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synced 2025-03-20 15:56:25 +00:00
Variant of clangd fuzzy matcher
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@ -1,120 +1,116 @@
#include "fuzzy_match.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <algorithm>
// Penalty of dropping a leading character in str
constexpr int kLeadingGapScore = -4;
// Penalty of dropping a non-leading character in str
constexpr int kGapScore = -5;
// Bonus of aligning with an initial character of a word in pattern. Must be
// greater than 1
constexpr int kPatternStartMultiplier = 2;
enum FuzzyMatcher::CharClass : int { Other, Lower, Upper };
enum FuzzyMatcher::CharRole : int { None, Tail, Head };
constexpr int kWordStartScore = 50;
constexpr int kNonWordScore = 40;
constexpr int kCaseMatchScore = 2;
// Less than kWordStartScore
constexpr int kConsecutiveScore = kWordStartScore + kGapScore;
// Slightly less than kConsecutiveScore
constexpr int kCamelScore = kWordStartScore + kGapScore - 1;
enum class CharClass { Lower, Upper, Digit, NonWord };
static CharClass GetCharClass(int c) {
namespace {
FuzzyMatcher::CharClass GetCharClass(int c) {
if (islower(c))
return CharClass::Lower;
return Lower;
if (isupper(c))
return CharClass::Upper;
if (isdigit(c))
return CharClass::Digit;
return CharClass::NonWord;
return Upper;
return Other;
static int GetScoreFor(CharClass prev, CharClass curr) {
if (prev == CharClass::NonWord && curr != CharClass::NonWord)
return kWordStartScore;
if ((prev == CharClass::Lower && curr == CharClass::Upper) ||
(prev != CharClass::Digit && curr == CharClass::Digit))
return kCamelScore;
if (curr == CharClass::NonWord)
return kNonWordScore;
return 0;
fuzzyEvaluate implements a global sequence alignment algorithm to find the
maximum accumulated score by aligning `pattern` to `str`. It applies when
`pattern` is a subsequence of `str`.
Scoring criteria
- Prefer matches at the start of a word, or the start of subwords in
CamelCase/camelCase/camel123 words. See kWordStartScore/kCamelScore
- Non-word characters matter. See kNonWordScore
- The first characters of words of `pattern` receive bonus because they usually
have more significance than the rest. See kPatternStartMultiplier
- Superfluous characters in `str` will reduce the score (gap penalty). See
- Prefer early occurrence of the first character. See kLeadingGapScore/kGapScore
The recurrence of the dynamic programming:
dp[i][j]: maximum accumulated score by aligning pattern[0..i] to str[0..j]
dp[0][j] = leading_gap_penalty(0, j) + score[j]
dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j-1] + CONSECUTIVE_SCORE, max(dp[i-1][k] +
gap_penalty(k+1, j) + score[j] : k < j))
The first dimension can be suppressed since we do not need a matching scheme,
which reduces the space complexity from O(N*M) to O(M)
int FuzzyEvaluate(std::string_view pattern,
std::string_view str,
std::vector<int>& score,
std::vector<int>& dp) {
bool pfirst = true, // aligning the first character of pattern
pstart = true; // whether we are aligning the start of a word in pattern
int uleft = 0, // value of the upper left cell
ulefts = 0, // maximum value of uleft and cells on the left
left, lefts; // similar to uleft/ulefts, but for the next row
// Calculate position score for each character in str.
CharClass prev = CharClass::NonWord;
for (int i = 0; i < int(str.size()); i++) {
CharClass cur = GetCharClass(str[i]);
score[i] = GetScoreFor(prev, cur);
prev = cur;
void CalculateRoles(std::string_view s,
FuzzyMatcher::CharRole roles[],
int* class_set) {
if (s.empty()) {
*class_set = 0;
std::fill_n(dp.begin(), str.size(), kMinScore);
FuzzyMatcher::CharClass pre = Other, cur = GetCharClass(s[0]), suc;
*class_set = 1 << cur;
auto fn = [&]() {
if (cur == Other)
return None;
// U(U)L is Head while U(U)U is Tail
return pre == Other || (cur == Upper && (pre == Lower || suc != Upper))
? Head
: Tail;
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size() - 1; i++) {
suc = GetCharClass(s[i + 1]);
*class_set |= 1 << suc;
roles[i] = fn();
pre = cur;
cur = suc;
roles[s.size() - 1] = fn();
// Align each character of pattern.
