
nitroConfig.prerender.ignore.push(joinURL(, manifestPrefix))
// build manifest
dir: join(tempDir, 'meta'),
maxAge: 31536000 /* 1 year */,
baseURL: joinURL(manifestPrefix, 'meta'),
// latest build
dir: tempDir,
maxAge: 1,
baseURL: manifestPrefix,
nuxt.options.alias['#app-manifest'] = join(tempDir, `meta/${buildId}.json`)
// write stub manifest before build so external import of #app-manifest can be resolved
if (! {
nuxt.hook('build:before', async () => {
await fsp.mkdir(join(tempDir, 'meta'), { recursive: true })
await fsp.writeFile(join(tempDir, `meta/${buildId}.json`), JSON.stringify({}))
if (nuxt.options.future.compatibilityVersion !== 4) {
// TODO: remove in Nuxt v4
nuxt.hook('nitro:config', (config) => {
for (const value of Object.values(config.routeRules || {})) {
if ('experimentalNoScripts' in value) {
value.noScripts = value.experimentalNoScripts
delete value.experimentalNoScripts
nuxt.hook('nitro:config', (config) => {
config.alias ||= {}
config.alias['#app-manifest'] = join(tempDir, `meta/${buildId}.json`)
const rules = config.routeRules
for (const rule in rules) {
if (!(rules[rule] as any).appMiddleware) { continue }
const value = (rules[rule] as any).appMiddleware
if (typeof value === 'string') {
(rules[rule] as NitroOptions['routeRules']).appMiddleware = { [value]: true }
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const normalizedRules: Record<string, boolean> = {}
for (const middleware of value) {
normalizedRules[middleware] = true
(rules[rule] as NitroOptions['routeRules']).appMiddleware = normalizedRules
nuxt.hook('nitro:init', (nitro) => {
nitro.hooks.hook('rollup:before', async (nitro) => {
const routeRules = {} as Record<string, any>
const _routeRules = nitro.options.routeRules
for (const key in _routeRules) {
if (key === '/__nuxt_error') { continue }
let hasRules = false
const filteredRules = {} as Record<string, any>
for (const routeKey in _routeRules[key]) {
const value = (_routeRules as any)[key][routeKey]
if (['prerender', 'redirect', 'appMiddleware'].includes(routeKey) && value) {
if (routeKey === 'redirect') {
filteredRules[routeKey] = typeof value === 'string' ? value :
} else {
filteredRules[routeKey] = value
hasRules = true
if (hasRules) {
routeRules[key] = filteredRules
// Add pages prerendered but not covered by route rules
const prerenderedRoutes = new Set<string>()
const routeRulesMatcher = toRouteMatcher(
createRadixRouter({ routes: routeRules }),
if (nitro._prerenderedRoutes?.length) {
const payloadSuffix = nuxt.options.experimental.renderJsonPayloads ? '/_payload.json' : '/_payload.js'
for (const route of nitro._prerenderedRoutes) {
if (!route.error && route.route.endsWith(payloadSuffix)) {
const url = route.route.slice(0, -payloadSuffix.length) || '/'
const rules = defu({}, ...routeRulesMatcher.matchAll(url).reverse()) as Record<string, any>
if (!rules.prerender) {
const manifest = {
id: buildId,
timestamp: buildTimestamp,
matcher: exportMatcher(routeRulesMatcher),
prerendered: ? [] : [...prerenderedRoutes],
await fsp.mkdir(join(tempDir, 'meta'), { recursive: true })
await fsp.writeFile(join(tempDir, 'latest.json'), JSON.stringify({
id: buildId,
timestamp: buildTimestamp,
await fsp.writeFile(join(tempDir, `meta/${buildId}.json`), JSON.stringify(manifest))
// add stub alias to allow vite to resolve import
if (!nuxt.options.experimental.appManifest) {
nuxt.options.alias['#app-manifest'] = mockProxy
// Add fallback server for `ssr: false`
const FORWARD_SLASH_RE = /\//g
if (!nuxt.options.ssr) {
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/server.mjs'] = 'export default () => {}'
// In case a non-normalized absolute path is called for on Windows
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/server.mjs'.replace(FORWARD_SLASH_RE, '\\')] = 'export default () => {}'
if ( || nuxt.options.builder === '@nuxt/webpack-builder' || nuxt.options.builder === '@nuxt/rspack-builder') {
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/styles.mjs'] = 'export default {}'
// In case a non-normalized absolute path is called for on Windows
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
nitroConfig.virtual!['#build/dist/server/styles.mjs'.replace(FORWARD_SLASH_RE, '\\')] = 'export default {}'
// Add backward-compatible middleware to respect `x-nuxt-no-ssr` header
if (nuxt.options.experimental.respectNoSSRHeader) {
nitroConfig.handlers ||= []
handler: resolve(distDir, 'core/runtime/nitro/middleware/no-ssr'),
middleware: true,
// Register nuxt protection patterns
nitroConfig.rollupConfig!.plugins = await nitroConfig.rollupConfig!.plugins || []
nitroConfig.rollupConfig!.plugins = toArray(nitroConfig.rollupConfig!.plugins)
const sharedDir = withTrailingSlash(resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, nuxt.options.dir.shared))
const relativeSharedDir = withTrailingSlash(relative(nuxt.options.rootDir, resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, nuxt.options.dir.shared)))
const sharedPatterns = [/^#shared\//, new RegExp('^' + escapeRE(sharedDir)), new RegExp('^' + escapeRE(relativeSharedDir))]
cwd: nuxt.options.rootDir,
include: sharedPatterns,
patterns: createImportProtectionPatterns(nuxt, { context: 'shared' }),
cwd: nuxt.options.rootDir,
patterns: createImportProtectionPatterns(nuxt, { context: 'nitro-app' }),
exclude: [/node_modules[\\/]nitro(?:pack)?(?:-nightly)?[\\/]|core[\\/]runtime[\\/]nitro[\\/](?:handlers|utils)/, ...sharedPatterns],
// Apply Nuxt's ignore configuration to the root and src unstorage mounts
// created by Nitro. This ensures that the unstorage watcher will use the
// same ignore list as Nuxt's watcher and can reduce unneccesary file handles.
