mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 01:26:54 +00:00
remove some unused code
This commit is contained in:
@ -130,6 +130,12 @@ bool Cursor::is_definition() const {
return clang_isCursorDefinition(cx_cursor);
Cursor Cursor::template_specialization_to_template_definition() const {
// TODO: Should we return this same cursor if this is not a template? We
// can probably check USR to do that.
return clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(cx_cursor);
Cursor Cursor::get_referenced() const {
return Cursor(clang_getCursorReferenced(cx_cursor));
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ public:
bool is_definition() const;
Cursor template_specialization_to_template_definition() const;
Cursor get_referenced() const;
Cursor get_canonical() const;
Cursor get_definition() const;
@ -491,617 +491,6 @@ VarDef* Resolve(Database* db, VarId id) {
return Resolve(&db->files[id.file_id], id);
#if false
struct NamespaceStack {
std::vector<std::string> stack;
void Push(const std::string& ns);
void Pop();
std::string ComputeQualifiedName(
ParsingDatabase* db, std::optional<TypeId> declaring_type, std::string short_name);
static NamespaceStack kEmpty;
NamespaceStack NamespaceStack::kEmpty;
void NamespaceStack::Push(const std::string& ns) {
void NamespaceStack::Pop() {
std::string NamespaceStack::ComputeQualifiedName(
ParsingDatabase* db, std::optional<TypeId> declaring_type, std::string short_name) {
if (declaring_type) {
TypeDef* def = db->Resolve(declaring_type.value());
return def->qualified_name + "::" + short_name;
std::string result;
for (const std::string& ns : stack)
result += ns + "::";
result += short_name;
return result;
std::optional<TypeId> ResolveDeclaringType(CXCursorKind kind, ParsingDatabase* db, const clang::Cursor& cursor, std::optional<TypeId> declaring_type) {
// Resolve the declaring type for out-of-line method definitions.
if (!declaring_type) {
clang::Cursor parent = cursor.get_semantic_parent();
switch (parent.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_ClassDecl:
case CXCursor_StructDecl:
declaring_type = db->ToTypeId(parent.get_usr());
// FieldDecl, etc must have a declaring type.
assert(cursor.get_kind() != kind || declaring_type);
return declaring_type;
// |func_id| is the function definition that is currently being processed.
void InsertReference(ParsingDatabase* db, std::optional<FuncId> func_id, clang::Cursor referencer) {
clang::SourceLocation loc = referencer.get_source_location();
clang::Cursor referenced = referencer.get_referenced();
// Try to reference the actual template, instead of a specialization.
CXCursor generic_def = clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(referenced.cx_cursor);
if (!clang_Cursor_isNull(generic_def))
referenced = clang::Cursor(generic_def);
switch (referenced.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_Constructor:
case CXCursor_Destructor:
case CXCursor_CXXMethod:
case CXCursor_FunctionDecl:
case CXCursor_FunctionTemplate:
FuncId referenced_id = db->ToFuncId(referenced.get_usr());
FuncDef* referenced_def = db->Resolve(referenced_id);
if (func_id) {
FuncDef* func_def = db->Resolve(func_id.value());
func_def->callees.push_back(FuncRef(referenced_id, loc));
referenced_def->callers.push_back(FuncRef(func_id.value(), loc));
case CXCursor_ParmDecl:
case CXCursor_FieldDecl:
case CXCursor_VarDecl:
VarId referenced_id = db->ToVarId(referenced.get_usr());
VarDef* referenced_def = db->Resolve(referenced_id);
std::cerr << "Unhandled reference from \"" << referencer.ToString()
<< "\" to \"" << referenced.ToString() << "\"" << std::endl;
void InsertTypeUsageAtLocation(ParsingDatabase* db, clang::Type type, const clang::SourceLocation& location) {
clang::Type raw_type = type.strip_qualifiers();
std::string usr = raw_type.get_usr();
if (usr == "")
// Add a usage to the type of the variable.