for (unsigned char pc : pattern) {
if (isspace(pc)) {
pstart = true;
int FuzzyMatcher::MissScore(int j, bool last) {
int s = last ? -20 : 0;
if (text_role[j] == Head)
s -= 10;
return s;
int FuzzyMatcher::MatchScore(int i, int j, bool last) {
int s = 40;
if ((pat[i] == text[j] && ((pat_set & 1 << Upper) || i == j)))
s += 20;
if (pat_role[i] == Head && text_role[j] == Head)
s += 50;
if (text_role[j] == Tail && i && !last)
s -= 50;
if (pat_role[i] == Head && text_role[j] == Tail)
s -= 30;
if (i == 0 && text_role[j] == Tail)
s -= 70;
return s;
FuzzyMatcher::FuzzyMatcher(std::string_view pattern) {
CalculateRoles(pattern, pat_role, &pat_set);
size_t n = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pattern.size(); i++)
if (pattern[i] != ' ') {
pat += pattern[i];
low_pat[n] = ::tolower(pattern[i]);
pat_role[n] = pat_role[i];
lefts = kMinScore;
// Enumerate the character in str to be aligned with pc.
for (int i = 0; i < int(str.size()); i++) {
left = dp[i];
lefts = std::max(lefts + kGapScore, left);
// Use lower() if case-insensitive
if (tolower(pc) == tolower(str[i])) {
int t = score[i] * (pstart ? kPatternStartMultiplier : 1);
dp[i] = (pfirst ? kLeadingGapScore * i + t
: std::max(uleft + kConsecutiveScore, ulefts + t)) +
(pc == str[i] ? kCaseMatchScore : 0);
} else
dp[i] = kMinScore;
uleft = left;
ulefts = lefts;
int FuzzyMatcher::Match(std::string_view text) {
int n = int(text.size());
if (n > kMaxText)
return kMinScore + 1;
this->text = text;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
low_text[i] = ::tolower(text[i]);
CalculateRoles(text, text_role, &text_set);
dp[0][0][0] = 0;
dp[0][0][1] = kMinScore;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
dp[0][j + 1][0] = dp[0][j][0] + MissScore(j, false);
dp[0][j + 1][1] = kMinScore;
for (int i = 0; i < int(pat.size()); i++) {
int(*pre)[2] = dp[i & 1];
int(*cur)[2] = dp[i + 1 & 1];
cur[0][0] = cur[0][1] = kMinScore;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
cur[j + 1][0] = std::max(cur[j][0] + MissScore(j, false),
cur[j][1] + MissScore(j, true));
if (low_pat[i] != low_text[j])
cur[j + 1][1] = kMinScore;
else {
cur[j + 1][1] = std::max(pre[j][0] + MatchScore(i, j, false),
pre[j][1] + MatchScore(i, j, true));
pfirst = pstart = false;
// Enumerate the end position of the match in str. Each removed trailing
// character has a penulty of kGapScore.
lefts = kMinScore;
for (int i = 0; i < int(str.size()); i++)
lefts = std::max(lefts + kGapScore, dp[i]);
return lefts;
// character has a penulty.
int ret = kMinScore;
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
ret = std::max(ret, dp[pat.size() & 1][j][1] - 3 * (n - j));
return ret;
@ -3,15 +3,29 @@
#include <string_view.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <vector>
// Negative but far from INT_MIN so that intermediate results are hard to
// overflow
constexpr int kMinScore = INT_MIN / 2;
class FuzzyMatcher {
constexpr static int kMaxPat = 100;
constexpr static int kMaxText = 200;
// Negative but far from INT_MIN so that intermediate results are hard to
// overflow.
constexpr static int kMinScore = INT_MIN / 2;
// Evaluate the score matching |pattern| against |str|, the larger the better.
// |score| and |dp| must be at least as long as |str|.
int FuzzyEvaluate(std::string_view pattern,
std::string_view str,
std::vector<int>& score,
std::vector<int>& dp);
FuzzyMatcher(std::string_view pattern);
int Match(std::string_view text);
enum CharClass : int;
enum CharRole : int;
std::string pat;
std::string_view text;
int pat_set, text_set;
char low_pat[kMaxPat], low_text[kMaxText];
CharRole pat_role[kMaxPat], text_role[kMaxText];
int dp[2][kMaxText + 1][2];
int MatchScore(int i, int j, bool last);
int MissScore(int j, bool last);
@ -122,21 +122,16 @@ struct WorkspaceSymbolHandler : BaseMessageHandler<Ipc_WorkspaceSymbol> {
if (config->workspaceSymbol.sort) {
if (config->workspaceSymbol.sort && query.size() <= FuzzyMatcher::kMaxPat) {
// Sort results with a fuzzy matching algorithm.
int longest = 0;
for (int i : result_indices)
longest = std::max(longest, int(db->GetSymbolDetailedName(i).size()));
std::vector<int> score(longest); // score for each position
std::vector<int> dp(
longest); // dp[i]: maximum value by aligning pattern to str[0..i]
FuzzyMatcher fuzzy(query);
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> permutation(result_indices.size());
for (int i = 0; i < int(result_indices.size()); i++) {
permutation[i] = {
FuzzyEvaluate(query, db->GetSymbolDetailedName(result_indices[i]),
score, dp),
fuzzy.Match(db->GetSymbolDetailedName(result_indices[i])), i};
std::sort(permutation.begin(), permutation.end(),
std::greater<std::pair<int, int>>());
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