mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 01:26:54 +00:00
Only report diagnostics from code completion document parse.
Also use shared_ptr, hopefully fix memory crashes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ void BuildDetailString(CXCompletionString completion_string, std::string& label,
void EnsureDocumentParsed(CompletionSession* session,
void EnsureDocumentParsed(ClangCompleteManager* manager,
CompletionSession* session,
std::unique_ptr<clang::TranslationUnit>* tu,
clang::Index* index) {
// Nothing to do. We already have a translation unit.
@ -252,6 +253,18 @@ void EnsureDocumentParsed(CompletionSession* session,
std::cerr << "[complete] Creating completion session with arguments " << StringJoin(args) << std::endl;
*tu = MakeUnique<clang::TranslationUnit>(index, session->file.filename, args, unsaved, Flags());
std::cerr << "[complete] Done creating active; did_fail=" << (*tu)->did_fail << std::endl;
// Build diagnostics.
if (!(*tu)->did_fail) {
NonElidedVector<lsDiagnostic> ls_diagnostics;
unsigned num_diagnostics = clang_getNumDiagnostics((*tu)->cx_tu);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_diagnostics; ++i) {
optional<lsDiagnostic> diagnostic = BuildAndDisposeDiagnostic(clang_getDiagnostic((*tu)->cx_tu, i));
if (diagnostic)
manager->on_diagnostic_(session->file.filename, ls_diagnostics);
void CompletionParseMain(ClangCompleteManager* completion_manager) {
@ -273,7 +286,7 @@ void CompletionParseMain(ClangCompleteManager* completion_manager) {
std::unique_ptr<clang::TranslationUnit> parsing;
EnsureDocumentParsed(session, &parsing, &session->index);
EnsureDocumentParsed(completion_manager, session, &parsing, &session->index);
// Activate new translation unit.
// tu_last_parsed_at is only read by this thread, so it doesn't need to be under the mutex.
@ -292,7 +305,7 @@ void CompletionQueryMain(ClangCompleteManager* completion_manager) {
CompletionSession* session = completion_manager->TryGetSession(path, true /*create_if_needed*/);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(session->tu_lock);
EnsureDocumentParsed(session, &session->tu, &session->index);
EnsureDocumentParsed(completion_manager, session, &session->tu, &session->index);
// Language server is 0-based, clang is 1-based.
unsigned line = request->location.position.line + 1;
@ -314,7 +327,7 @@ void CompletionQueryMain(ClangCompleteManager* completion_manager) {
if (!cx_results) {
timer.ResetAndPrint("[complete] Code completion failed");
request->on_complete({}, {});
@ -355,27 +368,10 @@ void CompletionQueryMain(ClangCompleteManager* completion_manager) {
timer.ResetAndPrint("[complete] Building " + std::to_string(ls_result.size()) + " completion results");
// Build diagnostics.
NonElidedVector<lsDiagnostic> ls_diagnostics;
unsigned num_diagnostics = clang_codeCompleteGetNumDiagnostics(cx_results);
std::cerr << "!! There are " + std::to_string(num_diagnostics) + " diagnostics to build\n";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_diagnostics; ++i) {
std::cerr << "!! Building diagnostic " + std::to_string(i) + "\n";
CXDiagnostic cx_diag = clang_codeCompleteGetDiagnostic(cx_results, i);
optional<lsDiagnostic> diagnostic = BuildDiagnostic(cx_diag);
if (diagnostic)
timer.ResetAndPrint("[complete] Build diagnostics");
timer.ResetAndPrint("[complete] clang_disposeCodeCompleteResults");
request->on_complete(ls_result, ls_diagnostics);
@ -398,10 +394,10 @@ CompletionSession* LruSessionCache::TryGetEntry(const std::string& filename) {
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<CompletionSession> LruSessionCache::TryTakeEntry(const std::string& filename) {
std::shared_ptr<CompletionSession> LruSessionCache::TryTakeEntry(const std::string& filename) {
for (int i = 0; i < entries_.size(); ++i) {
if (entries_[i]->file.filename == filename) {
std::unique_ptr<CompletionSession> result = std::move(entries_[i]);
std::shared_ptr<CompletionSession> result = std::move(entries_[i]);
entries_.erase(entries_.begin() + i);
return result;
@ -409,7 +405,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<CompletionSession> LruSessionCache::TryTakeEntry(const std::stri
return nullptr;
void LruSessionCache::InsertEntry(std::unique_ptr<CompletionSession> session) {
void LruSessionCache::InsertEntry(std::shared_ptr<CompletionSession> session) {
if (entries_.size() >= max_entries_)
entries_.insert(entries_.begin(), std::move(session));
@ -418,8 +414,8 @@ void LruSessionCache::InsertEntry(std::unique_ptr<CompletionSession> session) {
ClangCompleteManager::ParseRequest::ParseRequest(const std::string& path)
: request_time(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()), path(path) {}
