mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 00:56:57 +00:00
Optimize import pipeline.
Previous implementation was slower at reindexing if loading from cache because primary cc files would be reindexed for every dependency that changed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -744,7 +744,6 @@ struct Index_DoIndex {
// of the dependencies. The main cc will then be parsed, which will include
// updates to all dependencies.
@ -762,10 +761,13 @@ struct Index_DoIdMap {
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> previous;
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> current;
explicit Index_DoIdMap(std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> current)
: current(std::move(current)) {}
explicit Index_DoIdMap(std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> previous,
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> current)
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> current)
: previous(std::move(previous)),
current(std::move(current)) {}
current(std::move(current)) {}
struct Index_OnIdMapped {
@ -913,85 +915,83 @@ void RegisterMessageTypes() {
void DispatchDependencyImports(Index_DoIndexQueue* queue_do_index,
Index_DoIndex::Type request_type,
const std::vector<std::string>& dependencies) {
// Import all dependencies.
for (auto& dependency_path : dependencies) {
std::cerr << "- Dispatching dependency import " << dependency_path << std::endl;
queue_do_index->PriorityEnqueue(Index_DoIndex(request_type, dependency_path, nullopt));
void ImportCachedIndex(IndexerConfig* config,
Index_DoIndexQueue* queue_do_index,
bool ImportCachedIndex(IndexerConfig* config,
FileConsumer::SharedState* file_consumer_shared,
Index_DoIdMapQueue* queue_do_id_map,
const std::string path,
int64_t* last_modification_time) {
*last_modification_time = 0;
const std::string& tu_path) {
// TODO: only load cache if command line arguments are the same.
Timer time;
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> cache = LoadCachedIndex(config, path);
time.ResetAndPrint("Reading cached index from disk " + path);
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> cache = LoadCachedIndex(config, tu_path);
time.ResetAndPrint("Reading cached index from disk " + tu_path);
if (!cache)
return true;
DispatchDependencyImports(queue_do_index, Index_DoIndex::Type::ImportOnly, cache->dependencies);
bool needs_reparse = false;
*last_modification_time = cache->last_modification_time;
Index_DoIdMap response(nullptr, std::move(cache));
// Import all dependencies.
for (auto& dependency_path : cache->dependencies) {
std::cerr << "- Got dependency " << dependency_path << std::endl;
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> cache = LoadCachedIndex(config, dependency_path);
if (GetLastModificationTime(cache->path) == cache->last_modification_time)
needs_reparse = true;
// Import primary file.
if (GetLastModificationTime(tu_path) == cache->last_modification_time)
needs_reparse = true;
return needs_reparse;
void ParseFile(IndexerConfig* config,
FileConsumer::SharedState* file_consumer_shared,
Index_DoIdMapQueue* queue_do_id_map,
const std::string& path,
const optional<std::vector<std::string>>& args,
std::vector<std::string>* opt_out_dependencies) {
const std::string& tu_or_dep_path,
const optional<std::vector<std::string>>& args) {
Timer time;
// Parse request and send a response.
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> cached_path_index = LoadCachedIndex(config, path);
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> cache_for_args = LoadCachedIndex(config, tu_or_dep_path);
if (cached_path_index) {
// Give the user dependencies if requested.
if (opt_out_dependencies)
*opt_out_dependencies = cached_path_index->dependencies;
// Skip index if file modification time didn't change.
int64_t modification_time = GetLastModificationTime(path);
if (modification_time == cached_path_index->last_modification_time) {
time.ResetAndPrint("Skipping index update on " + path + " since file modification time has not changed");
else {
time.ResetAndPrint("Modification time on " + path + " has changed from " + std::to_string(cached_path_index->last_modification_time) + " to " + std::to_string(modification_time));
std::string tu_path = cache_for_args ? cache_for_args->import_file : tu_or_dep_path;
// TODO: Replace checking cache for arguments by guessing arguments on via directory structure. That will also work better for new files.