TypeId type_id = db->ToTypeId(raw_type.get_usr());
struct VarDeclVisitorParam {
ParsingDatabase* db;
std::optional<FuncId> func_id;
bool seen_type_ref = false;
VarDeclVisitorParam(ParsingDatabase* db, std::optional<FuncId> func_id)
: db(db), func_id(func_id) {}
// NOTE: This function does not process any of the definitions/etc defined
// inside of the call initializing the variable. That should be handled
// by the function-definition visitor!
clang::VisiterResult VarDeclVisitor(clang::Cursor cursor, clang::Cursor parent, VarDeclVisitorParam* param) {
switch (cursor.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_TemplateRef:
InsertTypeUsageAtLocation(param->db, cursor.get_referenced().get_type(), cursor.get_source_location());
return clang::VisiterResult::Continue;
case CXCursor_TypeRef:
// This block of code will have two TypeRef nodes:
// Foo Foo::name = 3
// We try to avoid the second reference here by only processing the first one.
if (!param->seen_type_ref) {
param->seen_type_ref = true;
InsertTypeUsageAtLocation(param->db, cursor.get_referenced().get_type(), cursor.get_source_location());
return clang::VisiterResult::Continue;
case CXCursor_CallExpr:
case CXCursor_UnexposedExpr:
case CXCursor_UnaryOperator:
return clang::VisiterResult::Continue;
std::cerr << "VarDeclVisitor unhandled " << cursor.ToString() << std::endl;
return clang::VisiterResult::Continue;
void HandleVarDecl(ParsingDatabase* db, NamespaceStack* ns, clang::Cursor var, std::optional<TypeId> declaring_type, std::optional<FuncId> func_id, bool declare_variable) {
// Add a usage to the type of the variable.
//if (var.is_definition())
// InsertTypeUsageAtLocation(db, var.get_type(), var.get_source_location());
// Add usage to types.
VarDeclVisitorParam varDeclVisitorParam(db, func_id);
var.VisitChildren(&VarDeclVisitor, &varDeclVisitorParam);
if (!declare_variable)
// Note: if there is no USR then there can be no declaring type, as all
// member variables of a class must have a name. Only function parameters
// can be nameless.
std::string var_usr = var.get_usr();
if (var_usr.size() == 0) {
assert(var.get_kind() == CXCursor_ParmDecl);
VarId var_id = db->ToVarId(var_usr);
VarDef* var_def = db->Resolve(var_id);
declaring_type = ResolveDeclaringType(CXCursor_FieldDecl, db, var, declaring_type);
if (declaring_type && !var_def->declaration) {
// Note: If USR is null there can be no declaring type.
var_def->declaring_type = declaring_type;
// TODO: We could use RAII to verify we don't modify db while have a *Def
// instance alive.
var_def->short_name = var.get_spelling();
var_def->qualified_name =
ns->ComputeQualifiedName(db, declaring_type, var_def->short_name);
// We don't do any additional processing for non-definitions.
if (!var.is_definition()) {
var_def->declaration = var.get_source_location();
// If we're a definition and there hasn't been a forward decl, just assign
// declaration location to definition location.
else if (!var_def->declaration) {
var_def->declaration = var.get_source_location();
// TODO: Figure out how to scan initializations properly. We probably need
// to scan for assignment statement, or definition+ctor.
clang::Type var_type = var.get_type().strip_qualifiers();
std::string var_type_usr = var.get_type().strip_qualifiers().get_usr();
if (var_type_usr != "") {
var_def->variable_type = db->ToTypeId(var_type_usr);
for (clang::Type template_param_type : var_type.get_template_arguments()) {
std::string usr = template_param_type.get_usr();
if (usr == "")
//TypeId template_param_id = db->ToTypeId(usr);
InsertTypeUsageAtLocation(db, template_param_type, var.get_source_location());
//std::cout << template_param_type.get_usr() << std::endl;
//VarDeclVisitorParam varDeclVisitorParam(db, func_id);
//var.VisitChildren(&VarDeclVisitor, &varDeclVisitorParam);
// TODO: Should we declare variables on prototypes? ie,
// foo(int* x);
// I'm inclined to say yes if we want a rename refactoring.
struct FuncDefinitionParam {
ParsingDatabase* db;
NamespaceStack* ns;
FuncId func_id;
bool is_definition;
bool has_return_type;
FuncDefinitionParam(ParsingDatabase* db, NamespaceStack* ns, FuncId func_id, bool is_definition, bool has_return_type)
: db(db), ns(ns), func_id(func_id), is_definition(is_definition), has_return_type(has_return_type) {}
clang::VisiterResult VisitFuncDefinition(clang::Cursor cursor, clang::Cursor parent, FuncDefinitionParam* param) {
if (param->has_return_type) {
// Foo* Foo::Bar() {} will have two TypeRef nodes.
