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synced 2025-03-04 06:34:17 +00:00
In practice, both thread-loader and cache (uglify, babel, cache-loader) slow down process up to 10sec with their overhead so disabled by default.
93 lines
2.5 KiB
93 lines
2.5 KiB
import webpack from 'webpack'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import _ from 'lodash'
import logUpdate from 'log-update'
const sharedState = {}
const BAR_LENGTH = 25
const IS_WINDOWS = /^win/.test(process.platform)
const BLOCK_CHAR = IS_WINDOWS ? ' ' : '█'
const BLOCK_CHAR2 = IS_WINDOWS ? '=' : '█'
const ICON_CHAR = IS_WINDOWS ? ':' : '⠸'
const BAR_BEFORE = IS_WINDOWS ? chalk.grey('[') : ''
const BAR_AFTER = IS_WINDOWS ? chalk.grey(']') : ''
export default class ProgressPlugin extends webpack.ProgressPlugin {
constructor(options) {
this.handler = (percent, msg, ...details) => this.updateProgress(percent, msg, details)
this.handler = _.throttle(this.handler, 25, { leading: true, trailing: true })
this.options = options
if (!sharedState[options.name]) {
sharedState[options.name] = {
color: options.color
apply(compiler) {
compiler.hooks.done.tap('progress', () => logUpdate.clear())
get state() {
return sharedState[this.options.name]
updateProgress(percent, msg, details) {
const progress = Math.floor(percent * 100)
this.state.progress = progress
this.state.msg = (msg && msg.length) ? msg : (progress === 100 ? 'done' : 'still building')
this.state.details = details
// Process all states
let inProgress = false
const lines = []
_.sortBy(Object.keys(sharedState), s => s.name).forEach(name => {
const state = sharedState[name]
if (state.progress < 100) {
inProgress = true
const _color = chalk.keyword(state.color)
const _icon = _color(ICON_CHAR)
const _name = _color(_.startCase(name))
const _bar = this._renderBar(state.progress, state.color)
const _msg = chalk.grey(_.startCase(state.msg))
const _progress = chalk.grey('(' + state.progress + '%)')
lines.push([_icon, _name, _bar, _msg, _progress].join(' '))
if (!inProgress) {
} else {
const title = chalk.bgRedBright.black('BUILDING')
logUpdate('\n' + title + '\n\n' + lines.join('\n'))
_renderBar(progress, color) {
const w = progress * (BAR_LENGTH / 100)
const bg = chalk.white(BLOCK_CHAR)
// const fg = chalk.keyword(color)(BLOCK_CHAR)
const base = color === 'green' ? 120 : 50
const fg = i => chalk.hsl(i * 3 + base, 100, 50)(BLOCK_CHAR2)
return BAR_BEFORE + _.range(BAR_LENGTH).map(i => i < w ? fg(i) : bg).join('') + BAR_AFTER