mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 18:14:17 +00:00
252 lines
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252 lines
5.7 KiB
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import { resolve } from 'pathe'
import { expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'
import type { ComponentsDir } from 'nuxt/schema'
import { scanComponents } from '../src/components/scan'
const fixtureDir = fileURLToPath(new URL('fixture', import.meta.url))
const rFixture = (...p: string[]) => resolve(fixtureDir, ...p)
vi.mock('@nuxt/kit', () => ({
isIgnored: () => false,
const dirs: ComponentsDir[] = [
path: rFixture('components/islands'),
enabled: true,
extensions: [
pattern: '**/*.{vue,}',
ignore: [
transpile: false,
island: true,
path: rFixture('components/global'),
enabled: true,
extensions: [
pattern: '**/*.{vue,}',
ignore: [
transpile: false,
global: true,
path: rFixture('components'),
enabled: true,
extensions: [
pattern: '**/*.{vue,}',
ignore: [
transpile: false,
path: rFixture('components'),
enabled: true,
extensions: [
pattern: '**/*.{vue,}',
ignore: [
transpile: false,
path: rFixture('components'),
extensions: [
prefix: 'nuxt',
enabled: true,
pattern: '**/*.{vue,}',
ignore: [
transpile: false,
const dirUnable = dirs.map((d) => { return { ...d, enabled: false } })
const expectedComponents = [
chunkName: 'components/isle-server',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: true,
kebabName: 'isle',
mode: 'server',
pascalName: 'Isle',
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
shortPath: 'components/islands/Isle.vue',
chunkName: 'components/glob',
export: 'default',
global: true,
island: undefined,
kebabName: 'glob',
mode: 'all',
pascalName: 'Glob',
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
shortPath: 'components/global/Glob.vue',
mode: 'all',
pascalName: 'HelloWorld',
kebabName: 'hello-world',
chunkName: 'components/hello-world',
shortPath: 'components/HelloWorld.vue',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: undefined,
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
mode: 'client',
pascalName: 'Nuxt3',
kebabName: 'nuxt3',
chunkName: 'components/nuxt3-client',
shortPath: 'components/Nuxt3.client.vue',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: undefined,
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
mode: 'server',
pascalName: 'Nuxt3',
kebabName: 'nuxt3',
chunkName: 'components/nuxt3-server',
shortPath: 'components/Nuxt3.server.vue',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: undefined,
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
chunkName: 'components/client-component-with-props',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: undefined,
kebabName: 'client-component-with-props',
mode: 'all',
pascalName: 'ClientComponentWithProps',
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
shortPath: 'components/client/ComponentWithProps.vue',
chunkName: 'components/client-with-client-only-setup',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: undefined,
kebabName: 'client-with-client-only-setup',
mode: 'all',
pascalName: 'ClientWithClientOnlySetup',
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
shortPath: 'components/client/WithClientOnlySetup.vue',
mode: 'server',
pascalName: 'ParentFolder',
kebabName: 'parent-folder',
chunkName: 'components/parent-folder-server',
shortPath: 'components/parent-folder/index.server.vue',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: undefined,
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
chunkName: 'components/same-name-same',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: undefined,
kebabName: 'same-name-same',
mode: 'all',
pascalName: 'SameNameSame',
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
shortPath: 'components/same-name/same/Same.vue',
chunkName: 'components/some-glob',
export: 'default',
global: true,
island: undefined,
kebabName: 'some-glob',
mode: 'all',
pascalName: 'SomeGlob',
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
shortPath: 'components/some-glob.global.vue',
chunkName: 'components/some-server',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: true,
kebabName: 'some',
mode: 'server',
pascalName: 'Some',
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
priority: 1,
shortPath: 'components/some.island.vue',
const srcDir = rFixture('.')
it('components:scanComponents', async () => {
const scannedComponents = await scanComponents(dirs, srcDir)
for (const c of scannedComponents) {
// @ts-expect-error filePath is not optional but we don't want it to be in the snapshot
delete c.filePath
it('components:scanComponents:unable', async () => {
const scannedComponents = await scanComponents(dirUnable, srcDir)