ClangCompleteManager::ClangCompleteManager(Config* config, Project* project, WorkingFiles* working_files)
: config_(config), project_(project), working_files_(working_files),
ClangCompleteManager::ClangCompleteManager(Config* config, Project* project, WorkingFiles* working_files, OnDiagnostic on_diagnostic)
: config_(config), project_(project), working_files_(working_files), on_diagnostic_(on_diagnostic),
view_sessions_(kMaxViewSessions), edit_sessions_(kMaxEditSessions) {
new std::thread([&]() {
@ -471,7 +467,7 @@ void ClangCompleteManager::NotifyEdit(const std::string& filename) {
if (edit_sessions_.TryGetEntry(filename))
if (std::unique_ptr<CompletionSession> session = view_sessions_.TryTakeEntry(filename)) {
if (std::shared_ptr<CompletionSession> session = view_sessions_.TryTakeEntry(filename)) {
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ struct CompletionSession {
struct LruSessionCache {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CompletionSession>> entries_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CompletionSession>> entries_;
int max_entries_;
LruSessionCache(int max_entries);
@ -43,13 +43,14 @@ struct LruSessionCache {
// likely to be evicted.
CompletionSession* TryGetEntry(const std::string& filename);
// TryGetEntry, except the return value captures ownership.
std::unique_ptr<CompletionSession> TryTakeEntry(const std::string& fiilename);
std::shared_ptr<CompletionSession> TryTakeEntry(const std::string& fiilename);
// Inserts an entry. Evicts the oldest unused entry if there is no space.
void InsertEntry(std::unique_ptr<CompletionSession> session);
void InsertEntry(std::shared_ptr<CompletionSession> session);
struct ClangCompleteManager {
using OnComplete = std::function<void(NonElidedVector<lsCompletionItem> results, NonElidedVector<lsDiagnostic> diagnostics)>;
using OnDiagnostic = std::function<void(std::string path, NonElidedVector<lsDiagnostic> diagnostics)>;
using OnComplete = std::function<void(NonElidedVector<lsCompletionItem> results)>;
struct ParseRequest {
ParseRequest(const std::string& path);
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ struct ClangCompleteManager {
OnComplete on_complete;
ClangCompleteManager(Config* config, Project* project, WorkingFiles* working_files);
ClangCompleteManager(Config* config, Project* project, WorkingFiles* working_files, OnDiagnostic on_diagnostic);
// Start a code completion at the given location. |on_complete| will run when
// completion results are available. |on_complete| may run on any thread.
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ struct ClangCompleteManager {
Config* config_;
Project* project_;
WorkingFiles* working_files_;
OnDiagnostic on_diagnostic_;
// Sessions which have never had a real text-edit applied, but are preloaded
// to give a fast initial experience.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ lsRange GetLsRangeForFixIt(const CXSourceRange& range) {
} // namespace
optional<lsDiagnostic> BuildDiagnostic(CXDiagnostic diagnostic) {
optional<lsDiagnostic> BuildAndDisposeDiagnostic(CXDiagnostic diagnostic) {
// Skip diagnostics in system headers.
CXSourceLocation diag_loc = clang_getDiagnosticLocation(diagnostic);
if (clang_equalLocations(diag_loc, clang_getNullLocation()) ||
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
using namespace std::experimental;
optional<lsDiagnostic> BuildDiagnostic(CXDiagnostic diagnostic);
optional<lsDiagnostic> BuildAndDisposeDiagnostic(CXDiagnostic diagnostic);
// Returns the absolute path to |file|.
std::string FileName(CXFile file);
@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ struct CodeCompleteCache {
optional<std::string> cached_path;
optional<lsPosition> cached_completion_position;
NonElidedVector<lsCompletionItem> cached_results;
NonElidedVector<lsDiagnostic> cached_diagnostics;
bool IsCacheValid(lsTextDocumentPositionParams position) const {
return cached_path == position.textDocument.uri.GetPath() &&
@ -1243,7 +1242,25 @@ optional<lsTextEdit> BuildAutoImplementForFunction(QueryDatabase* db, WorkingFil
return nullopt;
void EmitDiagnostics(WorkingFiles* working_files, std::string path, NonElidedVector<lsDiagnostic> diagnostics) {
// Emit diagnostics.
Out_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics diagnostic_response;
diagnostic_response.params.uri = lsDocumentUri::FromPath(path);
diagnostic_response.params.diagnostics = diagnostics;
IpcManager::instance()->SendOutMessageToClient(IpcId::TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics, diagnostic_response);
// Cache diagnostics so we can show fixits.