const isIgnored = createIsIgnored(nuxt)
nitroConfig.devStorage ??= {}
nitroConfig.devStorage.root ??= {
driver: 'fs',
readOnly: true,
base: nitroConfig.rootDir,
watchOptions: {
ignored: [isIgnored],
nitroConfig.devStorage.src ??= {
driver: 'fs',
readOnly: true,
base: nitroConfig.srcDir,
watchOptions: {
ignored: [isIgnored],
// Extend nitro config with hook
await nuxt.callHook('nitro:config', nitroConfig)
// TODO: extract to shared utility?
const excludedAlias = [/^@vue\/.*$/, 'vue', /vue-router/, 'vite/client', '#imports', 'vue-demi', /^#app/, '~', '@', '~~', '@@']
const basePath = nitroConfig.typescript!.tsConfig!.compilerOptions?.baseUrl ? resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, nitroConfig.typescript!.tsConfig!.compilerOptions?.baseUrl) : nuxt.options.buildDir
const aliases = nitroConfig.alias!
const tsConfig = nitroConfig.typescript!.tsConfig!
tsConfig.compilerOptions ||= {}
tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths ||= {}
for (const _alias in aliases) {
const alias = _alias as keyof typeof aliases
if (excludedAlias.some(pattern => typeof pattern === 'string' ? alias === pattern : pattern.test(alias))) {
if (alias in tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths) {
const absolutePath = resolve(basePath, aliases[alias]!)
const stats = await fsp.stat(absolutePath).catch(() => null /* file does not exist */)
// note - nitro will check + remove the file extension as required
tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[alias] = [absolutePath]
if (stats?.isDirectory()) {
tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[`${alias}/*`] = [`${absolutePath}/*`]
// Init nitro
const nitro = await createNitro(nitroConfig, {
compatibilityDate: nuxt.options.compatibilityDate,
// Trigger Nitro reload when SPA loading template changes
const spaLoadingTemplateFilePath = await spaLoadingTemplatePath(nuxt)
nuxt.hook('builder:watch', async (_event, relativePath) => {
const path = resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, relativePath)
if (path === spaLoadingTemplateFilePath) {
await nitro.hooks.callHook('rollup:reload')
const cacheDir = resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'cache/nitro/prerender')
const cacheDriverPath = join(distDir, 'core/runtime/nitro/utils/cache-driver.js')
await fsp.rm(cacheDir, { recursive: true, force: true }).catch(() => {}) = defu(, {
'internal:nuxt:prerender': {
// TODO: resolve upstream where file URLs are not being resolved/inlined correctly
driver: isWindows ? pathToFileURL(cacheDriverPath).href : cacheDriverPath,
base: cacheDir,
// Expose nitro to modules and kit
nuxt._nitro = nitro
await nuxt.callHook('nitro:init', nitro)
// Connect vfs storages
nitro.vfs = nuxt.vfs = nitro.vfs || nuxt.vfs || {}
// Connect hooks
nuxt.hook('close', () => nitro.hooks.callHook('close'))
nitro.hooks.hook('prerender:routes', (routes) => {
return nuxt.callHook('prerender:routes', { routes })
// Enable runtime compiler client side
if (nuxt.options.vue.runtimeCompiler) {
nuxt.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config, { isClient }) => {
if (isClient) {
if (Array.isArray(config.resolve!.alias)) {
find: 'vue',
replacement: 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler',
} else {
config.resolve!.alias = {
vue: 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler',
for (const hook of ['webpack:config', 'rspack:config'] as const) {
nuxt.hook(hook, (configuration) => {
const clientConfig = configuration.find(config => === 'client')
if (!clientConfig!.resolve) { clientConfig!.resolve!.alias = {} }
if (Array.isArray(clientConfig!.resolve!.alias)) {
name: 'vue',
alias: 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler',
} else {
clientConfig!.resolve!.alias!.vue = 'vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler'
// Setup handlers
const devMiddlewareHandler = dynamicEventHandler()