const std::vector<std::string>& tu_args = args ? *args : cache_for_args ? cache_for_args->args : kEmptyArgs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile>> indexes = Parse(
config, file_consumer_shared,
path, cached_path_index ? cached_path_index->import_file : path,
args ? *args : cached_path_index ? cached_path_index->args : kEmptyArgs);
time.ResetAndPrint("Parsing/indexing " + path);
tu_path, tu_args);
time.ResetAndPrint("Parsing/indexing " + tu_path + " with args " + StringJoin(tu_args));
for (std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile>& new_index : indexes) {
std::cerr << "Got index for " << new_index->path << std::endl;
// Load the cached index.
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> cached_index;
if (new_index->path == path)
cached_index = std::move(cached_path_index);
if (cache_for_args && new_index->path == cache_for_args->path)
cached_index = std::move(cache_for_args);
cached_index = LoadCachedIndex(config, new_index->path);
// TODO: Enable this assert when we are no longer forcibly indexing the primary file.
//assert(!cached_index || GetLastModificationTime(new_index->path) != cached_index->last_modification_time);
time.ResetAndPrint("Loading cached index");
// Update dependencies on |new_index|, since they won't get reparsed if we
// have parsed them once before.
if (cached_index)
AddRange(&new_index->dependencies, cached_index->dependencies);
// Any any existing dependencies to |new_index| that were there before,
// because we will not reparse them if they haven't changed.
// TODO: indexer should always include dependencies. This doesn't let us remove old dependencies.
if (cached_index) {
for (auto& dep : cached_index->dependencies) {
if (std::find(new_index->dependencies.begin(), new_index->dependencies.end(), dep) == new_index->dependencies.end())
// Cache the newly indexed file. This replaces the existing cache.
// TODO: Run this as another import pipeline stage.
@ -1005,6 +1005,40 @@ void ParseFile(IndexerConfig* config,
bool ResetStaleFiles(IndexerConfig* config,
FileConsumer::SharedState* file_consumer_shared,
const std::string& tu_path) {
Timer time;
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> cache = LoadCachedIndex(config, tu_path);
time.ResetAndPrint("Reading cached index from disk " + tu_path);
if (!cache) {
std::cerr << "[indexer] Unable to load existing index from file when freshening (dependences will not be freshened)" << std::endl;
return true;
bool needs_reparse = false;
// Check dependencies
for (auto& dependency_path : cache->dependencies) {
std::cerr << "- Got dependency " << dependency_path << std::endl;
std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile> cache = LoadCachedIndex(config, dependency_path);
if (GetLastModificationTime(cache->path) != cache->last_modification_time) {
needs_reparse = true;
// Check primary file
if (GetLastModificationTime(tu_path) != cache->last_modification_time) {
needs_reparse = true;
return needs_reparse;
bool IndexMain_DoIndex(IndexerConfig* config,
FileConsumer::SharedState* file_consumer_shared,
Project* project,
@ -1017,18 +1051,14 @@ bool IndexMain_DoIndex(IndexerConfig* config,
Timer time;
switch (index_request->type) {
case Index_DoIndex::Type::ImportOnly: {
int64_t cache_modification_time;
ImportCachedIndex(config, queue_do_index, queue_do_id_map, index_request->path, &cache_modification_time);
case Index_DoIndex::Type::ImportThenParse: {
int64_t cache_modification_time;
ImportCachedIndex(config, queue_do_index, queue_do_id_map, index_request->path, &cache_modification_time);
// This assumes index_request->path is a cc or translation unit file (ie,
// it is in compile_commands.json).
bool needs_reparse = ImportCachedIndex(config, file_consumer_shared, queue_do_id_map, index_request->path);
// If the file has been updated, we need to reparse it.
if (GetLastModificationTime(index_request->path) > cache_modification_time) {
if (needs_reparse) {
// Instead of parsing the file immediately, we push the request to the
// back of the queue so we will finish all of the Import requests
// before starting to run actual index jobs. This gives the user a
@ -1040,14 +1070,19 @@ bool IndexMain_DoIndex(IndexerConfig* config,
case Index_DoIndex::Type::Parse: {
ParseFile(config, file_consumer_shared, queue_do_id_map, index_request->path, index_request->args, nullptr);
// index_request->path can be a cc/tu or a dependency path.
