mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 03:17:14 +00:00
With production builds, some Vue warns are being changed to errors this may lead to unwanted error pages.
582 lines
17 KiB
582 lines
17 KiB
import Vue from 'vue'
import middleware from './middleware'
import { createApp, NuxtError } from './index'
import {
} from './utils'
<% if (debug) { %>import 'source-map-support/browser-source-map-support'<% } %>
<% if (debug) { %>window.sourceMapSupport && window.sourceMapSupport.install()<% } %>
const noopData = () => { return {} }
const noopFetch = () => {}
// Global shared references
let _lastPaths = []
let _lastComponentsFiles = []
let app
let router
<% if (store) { %>let store<% } %>
// Try to rehydrate SSR data from window
const NUXT = window.__NUXT__ || {}
NUXT.components = window.__COMPONENTS__ || null
<% if (debug) { %>
// Setup global Vue error handler
const defaultErrorHandler = Vue.config.errorHandler
Vue.config.errorHandler = function (err, vm, info) {
err.statusCode = err.statusCode || 'Whoops!'
// Show Nuxt Error Page
if(vm && vm.$root && vm.$root.$nuxt) {
// Call other handler if exist
if (typeof defaultErrorHandler === 'function') {
return defaultErrorHandler(...arguments)
// Log to console (default vue behavior)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
console.warn(('Error in ' + info + ': "' + err.toString() + '"'), vm);
<% } %>
// Create and mount App
.catch(err => {
console.error('[nuxt] Error while initializing app', err)
function componentOption(component, key, ...args) {
if (!component || !component.options || !component.options[key]) {
return {}
const option = component.options[key]
if (typeof option === 'function') {
return option(...args)
return option
function mapTransitions(Components, to, from) {
const componentTransitions = component => {
const transition = componentOption(component, 'transition', to, from)
return (typeof transition === 'string' ? { name: transition } : transition)
return Components.map(Component => {
// Clone original object to prevent overrides
const transitions = Object.assign({}, componentTransitions(Component))
// Combine transitions & prefer `leave` transitions of 'from' route
if (from && from.matched.length && from.matched[0].components.default) {
const from_transitions = componentTransitions(from.matched[0].components.default)
.filter(key => from_transitions[key] && key.toLowerCase().indexOf('leave') !== -1)
.forEach(key => { transitions[key] = from_transitions[key] })
return transitions
async function loadAsyncComponents (to, from, next) {
// Check if route hash changed
const fromPath = from.fullPath.split('#')[0]
const toPath = to.fullPath.split('#')[0]
this._hashChanged = fromPath === toPath
<% if (loading) { %>
if (!this._hashChanged && this.$loading.start) {
<% } %>
try {
await Promise.all(flatMapComponents(to, (Component, _, match, key) => {
// If component already resolved
if (typeof Component !== 'function' || Component.options) {
const _Component = sanitizeComponent(Component)
match.components[key] = _Component
return _Component
// Resolve component
return Component().then(Component => {
const _Component = sanitizeComponent(Component)
match.components[key] = _Component
return _Component
} catch (err) {
if (!err) err = {}
const statusCode = err.statusCode || err.status || (err.response && err.response.status) || 500
this.error({ statusCode, message: err.message })
// Get matched components
function resolveComponents(router) {
const path = getLocation(router.options.base)
return flatMapComponents(router.match(path), (Component, _, match, key, index) => {
// If component already resolved
if (typeof Component !== 'function' || Component.options) {
const _Component = sanitizeComponent(Component)
match.components[key] = _Component
return _Component
// Resolve component
return Component().then(Component => {
const _Component = sanitizeComponent(Component)
if (NUXT.serverRendered) {
applyAsyncData(_Component, NUXT.data[index])
if (NUXT.components) {
Component.options.components = Object.assign(_Component.options.components, NUXT.components[index])
_Component._Ctor = _Component
match.components[key] = _Component
return _Component
function callMiddleware (Components, context, layout) {
let midd = <%= serialize(router.middleware, { isJSON: true }) %>
let unknownMiddleware = false
// If layout is undefined, only call global middleware
if (typeof layout !== 'undefined') {
midd = [] // Exclude global middleware if layout defined (already called before)
if (layout.middleware) {
midd = midd.concat(layout.middleware)
Components.forEach(Component => {
if (Component.options.middleware) {
midd = midd.concat(Component.options.middleware)
midd = midd.map(name => {
if (typeof middleware[name] !== 'function') {
unknownMiddleware = true
this.error({ statusCode: 500, message: 'Unknown middleware ' + name })
return middleware[name]
if (unknownMiddleware) return
return middlewareSeries(midd, context)