nitro.options.devHandlers.unshift({ handler: devMiddlewareHandler })
route: '/__nuxt_error',
lazy: true,
handler: resolve(distDir, 'core/runtime/nitro/handlers/renderer'),
if (! && nuxt.options.experimental.noVueServer) {
nitro.hooks.hook('rollup:before', (nitro) => {
if (nitro.options.preset === 'nitro-prerender') { return }
const nuxtErrorHandler = nitro.options.handlers.findIndex(h => h.route === '/__nuxt_error')
if (nuxtErrorHandler >= 0) {
nitro.options.handlers.splice(nuxtErrorHandler, 1)
nitro.options.renderer = undefined
nitro.options.errorHandler = '#internal/nitro/error'
// Add typed route responses
nuxt.hook('prepare:types', async (opts) => {
if (! {
await scanHandlers(nitro)
await writeTypes(nitro)
// Exclude nitro output dir from typescript
opts.tsConfig.exclude ||= []
opts.tsConfig.exclude.push(relative(nuxt.options.buildDir, resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, nitro.options.output.dir)))
opts.references.push({ path: resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'types/nitro.d.ts') })
if (nitro.options.static) {
nitro.hooks.hook('prerender:routes', (routes) => {
for (const route of ['/200.html', '/404.html']) {
if (!nuxt.options.ssr) {
// Copy public assets after prerender so app manifest can be present
if (! {
nitro.hooks.hook('rollup:before', async (nitro) => {
await copyPublicAssets(nitro)
await nuxt.callHook('nitro:build:public-assets', nitro)
async function symlinkDist () {
if (nitro.options.static) {
const distDir = resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, 'dist')
if (!existsSync(distDir)) {
await fsp.symlink(nitro.options.output.publicDir, distDir, 'junction').catch(() => {})
// nuxt build/dev
nuxt.hook('build:done', async () => {
await nuxt.callHook('nitro:build:before', nitro)
await prepare(nitro)
if ( {
return build(nitro)
await prerender(nitro)
await build(nitro)
await symlinkDist()
// nuxt dev
if ( {
for (const builder of ['webpack', 'rspack'] as const) {
nuxt.hook(`${builder}:compile`, ({ name, compiler }) => {
if (name === 'server') {
const memfs = compiler.outputFileSystem as typeof import('node:fs')
nitro.options.virtual['#build/dist/server/server.mjs'] = () => memfs.readFileSync(join(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/server/server.mjs'), 'utf-8')
nuxt.hook(`${builder}:compiled`, () => { nuxt.server.reload() })
nuxt.hook('vite:compiled', () => { nuxt.server.reload() })
nuxt.hook('server:devHandler', (h) => { devMiddlewareHandler.set(h) })
nuxt.server = createDevServer(nitro)
const waitUntilCompile = new Promise<void>(resolve => nitro.hooks.hook('compiled', () => resolve()))
nuxt.hook('build:done', () => waitUntilCompile)
const RELATIVE_RE = /^([^.])/
function relativeWithDot (from: string, to: string) {
return relative(from, to).replace(RELATIVE_RE, './$1') || '.'
async function spaLoadingTemplatePath (nuxt: Nuxt) {
if (typeof nuxt.options.spaLoadingTemplate === 'string') {
return resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, nuxt.options.spaLoadingTemplate)
const possiblePaths = => resolve(layer.config.srcDir, layer.config.dir?.app || 'app', 'spa-loading-template.html'))
return await findPath(possiblePaths) ?? resolve(nuxt.options.srcDir, nuxt.options.dir?.app || 'app', 'spa-loading-template.html')
async function spaLoadingTemplate (nuxt: Nuxt) {
if (nuxt.options.spaLoadingTemplate === false) { return '' }
const spaLoadingTemplate = await spaLoadingTemplatePath(nuxt)
try {
if (existsSync(spaLoadingTemplate)) {
return readFileSync(spaLoadingTemplate, 'utf-8').trim()
} catch {
// fall through if we have issues reading the file
if (nuxt.options.spaLoadingTemplate === true) {
return defaultSpaLoadingTemplate()
if (nuxt.options.spaLoadingTemplate) {
logger.warn(`Could not load custom \`spaLoadingTemplate\` path as it does not exist: \`${nuxt.options.spaLoadingTemplate}\`.`)
return ''