ParseFile(config, file_consumer_shared, queue_do_id_map, index_request->path, index_request->args);
case Index_DoIndex::Type::Freshen: {
std::vector<std::string> dependencies;
ParseFile(config, file_consumer_shared, queue_do_id_map, index_request->path, index_request->args, &dependencies);
DispatchDependencyImports(queue_do_index, Index_DoIndex::Type::Freshen, dependencies);
// This assumes index_request->path is a cc or translation unit file (ie,
// it is in compile_commands.json).
bool needs_reparse = ResetStaleFiles(config, file_consumer_shared, index_request->path);
if (needs_reparse)
ParseFile(config, file_consumer_shared, queue_do_id_map, index_request->path, index_request->args);
@ -18,6 +18,18 @@ bool operator==(const CXFileUniqueID& a, const CXFileUniqueID& b) {
return a.data[0] == b.data[0] && a.data[1] == b.data[1] && a.data[2] == b.data[2];
bool FileConsumer::SharedState::Mark(const std::string& file) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
return files.insert(file).second;
void FileConsumer::SharedState::Reset(const std::string& file) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
auto it = files.find(file);
if (it != files.end())
FileConsumer::FileConsumer(SharedState* shared_state) : shared_(shared_state) {}
IndexedFile* FileConsumer::TryConsumeFile(CXFile file, bool* is_first_ownership) {
@ -39,11 +51,7 @@ IndexedFile* FileConsumer::TryConsumeFile(CXFile file, bool* is_first_ownership)
std::string file_name = FileName(file);
// No result in local; we need to query global.
bool did_insert = false;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(shared_->mutex);
did_insert = shared_->files.insert(file_name).second;
bool did_insert = shared_->Mark(file_name);
*is_first_ownership = did_insert;
local_[file_id] = did_insert ? MakeUnique<IndexedFile>(file_name) : nullptr;
return local_[file_id].get();
@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ struct FileConsumer {
struct SharedState {
mutable std::unordered_set<std::string> files;
mutable std::mutex mutex;
// Mark the file as used. Returns true if the file was not previously used.
bool Mark(const std::string& file);
// Reset the used state (ie, mark the file as unused).
void Reset(const std::string& file);
FileConsumer(SharedState* shared_state);
@ -1341,20 +1341,19 @@ void indexEntityReference(CXClientData client_data,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile>> Parse(
IndexerConfig* config, FileConsumer::SharedState* file_consumer_shared,
std::string desired_index_file, std::string import_file,
std::string file,
std::vector<std::string> args,
bool dump_ast) {
if (!config->enableIndexing)
return {};
desired_index_file = NormalizePath(desired_index_file);
import_file = NormalizePath(import_file);
file = NormalizePath(file);
clang::Index index(0 /*excludeDeclarationsFromPCH*/,
0 /*displayDiagnostics*/);
std::vector<CXUnsavedFile> unsaved_files;
clang::TranslationUnit tu(config, index, import_file, args, unsaved_files, CXTranslationUnit_KeepGoing);
clang::TranslationUnit tu(config, index, file, args, unsaved_files, CXTranslationUnit_KeepGoing);
if (dump_ast)
@ -1369,21 +1368,18 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile>> Parse(
FileConsumer file_consumer(file_consumer_shared);
IndexParam param(&file_consumer);
CXFile file = clang_getFile(tu.cx_tu, desired_index_file.c_str());
param.primary_file = file_consumer.ForceLocal(file);
if (desired_index_file != import_file)
param.primary_file = nullptr;
// TODO: There is no real reason why we need |ForceLocal|. Remove it when we
// have argument guessing.