async function render (to, from, next) {
if (this._hashChanged) return next()
// nextCalled is true when redirected
let nextCalled = false
const _next = path => {
<% if(loading) { %>if(this.$loading.finish) this.$loading.finish()<% } %>
if (nextCalled) return
nextCalled = true
// Update context
const context = getContext({
<% if (store) { %>store,<% } %>
isClient: true,
next: _next.bind(this),
error: this.error.bind(this)
}, app)
this._context = context
this._dateLastError = this.$options._nuxt.dateErr
this._hadError = !!this.$options._nuxt.err
// Get route's matched components
const Components = getMatchedComponents(to)
// If no Components matched, generate 404
if (!Components.length) {
// Default layout
await callMiddleware.call(this, Components, context)
if (context._redirected) return
// Load layout for error page
const layout = await this.loadLayout(typeof NuxtError.layout === 'function' ? NuxtError.layout(context) : NuxtError.layout)
await callMiddleware.call(this, Components, context, layout)
if (context._redirected) return
this.error({ statusCode: 404, message: 'This page could not be found.' })
return next()
// Update ._data and other properties if hot reloaded
Components.forEach(Component => {
if (Component._Ctor && Component._Ctor.options) {
Component.options.asyncData = Component._Ctor.options.asyncData
Component.options.fetch = Component._Ctor.options.fetch
// Apply transitions
this.setTransitions(mapTransitions(Components, to, from))
try {
// Call middleware
await callMiddleware.call(this, Components, context)
if (context._redirected) return
// Set layout
let layout = Components[0].options.layout
if (typeof layout === 'function') {
layout = layout(context)
layout = await this.loadLayout(layout)
// Call middleware for layout
await callMiddleware.call(this, Components, context, layout)
if (context._redirected) return
// Call .validate()
let isValid = true
Components.forEach(Component => {
if (!isValid) return
if (typeof Component.options.validate !== 'function') return
isValid = Component.options.validate({
params: to.params || {},
query : to.query || {},
<% if(store) { %>store: context.store <% } %>
// ...If .validate() returned false
if (!isValid) {
this.error({ statusCode: 404, message: 'This page could not be found.' })
return next()
// Call asyncData & fetch hooks on components matched by the route.
await Promise.all(Components.map((Component, i) => {
// Check if only children route changed
Component._path = compile(to.matched[i].path)(to.params)
if (!this._hadError && Component._path === _lastPaths[i] && (i + 1) !== Components.length) {
return Promise.resolve()
let promises = []
const hasAsyncData = Component.options.asyncData && typeof Component.options.asyncData === 'function'
const hasFetch = !!Component.options.fetch
<% if(loading) { %>const loadingIncrease = (hasAsyncData && hasFetch) ? 30 : 45<% } %>
// Call asyncData(context)
if (hasAsyncData) {
const promise = promisify(Component.options.asyncData, context)
.then(asyncDataResult => {
applyAsyncData(Component, asyncDataResult)
<% if(loading) { %>if(this.$loading.increase) this.$loading.increase(loadingIncrease)<% } %>
// Call fetch(context)
if (hasFetch) {
let p = Component.options.fetch(context)
if (!p || (!(p instanceof Promise) && (typeof p.then !== 'function'))) {
p = Promise.resolve(p)
p.then(fetchResult => {
<% if(loading) { %>if(this.$loading.increase) this.$loading.increase(loadingIncrease)<% } %>
return Promise.all(promises)
_lastPaths = Components.map((Component, i) => compile(to.matched[i].path)(to.params))
<% if(loading) { %>if(this.$loading.finish) this.$loading.finish()<% } %>
// If not redirected
if (!nextCalled) next()
} catch (error) {
if (!error) error = {}
_lastPaths = []
error.statusCode = error.statusCode || error.status || (error.response && error.response.status) || 500
// Load error layout
let layout = NuxtError.layout
if (typeof layout === 'function') {
layout = layout(context)
await this.loadLayout(layout)
// Fix components format in matched, it's due to code-splitting of vue-router
function normalizeComponents (to, ___) {
flatMapComponents(to, (Component, _, match, key) => {
if (typeof Component === 'object' && !Component.options) {
// Updated via vue-router resolveAsyncComponents()
Component = Vue.extend(Component)
Component._Ctor = Component
match.components[key] = Component
return Component
// When navigating on a different route but the same component is used, Vue.js
// Will not update the instance data, so we have to update $data ourselves
function fixPrepatch (to, ___) {
if (this._hashChanged) return
Vue.nextTick(() => {
const instances = getMatchedComponentsInstances(to)
_lastComponentsFiles = instances.map((instance, i) => {
if (!instance) return '';
if (_lastPaths[i] === instance.constructor._path && typeof instance.constructor.options.data === 'function') {
const newData = instance.constructor.options.data.call(instance)
for (let key in newData) {