assert(cursor.get_kind() == CXCursor_TypeRef);
InsertTypeUsageAtLocation(param->db, cursor.get_referenced().get_type(), cursor.get_source_location());
param->has_return_type = false;
//std::cout << "VistFuncDefinition got " << cursor.ToString() << std::endl;
switch (cursor.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_CallExpr:
// When CallExpr points to a constructor, it does not have a child
// DeclRefExpr which also points to the constructor. Normal function calls
// (to a function of any type) look like this:
// CallExpr func_name
// ... (setup this pointer)
// *RefExpr func_name
// ... (setup arguments)
// Constructors, on the other hand, look like this:
// CallExpr func_name
// ... (setup arguments)
// We can't check the parent for a VarDecl, because a normal CallExpr could
// point to that. We simply check if the cursor references a constructor,
// and if so, insert the reference now, since it won't happen later.
if (cursor.get_referenced().get_kind() == CXCursor_Constructor)
InsertReference(param->db, param->func_id, cursor);
return clang::VisiterResult::Recurse;
case CXCursor_MemberRefExpr:
case CXCursor_DeclRefExpr:
InsertReference(param->db, param->func_id, cursor);
return clang::VisiterResult::Recurse;
case CXCursor_VarDecl:
case CXCursor_ParmDecl:
//std::cout << "!! Parsing var decl " << cursor.ToString() << std::endl;
HandleVarDecl(param->db, param->ns, cursor, std::nullopt, param->func_id, param->is_definition);
return clang::VisiterResult::Recurse;
case CXCursor_ReturnStmt:
return clang::VisiterResult::Recurse;
//std::cerr << "Unhandled VisitFuncDefinition kind " << clang::ToString(cursor.get_kind()) << std::endl;
return clang::VisiterResult::Recurse;
void HandleFunc(ParsingDatabase* db, NamespaceStack* ns, clang::Cursor func, std::optional<TypeId> declaring_type) {
// What this method must process:
// - function declaration
// - function definition
// - method declaration
// - method inline definition
// - method definition
// Resolve id before checking for is_definition so that we insert the
// function into the db even if it is only a prototype. This is needed for
// various file-level operations like outlining.
FuncId func_id = db->ToFuncId(func.get_usr());
// TODO: Consider skipping some of this processing if we've done it already
// (ie, parsed prototype, then parse definition).
declaring_type =
ResolveDeclaringType(CXCursor_CXXMethod, db, func, declaring_type);
FuncDef* func_def = db->Resolve(func_id);
func_def->short_name = func.get_spelling();
func_def->qualified_name =
ns->ComputeQualifiedName(db, declaring_type, func_def->short_name);
if (declaring_type && !func_def->declaration) {
func_def->declaring_type = declaring_type;
// Don't process definition/body for declarations.
if (!func.is_definition()) {
func_def->declaration = func.get_source_location();
// We insert type references for arguments but don't use the normal visitor
// because that will add a definition for the variable. These are not
// "real" variables so we don't want to add definitions for them.
// We navigate using cursor arguments so we can get location data.
for (clang::Cursor arg : func.get_arguments()) {
switch (arg.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_ParmDecl:
InsertTypeUsageAtLocation(db, arg.get_type(), arg.get_source_location());
if (func.is_definition())
func_def->definition = func.get_source_location();
// Ignore any fundamental types for return. Note that void is a fundamental
// type.