CXFile cx_file = clang_getFile(tu.cx_tu, file.c_str());
param.primary_file = file_consumer.ForceLocal(cx_file);
if (desired_index_file != import_file)
std::cerr << "!! [START] Indexing desired_index_file=" << desired_index_file << ", import_file=" << import_file << std::endl;
std::cerr << "!! [START] Indexing " << desired_index_file << std::endl;
std::cerr << "!! [START] Indexing " << file << std::endl;
CXIndexAction index_action = clang_IndexAction_create(index.cx_index);
clang_indexTranslationUnit(index_action, ¶m, callbacks, sizeof(callbacks),
CXIndexOpt_IndexFunctionLocalSymbols | CXIndexOpt_SkipParsedBodiesInSession | CXIndexOpt_IndexImplicitTemplateInstantiations,
std::cerr << "!! [END] Indexing " << desired_index_file << std::endl;
std::cerr << "!! [END] Indexing " << file << std::endl;
auto result = param.file_consumer->TakeLocalState();
for (auto& entry : result) {
@ -1395,7 +1391,7 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile>> Parse(
entry->id_cache.primary_file = entry->path;
entry->last_modification_time = GetLastModificationTime(entry->path);
entry->import_file = import_file;
entry->import_file = file;
entry->args = args;
@ -1403,21 +1399,21 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile>> Parse(
for (auto& entry : result) {
for (auto& type : entry->types) {
if (!type.HasInterestingState()) {
std::cerr << "!!!! NO INTERESTING STATE FOR " << entry->path << " of !!! " << desired_index_file << std::endl;
std::cerr << "!!!! NO INTERESTING STATE FOR " << entry->path << " of !!! " << file << std::endl;
std::cerr << "!!!! USR " << type.def.usr << std::endl;
for (auto& func : entry->funcs) {
if (!func.HasInterestingState()) {
std::cerr << "!!!! NO INTERESTING STATE FOR " << entry->path << " of !!! " << desired_index_file << std::endl;
std::cerr << "!!!! NO INTERESTING STATE FOR " << entry->path << " of !!! " << file << std::endl;
std::cerr << "!!!! USR " << func.def.usr << std::endl;
for (auto& var : entry->vars) {
if (!var.HasInterestingState()) {
std::cerr << "!!!! NO INTERESTING STATE FOR " << entry->path << " of !!! " << desired_index_file << std::endl;
std::cerr << "!!!! NO INTERESTING STATE FOR " << entry->path << " of !!! " << file << std::endl;
std::cerr << "!!!! USR " << var.def.usr << std::endl;
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ struct IndexedFile {
// |dependencies| are the existing dependencies of |import_file| if this is a reparse.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile>> Parse(
IndexerConfig* config, FileConsumer::SharedState* file_consumer_shared,
std::string desired_index_file, std::string import_file,
std::string file,
std::vector<std::string> args,
bool dump_ast = false);
void IndexInit();
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ void RunTests() {
std::cout << "[START] " << path << std::endl;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IndexedFile>> dbs = Parse(
&config, &file_consumer_shared,
path, path,
@ -66,6 +66,18 @@ std::string ReplaceAll(const std::string& source, const std::string& from, const
return result;
std::string StringJoin(const std::vector<std::string>& values) {
std::string result;
bool first = true;
for (auto& entry : values) {
if (!first)
result += ", ";
first = false;
result += entry;
return result;
static std::vector<std::string> GetFilesInFolderHelper(std::string folder, bool recursive, std::string output_prefix) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ bool StartsWith(const std::string& value, const std::string& start);
bool EndsWith(const std::string& value, const std::string& ending);
std::string ReplaceAll(const std::string& source, const std::string& from, const std::string& to);
std::string StringJoin(const std::vector<std::string>& values);
// Finds all files in the given folder. This is recursive.
std::vector<std::string> GetFilesInFolder(std::string folder, bool recursive, bool add_folder_to_path);
optional<std::string> ReadContent(const std::string& filename);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user