// TODO/FIXME: this function can run concurrently on any thread!!!!
// TODO/FIXME: this function can run concurrently on any thread!!!!
// TODO/FIXME: this function can run concurrently on any thread!!!!
// TODO/FIXME: this function can run concurrently on any thread!!!!
// TODO/FIXME: this function can run concurrently on any thread!!!!
// TODO/FIXME: this function can run concurrently on any thread!!!!
// TODO/FIXME: this function can run concurrently on any thread!!!!
WorkingFile* working_file = working_files->GetFileByFilename(path);
if (working_file)
working_file->diagnostics = diagnostics;
@ -1585,38 +1602,21 @@ void ParseFile(Config* config,
// Note: we are reusing the parent perf.
perf.index_load_cached = time.ElapsedMicrosecondsAndReset();
// Publish diagnostics. We should only need to publish empty diagnostics if
// |is_interactive| is true, as we may have previously published diagnostic
// for that file. If the user has diagnostics on files they are not
// editing, then they can either edit the file, in which case
// |is_interactive| will be true, or they can change the flags cquery runs
// with, in which case vscode will get restarted.
if (is_interactive || !new_index->diagnostics.empty()) {
// Emit diagnostics.
Out_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics diag;
diag.params.uri = lsDocumentUri::FromPath(new_index->path);
diag.params.diagnostics = new_index->diagnostics;
IpcManager::instance()->SendOutMessageToClient(IpcId::TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics, diag);
// Cache diagnostics so we can show fixits.
// Publish lines skipped by the preprocessor if this is an interactive
// index.
if (is_interactive) {
WorkingFile* working_file = working_files->GetFileByFilename(new_index->path);
if (working_file) {
working_file->diagnostics = new_index->diagnostics;
// Publish source ranges disabled by preprocessor.
if (is_interactive) {
// TODO: We shouldn't be updating actual indexed content here, but we
// need to use the latest indexed content for the remapping.
// TODO: We should also remap diagnostics.
if (indexed_content)
PublishInactiveLines(working_file, new_index->skipped_by_preprocessor);
// TODO: We shouldn't be updating actual indexed content here, but we
// need to use the latest indexed content for the remapping.
// TODO: We should also remap diagnostics.
if (indexed_content)
PublishInactiveLines(working_file, new_index->skipped_by_preprocessor);
// Any any existing dependencies to |new_index| that were there before,
// because we will not reparse them if they haven't changed.
// TODO: indexer should always include dependencies. This doesn't let us remove old dependencies.
@ -2347,8 +2347,6 @@ bool QueryDbMainLoop(
std::string path = msg->params.textDocument.uri.GetPath();
WorkingFile* file = working_files->GetFileByFilename(path);
// TODO: We should scan include directories to add any missing paths
// It shouldn't be possible, but sometimes vscode will send queries out
// of order, ie, we get completion request before buffer content update.
std::string buffer_line;
@ -2389,9 +2387,7 @@ bool QueryDbMainLoop(
ClangCompleteManager::OnComplete callback = std::bind(
[working_files, global_code_complete_cache, non_global_code_complete_cache, is_global_completion]
(Ipc_TextDocumentComplete* msg, NonElidedVector<lsCompletionItem> results, NonElidedVector<lsDiagnostic> diagnostics) {
auto ipc = IpcManager::instance();
(Ipc_TextDocumentComplete* msg, NonElidedVector<lsCompletionItem> results) {
Out_TextDocumentComplete complete_response;
complete_response.id = msg->id;
@ -2399,54 +2395,42 @@ bool QueryDbMainLoop(
complete_response.result.items = results;
// Emit completion results.
ipc->SendOutMessageToClient(IpcId::TextDocumentCompletion, complete_response);
// Emit diagnostics.
Out_TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics diagnostic_response;
diagnostic_response.params.uri = msg->params.textDocument.uri;
diagnostic_response.params.diagnostics = diagnostics;
ipc->SendOutMessageToClient(IpcId::TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics, diagnostic_response);
std::string path = msg->params.textDocument.uri.GetPath();
// Cache diagnostics so we can show fixits.