bool has_return_type = !func.get_type().get_return_type().is_fundamental();
FuncDefinitionParam funcDefinitionParam(db, &NamespaceStack::kEmpty, func_id, func.is_definition(), has_return_type);
func.VisitChildren(&VisitFuncDefinition, &funcDefinitionParam);
struct UsingParam {
ParsingDatabase* db;
TypeId active_type;
UsingParam(ParsingDatabase* db, TypeId active_type)
: db(db), active_type(active_type) {}
clang::VisiterResult VisitUsing(clang::Cursor cursor, clang::Cursor parent, UsingParam* param) {
ParsingDatabase* db = param->db;
switch (cursor.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_TypeRef:
TypeId source_type = db->ToTypeId(cursor.get_referenced().get_usr());
db->Resolve(param->active_type)->alias_of = source_type;
return clang::VisiterResult::Break;
std::cerr << "Unhandled VisitClassDecl kind " << clang::ToString(cursor.get_kind()) << std::endl;
return clang::VisiterResult::Continue;
struct ClassDeclParam {
ParsingDatabase* db;
NamespaceStack* ns;
TypeId active_type;
ClassDeclParam(ParsingDatabase* db, NamespaceStack* ns, TypeId active_type)
: db(db), ns(ns), active_type(active_type) {}
clang::VisiterResult VisitClassDecl(clang::Cursor cursor, clang::Cursor parent, ClassDeclParam* param) {
ParsingDatabase* db = param->db;
switch (cursor.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_CXXAccessSpecifier:
case CXCursor_Constructor:
case CXCursor_Destructor:
case CXCursor_CXXMethod:
HandleFunc(param->db, param->ns, cursor, param->active_type);
case CXCursor_FieldDecl:
case CXCursor_VarDecl:
HandleVarDecl(param->db, param->ns, cursor, param->active_type, std::nullopt, true /*declare_variable*/);
std::cerr << "Unhandled VisitClassDecl kind " << clang::ToString(cursor.get_kind()) << std::endl;
return clang::VisiterResult::Continue;
void HandleClassDecl(clang::Cursor cursor, ParsingDatabase* db, NamespaceStack* ns, bool is_alias) {
TypeId type_id = db->ToTypeId(cursor.get_usr());
TypeDef* type_def = db->Resolve(type_id);
type_def->short_name = cursor.get_spelling();
// TODO: Support nested classes (pass in declaring type insteaad of nullopt!)
type_def->qualified_name =
ns->ComputeQualifiedName(db, std::nullopt, type_def->short_name);
if (!cursor.is_definition()) {
if (!type_def->declaration)
type_def->declaration = cursor.get_source_location();
type_def->definition = cursor.get_source_location();
if (is_alias) {
UsingParam usingParam(db, type_id);
cursor.VisitChildren(&VisitUsing, &usingParam);
else {
ClassDeclParam classDeclParam(db, ns, type_id);
cursor.VisitChildren(&VisitClassDecl, &classDeclParam);
struct FileParam {
ParsingDatabase* db;
NamespaceStack* ns;
FileParam(ParsingDatabase* db, NamespaceStack* ns) : db(db), ns(ns) {}
clang::VisiterResult VisitFile(clang::Cursor cursor, clang::Cursor parent, FileParam* param) {
switch (cursor.get_kind()) {
case CXCursor_Namespace:
// For a namespace, visit the children of the namespace, but this time with
// a pushed namespace stack.
cursor.VisitChildren(&VisitFile, param);
case CXCursor_TypeAliasDecl:
case CXCursor_TypedefDecl:
HandleClassDecl(cursor, param->db, param->ns, true /*is_alias*/);
case CXCursor_ClassTemplate:
case CXCursor_StructDecl:
case CXCursor_ClassDecl:
// TODO: Cleanup Handle* param order.
HandleClassDecl(cursor, param->db, param->ns, false /*is_alias*/);
case CXCursor_CXXMethod:
case CXCursor_FunctionDecl:
case CXCursor_FunctionTemplate:
HandleFunc(param->db, param->ns, cursor, std::nullopt);
case CXCursor_VarDecl:
HandleVarDecl(param->db, param->ns, cursor, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, true /*declare_variable*/);
std::cerr << "Unhandled VisitFile kind " << clang::ToString(cursor.get_kind()) << std::endl;
return clang::VisiterResult::Continue;
ParsingDatabase Parse2(std::string filename) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
clang::Index index(0 /*excludeDeclarationsFromPCH*/, 0 /*displayDiagnostics*/);
clang::TranslationUnit tu(index, filename, args);
std::cout << "Start document dump" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Done document dump" << std::endl << std::endl;
ParsingDatabase db;
NamespaceStack ns;
FileParam file_param(&db, &ns);
tu.document_cursor().VisitChildren(&VisitFile, &file_param);
return db;
@ -1293,67 +682,7 @@ bool IsTypeDefinition(const CXIdxContainerInfo* container) {
#if false
struct TypeResolution {
std::optional<TypeId> resolved_type;
// If |check_template_arguments| is true, |original_type| may have template
// parameters with interesting usage information.
std::vector<clang::Type> template_arguments;
TypeResolution ResolveToType(ParsingDatabase* db, clang::Type type) {
TypeResolution result;
type = type.strip_qualifiers();
std::string usr = type.get_usr();
if (usr == "")
return result;
// TODO: Add a check and don't resolve template specializations that exist in source code.