Vue.set(instance.$data, key, newData[key])
return instance.constructor.options.__file
// Hide error component if no error
if (this._hadError && this._dateLastError === this.$options._nuxt.dateErr) {
// Set layout
let layout = this.$options._nuxt.err ? NuxtError.layout : to.matched[0].components.default.options.layout
if (typeof layout === 'function') {
layout = layout(this._context)
<% if (isDev) { %>
// Hot reloading
setTimeout(() => hotReloadAPI(this), 100)
<% } %>
function nuxtReady (app) {
window._nuxtReadyCbs.forEach((cb) => {
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
// Special JSDOM
if (typeof window._onNuxtLoaded === 'function') {
// Add router hooks
router.afterEach(function (to, from) {
app.$nuxt.$emit('routeChanged', to, from)
<% if (isDev) { %>
// Special hot reload with asyncData(context)
function hotReloadAPI (_app) {
if (!module.hot) return
let $components = []
let $nuxt = _app.$nuxt
while ($nuxt && $nuxt.$children && $nuxt.$children.length) {
$nuxt.$children.forEach((child, i) => {
if (child.$vnode.data.nuxtChild) {
let hasAlready = false
$components.forEach(component => {
if (component.$options.__file === child.$options.__file) {
hasAlready = true
if (!hasAlready) {
$nuxt = child
function addHotReload ($component, depth) {
if ($component.$vnode.data._hasHotReload) return
$component.$vnode.data._hasHotReload = true
var _forceUpdate = $component.$forceUpdate.bind($component.$parent)
$component.$vnode.context.$forceUpdate = () => {
let Components = getMatchedComponents(router.currentRoute)
let Component = Components[depth]
if (!Component) return _forceUpdate()
if (typeof Component === 'object' && !Component.options) {
// Updated via vue-router resolveAsyncComponents()
Component = Vue.extend(Component)
Component._Ctor = Component
let promises = []
const next = function (path) {
<%= (loading ? 'this.$loading.finish && this.$loading.finish()' : '') %>
let context = getContext({ route: router.currentRoute<%= (store ? ', store' : '') %>, isClient: true, hotReload: true, next: next.bind(this), error: this.error }, app)
<%= (loading ? 'this.$loading.start && this.$loading.start()' : '') %>
callMiddleware.call(this, Components, context)
.then(() => {
// If layout changed
if (depth !== 0) return Promise.resolve()
let layout = Component.options.layout || 'default'
if (typeof layout === 'function') {
layout = layout(context)
if (this.layoutName === layout) return Promise.resolve()
let promise = this.loadLayout(layout)
promise.then(() => {
Vue.nextTick(() => hotReloadAPI(this))
return promise
.then(() => {
return callMiddleware.call(this, Components, context, this.layout)
.then(() => {
// Call asyncData(context)
let pAsyncData = promisify(Component.options.asyncData || noopData, context)
pAsyncData.then((asyncDataResult) => {
applyAsyncData(Component, asyncDataResult)
<%= (loading ? 'this.$loading.increase && this.$loading.increase(30)' : '') %>
// Call fetch()
Component.options.fetch = Component.options.fetch || noopFetch
let pFetch = Component.options.fetch(context)
if (!pFetch || (!(pFetch instanceof Promise) && (typeof pFetch.then !== 'function'))) { pFetch = Promise.resolve(pFetch) }
<%= (loading ? 'pFetch.then(() => this.$loading.increase && this.$loading.increase(30))' : '') %>
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(() => {
<%= (loading ? 'this.$loading.finish && this.$loading.finish()' : '') %>
setTimeout(() => hotReloadAPI(this), 100)
<% } %>
async function mountApp(__app) {
// Set global variables
app = __app.app
router = __app.router
<% if (store) { %>store = __app.store <% } %>
// Resolve route components
const Components = await Promise.all(resolveComponents(router))
// Create Vue instance
const _app = new Vue(app)
// Load layout
const layout = NUXT.layout || 'default'
await _app.loadLayout(layout)
// Mounts Vue app to DOM element
const mountApp = () => {
// Listen for first Vue update
Vue.nextTick(() => {
// Call window.onNuxtReady callbacks
<% if (isDev) { %>
// Enable hot reloading
<% } %>
// Enable transitions
_app.setTransitions = _app.$options._nuxt.setTransitions.bind(_app)
if (Components.length) {
_app.setTransitions(mapTransitions(Components, router.currentRoute))
_lastPaths = router.currentRoute.matched.map(route => compile(route.path)(router.currentRoute.params))
_lastComponentsFiles = Components.map(Component => Component.options.__file)
// Initialize error handler
_app.error = _app.$options._nuxt.error.bind(_app)
_app.$loading = {} // To avoid error while _app.$nuxt does not exist
if (NUXT.error) _app.error(NUXT.error)
// Add router hooks
// If page already is server rendered
if (NUXT.serverRendered) {
render.call(_app, router.currentRoute, router.currentRoute, path => {
if (!path) {
normalizeComponents(router.currentRoute, router.currentRoute)
fixPrepatch.call(_app, router.currentRoute, router.currentRoute)
// Push the path and then mount app
let mounted = false
router.afterEach(() => {
if (mounted) return
mounted = true