WorkingFile* working_file = working_files->GetFileByFilename(path);
if (working_file)
working_file->diagnostics = diagnostics;
IpcManager::instance()->SendOutMessageToClient(IpcId::TextDocumentCompletion, complete_response);
// Cache completion results.
std::string path = msg->params.textDocument.uri.GetPath();
if (is_global_completion) {
global_code_complete_cache->cached_path = path;
global_code_complete_cache->cached_results = results;
global_code_complete_cache->cached_diagnostics = diagnostics;
else {
non_global_code_complete_cache->cached_path = path;
non_global_code_complete_cache->cached_completion_position = msg->params.position;
non_global_code_complete_cache->cached_results = results;
non_global_code_complete_cache->cached_diagnostics = diagnostics;
delete msg;
}, static_cast<Ipc_TextDocumentComplete*>(message.release()), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
}, static_cast<Ipc_TextDocumentComplete*>(message.release()), std::placeholders::_1);
if (is_global_completion && global_code_complete_cache->cached_path == path && !global_code_complete_cache->cached_results.empty()) {
std::cerr << "[complete] Early-returning cached global completion results at " << msg->params.position.ToString() << std::endl;
ClangCompleteManager::OnComplete freshen_global = [global_code_complete_cache](NonElidedVector<lsCompletionItem> results, NonElidedVector<lsDiagnostic> diagnostics) {
ClangCompleteManager::OnComplete freshen_global =
(NonElidedVector<lsCompletionItem> results) {
std::cerr << "[complete] Updated global completion cache" << std::endl;
// note: path is updated in the normal completion handler.
global_code_complete_cache->cached_results = results;
global_code_complete_cache->cached_diagnostics = diagnostics;
clang_complete->CodeComplete(msg->params, std::move(freshen_global));
// Note: callback will delete the message (ie, |params|) so we need to run completion_manager->CodeComplete before |callback|.
callback(global_code_complete_cache->cached_results, global_code_complete_cache->cached_diagnostics);
else if (non_global_code_complete_cache->IsCacheValid(msg->params)) {
std::cerr << "[complete] Using cached completion results at " << msg->params.position.ToString() << std::endl;
callback(non_global_code_complete_cache->cached_results, non_global_code_complete_cache->cached_diagnostics);
else {
clang_complete->CodeComplete(msg->params, std::move(callback));
@ -2521,7 +2505,7 @@ bool QueryDbMainLoop(
if (signature_cache->IsCacheValid(params)) {
std::cerr << "[complete] Using cached completion results at " << params.position.ToString() << std::endl;
callback(signature_cache->cached_results, signature_cache->cached_diagnostics);
else {
clang_complete->CodeComplete(params, std::move(callback));
@ -3215,7 +3199,9 @@ void QueryDbMain(Config* config, MultiQueueWaiter* waiter) {
Project project;
WorkingFiles working_files;
ClangCompleteManager clang_complete(config, &project, &working_files);
ClangCompleteManager clang_complete(
config, &project, &working_files,
std::bind(&EmitDiagnostics, &working_files, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
IncludeComplete include_complete(config, &project);
CodeCompleteCache global_code_complete_cache;
CodeCompleteCache non_global_code_complete_cache;
@ -367,30 +367,6 @@ int abortQuery(CXClientData client_data, void* reserved) {
void diagnostic(CXClientData client_data,
CXDiagnosticSet diagnostics,
void* reserved) {
IndexParam* param = static_cast<IndexParam*>(client_data);
// Print any diagnostics to std::cerr
for (unsigned i = 0; i < clang_getNumDiagnosticsInSet(diagnostics); ++i) {
CXDiagnostic diagnostic = clang_getDiagnosticInSet(diagnostics, i);
// Skip diagnostics in system headers.
CXSourceLocation diag_loc = clang_getDiagnosticLocation(diagnostic);
if (clang_Location_isInSystemHeader(diag_loc))
// Get db so we can attribute diagnostic to the right indexed file.
CXFile file;
unsigned int line, column;
clang_getSpellingLocation(diag_loc, &file, &line, &column, nullptr);
IndexFile* db = ConsumeFile(param, file);
if (!db)
// Build diagnostic.
optional<lsDiagnostic> ls_diagnostic = BuildDiagnostic(diagnostic);
if (ls_diagnostic)
CXIdxClientFile enteredMainFile(CXClientData client_data,
@ -472,9 +472,6 @@ struct IndexFile {
// header we need to lookup the original translation unit and reindex that.
std::string import_file;
// Diagnostics found when indexing the file. This is not saved.
NonElidedVector<lsDiagnostic> diagnostics;
// Source ranges that were not processed.
std::vector<Range> skipped_by_preprocessor;
@ -152,11 +152,6 @@ void RunTests() {
if (db) {
actual_output = db->ToString();
for (lsDiagnostic diag : db->diagnostics) {
std::cerr << db->path << ":" << diag.range.start.line << ":" << diag.range.end.character << ": " << diag.message << std::endl;
// Compare output via rapidjson::Document to ignore any formatting
Reference in New Issue
Block a user