// Resolve template specialization so that we always point to the non-specialized type.
result.template_arguments = type.get_template_arguments();
if (result.template_arguments.size() > 0) {
clang::Cursor decl = clang_getTypeDeclaration(type.cx_type);
clang::Cursor unresolved_decl = clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(decl.cx_cursor);
usr = clang::Cursor(unresolved_decl).get_usr();
std::string template_usr = clang::Cursor(unresolved_decl).get_usr();
if (template_usr != "") {
result.check_template_arguments = true;
result.original_type = type;
usr = template_usr;
result.resolved_type = db->ToTypeId(usr);
return result;
clang::SourceLocation FindLocationOfTypeSpecifier(clang::Cursor cursor) {
std::cout << "FindLocationOfTypeSpecifier " << std::endl;
std::optional<clang::Cursor> child = FindType(cursor);
assert(child.has_value()); // If this assert ever fails just use |cursor| loc or figure out what type ref we are missing.
return child.value().get_source_location();
void AddInterestingUsageToType(ParsingDatabase* db, TypeResolution resolved_type, clang::SourceLocation location) {
// TODO: pass cursor in. Implement custom visitor just for this. Cursor resolves type as needed. Can we use visitor types as the actual types?
TypeDef* type_def = db->Resolve(resolved_type.resolved_type.value());
//if (resolved_type.check_template_arguments) {
struct VisitDeclForTypeUsageParam {
ParsingDatabase* db;
@ -1780,7 +1109,6 @@ void indexEntityReference(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxEntityRefInfo* re
case CXIdxEntity_Struct:
case CXIdxEntity_CXXClass:
std::cout << "Reference at " << clang::SourceLocation(ref->loc).ToString() << std::endl;
TypeId referenced_id = db->ToTypeId(ref->referencedEntity->USR);
TypeDef* referenced_def = db->Resolve(referenced_id);
@ -1791,10 +1119,8 @@ void indexEntityReference(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxEntityRefInfo* re
// not appear to be a good way to disambiguate these references, as using
// parent type alone breaks other indexing tasks.
// To work around this, we store the last type usage location. If our
// current location is the same as that location, don't report it as a
// usage. We don't need to check active type id because there can only be
// one type reference at any location in code.
// To work around this, we check to see if the usage location has been
// inserted into all_uses previously.
// struct Foo {};
// void Make() {
@ -1802,45 +1128,9 @@ void indexEntityReference(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxEntityRefInfo* re
// }
clang::SourceLocation loc = ref->loc;
//if (param->last_type_usage_location == loc) break;
//param->last_type_usage_location = loc;
if (!HasUsage(referenced_def->all_uses, loc))
// Variable declarations have an embedded TypeRef.
if (cursor.get_kind() == CXCursor_TypeRef &&
ref->parentEntity && ref->parentEntity->kind == CXIdxEntity_Variable) {
// If this is a type reference to a method then there will be two calls to
// this method with a TypeRef cursor kind. Only the return type is an
// interesting use (ie, Foo* is interesting, but not |Foo| in Foo::Hello).
// Foo* Foo::Hello() {}
// We handle this by adding a |needs_return_type_index| bool to FuncDef.
// It is only set to true when the type has a return value. We visit the
// return type TypeRef first, so we consume the bool and the second TypeRef
// will not get marked as interesting.
if (cursor.get_kind() == CXCursor_TypeRef &&
ref->parentEntity && ref->parentEntity->kind == CXIdxEntity_CXXInstanceMethod) {
FuncId declaring_func_id = db->ToFuncId(ref->parentEntity->USR);
FuncDef* declaring_func_def = db->Resolve(declaring_func_id);
if (declaring_func_def->needs_return_type_index) {
declaring_func_def->needs_return_type_index = false;
@ -1869,7 +1159,7 @@ ParsingDatabase Parse(std::string filename) {
clang::Index index(0 /*excludeDeclarationsFromPCH*/, 0 /*displayDiagnostics*/);
clang::TranslationUnit tu(index, filename, args);
CXIndexAction index_action = clang_IndexAction_create(index.cx_index);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user